Xmas is over?!?!?!


Well-known member
For those confused by the commercialism of Christmas and complexity of Christmas family and/or other rituals....I bought some decorations today at 50% off. Fine. However, the Christmas season just started on the eve of the 24th...it continues for 8 days until the feast of Epiphany!! I added the half-price decorations to my the little Xmas train....which is running at full blore, thanks...and will continue to run for the entire Octave of Christmas.

Oh, and before Christmas was Advent. Wow....pop culture is sure out of sync!!!! Just an observation...not a complaint. I mean, 50% off is 50% off!!! I'm sure if retailers could find a way to cash in on the entire Octave, they'd waste no time in doing so. I'd better shut up!!! :)
Wow...it's like a secret Christmas. Commercialism didn't ruin Christmas ('cause it is now). They kinda ruined Advent, except they don't know it exists!! Really weird!!
Everyone knows that Christmas isn't over until you're out of money and none of your clothes fit!
I ran out of money two weeks ago...damn x mas was over before it even started!!!
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Fortunately, the "secret Christmas" is more about the soul and less about the pocketbook. :)

Unless you have college kids at home (as I do)...then the pocketbook is still hemorrhaging.
If it was up to me, I'd celebrate Christmas on December 29th to take advantage of the sales and restocks of items people wanted!
Well I dont have college kids but I have roomates...seven mouths to feed and over thirty people on my damned x mas list...next year I'm calling in sick!! I think I like the after Christmas Christmas you speak of. And too many people forget about it!
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