Raccoon Love | Page 37 | INFJ Forum
Raccoon Love
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  • Thanks Raccoon! I'm doing alright. I've pretty much just been sitting around relaxing all day. How about you? Hope you're evening is off to a good start!
    Aww, sweetie - you know I love you, regardless. We're going to try and do our best, and make things equal for all. I can only hope that most members will be as understanding, and patient as you while we transition out.
    It is morning and I haven't had waffles for breakfast, how do you think I feel? ;-))) just kidding. I'm tiered but fine. I didn't like the recent developments on the forum and I'm having some trust issues with some people but beyond that everything is fine with me. How are you doing coony?
    Hey little one, I just thought I'd write you here and tell you that I woke up a little while ago! (wadda nap), lol. I blogged what's going on for me right now, and that I'm just going back to bed I think, as it's pretty late now. So, I just wanted to say sorry I missed you but it's the weekend tomorrow, so hopefully we can catch up then :D xx lotsa love to you!
    gotcha. or you could always do it by PM...but if you don't want to i understand. and question for you...still trying to wrap my head around Ni and the other cognitive functions (rather deep concepts it seems)...but do you find that you might have something you just instinctively understand or "know" such as what a person is going to say next, or how they will react, or even just an idea about a general situation, but have a really hard time either verbalizing/sharing what your idea is or how you knew it? (does that make any sense?) i thought INFJs were supposed to be great at expressing thoughts especially in writing but i seem to suck at it comparatively speaking. (though INFJ fits me the most out of all the temperaments)
    dude! i have a C in math too! and i have a calc quiz tomorrow...oh joy... glad your other classes are going good though.
    and what scenario did you come up with?
    wow, you and Ria managed to make a nice long conversation :p

    yeah, that's good you made it, i can be bad with directions two, never rode the bus though...
    And yeah, i know what you mean about the drama. I sensed it very shortly before all these post and mediations have been flying around..intuition? eh, i doubt it, for an INFJ my intuition absolutely sucks. but i have been to lazy to search through all the posts to form a big picture of what's happening..right now ill i got is sketchy lol.
    so how is school going for you man?
    I know what you mean about the rifts in the forum. Drama drains me, and yes I worry that things will be different and the dynamics and friendships altered. I still plan to stay here and enjoy my home... I am happy though, that you made it safetly home, what a day! I'm going to have a rest now and let my mind travel a bit; I need answers and I need to find the questions I sense but cannot identify if that makes sense, lol. I will be on after I get up... Yawn, stretch and BIG HUGS!!! Maybe see you on msn little bro <3
    Hey little one, I'm doing alright,, but am happier now after your cyber hug! For some reason my smilies don't post anymore; I just lose the whole page and any message I've written, so *hugs* back :D

    How about yourself, how are you doing?
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