IndigoSensor | Page 21 | INFJ Forum
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  • You KNOW it's the right path, huh? I hope you are right. The closer I get, I can't decide whether I'm more excited or scared out of my wits!

    lol! I don't know how to translate that in MBTI terms just yet. :p
    yeah, I know. I am keeping an eye on it tho, if you know what I mean.
    yeah! this is exactly it man, i didn't even know states of consciousness like this existed outside of drugs. did you feel like when you had yours that you wanted to get back to feeling that way after you left it? i mean i was scared when it was happening, but i want to get back there and explore it.
    Oh btw, incase you were wondering. When you repped me saying I was a horrible typist, and I replied back about grammar... It was because I thought you were referring to my grammar/typing etiquette. Not MBTI. LOL! .... merry xmas
    Just saw your post on Daily Stats.


    It's going to be okay, Indy. I'm sure you'll find out about grad school soon. In the meantime, I hope you're enjoying your time at home and the fact that you've got a whole slew of people wishing you well and crossing their fingers for you :)
    This is like a weird, friendly rendition of the slap-slap-kiss. I'm not sure whether I should be beaming or hiding behind the couch.
    Merry Christmas to you anyhow. ;)
    I agree. I realize I’m the common denominator, and I wasn’t going to do anything but get myself in trouble constantly going back and forth with people trying to get them to comprehend.

    It’s why I took a step back and just lurked.
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