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  • I sent you something and asked few questions in PM, I guess, you must be busy with anything now a days, But listen Happy New Year and merry Christmas to you.
    Roger :)
    Thank you for the nice comment, and I'm glad you got your card. :hug:Hope you're having a great weekend and enjoying the run up to Christmas :)
    Today you should add one thing, you can't live without spirituality. :D
    I have canadian friend. :P
    Well about our indian culture, it is very nice. We all go for spirit for any relationship. If we have little amount of friends, relatives or anything like that. We will go to prove it. We will fight for that relationship till last breathe. This is real hard for me. I don't know how easily i can maintain friendship with anyone!
    You're right, there is a beauty in everything still we have to explore. Don't you feel thankful to god, that we realized that we can anything we want. We can explore anything we desire. :) I am happy now...
    I... I read books related to stories, novels, self-development and many more. Mine interest for reading is totally all-around now. :D I like swimming, playing games for a while on my laptop, listening to music. I am student of information technology. 3rd sem.
    I don't agree with one thing. If anyone has bad culture, but some people can be good friends. I think, we have to find them. Like how i am talking to you on these forums. It does not mean that you are not sweet and caring, whatever. You are completely nice person to me. You can see i have not lot of friends here, but i have some good like you. With whom i can share my feelings and like to talk to them(i don't talk with them for time-pass, but for creation, believe me). I want to remain in touch of you. What's your wish?
    Shukriya for sweet compliment. What do you do generally during day time? Any book reading, any activity or anything creative work. You know, i want to talk to you, daily... :D You are also sweet and caring person to me.
    Why jenn, why?? Muffin, you are right i don't understand what do you mean by this... Please let me know.
    Thank you and you are welcome to know about India, anytime. :) I am thankful to you. Glad to meet you. Well, i know very less about your Canada. Can you share with me about it?
    Last Dawn wishes that Grasshopper has a fabulous day and may peace be upon her:hug:
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