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  • For some reason, I was thinking Alabama.

    Today I am in Indiana. But this changes rather frequently.
    Within the next few days who is to say.
    I hope such loneliness disappears soon, give it time I am certain you will find happiness and love because you are awesome :).

    Thank you~!~!

    I can drive. I just need my license, but when I was taking driving lessons, I would lose focus sometimes and that's a problem. hehe
    Aw, you need rest too. Stop staring at the screen and go to bed! NOW!...or not. haha

    It's good you had a peaceful ride back home. Yeah, my brain kinda drifts off...somewhere lol when I am on my way back home. Thankfully, I am not the one driving. That would be too dangerous. heh
    sitll studying. Looks like it's going to be an all nighter tonight. lol

    how are you?
    Thank you for your sympathy for my Lyme Disease rage problem. I am glad you were able to get your own anger under control. It only seems to hurt the person who is angry anyway, and for me at least, it makes other people think I am nuts.
    haha, ooo then it must be fun! oh well, I'll have to miss out tonight.

    BUT, I'll come back after my test with some more Odyne love, you tell them that. haha
    Thank you very much for telling me those things about you, I am glad that you had changed your mind somehow, :) Yes, I think you are a good man!!

    I don't like China at all, not even a little bit!!!
    China, >_< !!!
    oh noes. lol I dislike horror. The only horror I can handle is Hannibal Lecter horror, and that's only because I can understand the psychology behind it. aand I kinda like the guy haha

    The other one is SAW I, again for the psychology behind it. Although, I didn't find it scary, I found it funny. I guess I have a twisted sense of humor. :(
    lol, it's okay. I had a feeling that I shouldn't ask but I did anyways because I was curious. :p

    No matter what is is, I think it would be great. Specially, since you're part of the team and that you have given your insight on the script.
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