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  • Hi Elf! I am at the end of my semester at grad school and finishing up my clinical internship so things have been a bit hectic but I'm hangin' in. Thanks for asking! Soon, things will slow down and I hope to be on here a little more and also to spend more time with friends around here. How are things for you?
    Hi, Elf. How is your day going today? I wish you the best!

    I realized I posted a return to our little conversation last week, but didn't post it in our conversation. I did the dummy move of posting it to my own visitor page. So belated, but here's the return.

    "Your meandering river imagery felt so soothing. :)

    I'm wishing you the best with wherever life has brought you in your current moment, elf."

    I wish you the same today.
    Hello luv, just a short message (god, I feel so terrible every time I write this, thinking of all the thoughts and effort you put into writing me, but I just hope that you can wait a little while longer until my old self is back at your side, strolling along the secret gardens of our own little world) because the power here comes and goes unpredictably. Hun, I sincerely hope that you are getting the love and appreciation you deserve, and I'll definitely try to contribute to that in any way possible.
    Thank you! If you need more information, don't hesitate to ask. I might join that group of yours. It's a very nice idea, because I feel that there are some of as who are not that into wild parties and such but more into introvert meets introvert.
    Hey brother :) :)

    Really??? you felt like you weren't ready?? I guess it's reeeeaaaaallllyyyyyy scary... and I guess it's extra super scary for an INFJ :0 :0 :0 ... I don't really feel like applying for a job. And I hate interviews... I really think no one would accept me. Grrrr :( :( For some reason, I think interviews are partly useless and partly practical. Useless because you can't really know the person with just a paper or some papers and the course they took and their awards... like you won't really get to know the personality of the person. The person may be super smart and all that but that person may not possess the qualities needed for that job. Practical because there are a lot of people applying for the job and... yeah bwahhahaaha it is hard to get to know a person.

    anyways.... I love love love dancing but......... I feel like I'm about to give up and everything. I don't believe in myself.. like really. I dance because I love to but... there's more to dance.. it's super duper really hard. Because like, you have to be super thin and tall and you have to develop certain muscles and all that. Especially in ballet, resistance creates strength. It's really more than talent.

    I love it so much but... it's hard emotionally and physically. My right knee hurts and my right foot kinda has this I think nerve that got stuck. I just had it massaged yesterday. My left ankle.. I think is developing tendinitis and my nails are dying :( :(... compared to other dancers.. well those things are good but... I can handle them but the other things that are making me lose hope are... like for me, my body is okay. I mean if i'm not a dancer it's fine but in dancing.. especially in ballet.. it's SUPER NOT :( :( I have to lose weight.. so I only eat two tablespoons of rice and a lot of fruits and vegetables and fruit juices and cereal and low fat milk. Plus.. being able to do the splits and all are not enough. You should be able to develop strength with flexibility and everything. Flexible enough to have perfect leg extensions (up to the head) and strong enough to be able to maintain that position ESPECIALLY on pointes <-- in ballet.. and PLUS the balance.. to be able to do multiple turns or very clean single turns...
    ^^^^^ that's the first message :)

    The first one is really long so this is the second part of my message bwahahhahahaha sorry!!! :)

    emotionally because...... it's a lot of very very hard work and I really feel I can't do it anymore.... and I am not really confident.. maybe I have no confidence at all. And there are days when I really have low self confidence and when I go to class I can't turn well or am not really that flexible or I feel fat that adds to my already super low self confidence...

    it's hard...... :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(


    it's really cool and amazing how you use trains and all that. To me, it seems very distant and cool. Also, when you describe your walks at the park or finding berries and stuff, it sounds so fairytale-y to me :) I feel like you're living in a fantasy world or something. Your place seems so natural and seems like there are a lot of places where you can relax. Here it's like..... you have to drive around 2 hours before you find a place where there are relaxing trees and everything.

    :hug: :hug: Have wonderful days to come :) :hug:
    I certainly would enjoy that! I already have plans to make found object art once I'm done with this shitbag of a semester. I want to spend the summer making stuff. I won't be ready by Monday, though. My finals are over May 13. I don't want to half ass this creation.
    They are creepily hilarious to me.
    People make the strangest things and I love it. I have also found antique plates with Darth Vader's likeness somehow stamped onto them.
    I don't think I'd go anywhere near a woman wearing that kind of outfit :D
    If there is one place I'd rather be, it is:
    Hello :)

    I'm sorry I still haven't replied to your other message bwahahhaahhaha

    oh I'm fine bwahahahahaha I guess i'm not that sad anymore or something. The other day, I have a college friend who invited me somewhere. It's like some business place and I was culture shocked :O :O :O (a lot) :0 :0 :0 There were people who are like 13 and a lot of teenagers doing some networking business or whatever and some super rich 20 something people there too. I was culture shocked because they were like working for their own. And I felt so useless. There were teenagers there who earned a lot every week and were able to buy their own cars and own everything. And I felt really scared because I guess I was too protected. I'm not that exposed to working for my own. I'm culture shocked because almost all of my schoolmates and classmates and friends don't really do those things like really work to earn money for ourselves. And I felt sad because I felt like I've been depending everything to my parents.

    I'm scared to work!!!!!!!!! :0 :0 :0

    then......... I realized I'm still 16... and....... I still have 2 years before college and a lot of years in college before working.... but still... the future is near :) :) :)

    and I feel useless dancing... It can't help (like really really help.. like what other people think).. but I still love it!! sooo much!!!!......

    bout you!?!?!?!? what are you doing????

    :hug: :hug: :hug:
    Hello Mr. Elf! I hope your weekend is of the leisurely, dessert like variety. :) What have you been up to?
    Lovely friends who visit here,
    in my heart I hold you dear,
    As a flower to a butterfly,
    I'm thanking you for stopping by.

    Do you know what a special and amazing friend and person you are? I admire you so much amigo!
    Ok, this has nothing to do with anything, but I thought it was cute and would bring a smile to your face!

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