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  • Just checking in, seeing how you're doing. I hope life is wonderful for you and that things are good.
    i got my novel to help. but ill prolly get a little stir crazy...for this week for sure, then any bad air quality days (which here they are damned near every day in the winter) or super cold days. so yea...winters gonna be rough.
    well im glad you did...I hope you stay cuz i have definately missed you!

    im getting stuck on house arrest for the rest of the week though...and most of the winter.
    all summer i was living in street fairs makin some cheese. The weathers got me down, had my frist real deathly asthma attack of my life. Dr gave me a tongue lashing like you wouldnt believe. so im stuck in bed recovering. But im working on my new novel for novel writing month and its good! Im very excited!

    glad to see you out from under your rock! hope you stay a while i have missed ya!
    I've had a lot going on dude. Moved out on a part time basis. I've got a new blog that tell it. "Reflections of a Questing Mind". I am surprisingly good however. But there are other...circumstances involved in that.
    I never see posts from you anymore ):

    I also missed your birthday, like a bad forum member ):
    I hope you're doing okay. That all is well.
    I haven't seen you post in a while, just stopping in to say "hey" and that I hope things are going alright for you.
    Things are rollin on here as well. We didn't get much of a summer which was a bummer but the girls are back in school and I'm starting to look forward to Fall. Hope your new pillow does the trick. How's your job going?
    Sorry to hear you're feeling that way lately. Hopefully something does give soon, and I hope it isn't at any cost to you.

    I have been pretty a-okay. I can't really complain. But my life is more or less exactly the same every single day. Kind of boring I guess. But sometimes boring can be really good for a little while.
    Oh no. Here :hug: feel better, my dear.

    I understand the need to have some space especially after long days. Is there a reason they are staying with you at the moment?
    YOU have fallen off the face of the earth. Where and how have you been me dear? =)
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