Xmas is over?!?!?!

For whatever reason, this Christmas did seem to go by very quickly...
This thread is awesome :lol:
If it was up to me, I'd celebrate Christmas on December 29th to take advantage of the sales and restocks of items people wanted!

Sounds good. So, now what do we do for the 25th?
oh.. Christmas isn't over yet!!! :) :) :) :) :)
btw, I painted a cabinet over the weekend and watched it dry in your honor!! :)

Really!!! Oh golly!!! Hehe!!

When my comp is up and running I'm going to start a thread so that we can all share our watching paint dry experiences!!!
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I'm going to start a thread so that we can all share our watching paint dry experiences!!!
Yes, folks....this is the kind of quality, high-octane entertainment you'll only find in an INFJ forum!!! AND, coming this spring, brace yourselves for the critically acclaimed spin-off.....grass growing!!!!:)
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