Raccoon Love
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  • S
    Also, what did I send? I can't find the email in my sent box
    Thanks. Hope it helped. I'm always available for questions if you want to talk.
    Yes we are very much alike some times. And I am learning the same thing .... relaxxxxxxxxxxxxx :-)
    Yeah, junior year is pretty important, but don't stress yourself out too, too much. In the end, you'll look back at this all and realize what a drop in the bucket all of this really is. I hope you're taking steps to also go out and enjoy your youth. It saddens me to think that you've got nothing else to go on but all this emotional stress. :/ Getting some sleep would be a good start, methinks.

    'course, I should be taking my own advice. lol
    <3 you are awesome too darling...I am so glad to know you and I can't wait till the day we get to look back on today and smile. You are amazing. Believe it. I do.
    Six cups of coffee/tea a day? Damn, boy. Got any blood in that caffeine stream? ;)
    What on earth do you need that much caffeine for anyway? You must be doing homework at mach 2.
    All is fun and games until you've got to wake up and face reality the next day, huh? I think those are some noble goals, helping others. I think you would really benefit from doing some volunteer program, perhaps overseas, to expand your horizons a bit, get you out of the house, and get some valuable life experiences that will not only help you personally, but professionally as well. Especially if you're looking at Universities. Grades are important, of course, but if you can show them you're a well-rounded individual, they'll welcome you in with open arms... maybe with a scholarship too. Don't give up on that dream, coon.

    As for me, well, stress has taken up permanent residence around here, so much so, that I don't even realize its there anymore. I've been pretty automatic with studying, with miniature little freak outs here and there. Caffeine and I have become very, very good friends throughout the whole ordeal :)
    Darling, you're talking to the girl who thought she would grow up to be Batman... except female. Those aren't crazy chilldhood careers at all! In fact, they're all still within your reach, so don't write any of them off as impossible.

    The sciences are an amazing field to get into; I only regret I took the "easy route" and did a B.A instead. I would love to go back and do something more substantial, if only because that wouldn't have completely narrowed my options so much.
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