Where are you likely to be found?



I'm a new ENFP here, and I've been hoping to meet more INFJs (for dating and friendship) since we make good matches for one another.

I'm sure I'm around more of them than I realize since we tend to share certain interests (like attending arts events). But especially in a standoffish place like Boston, it's hard to really talk to anyone, let alone people who keep to themselves a bit.

So, I'm wondering if you think there are any INFJ hotspots where I'm likely to encounter you and the best way to approach you in a way that's not too pushy or threatening.

Apologies if this sounds strange; I've had an unusually hard time meeting people here, and I'd like to find people with whom I'm likely to be compatible.
Well you have definetly come to the right place sistaaah :)
I'm an ENFP too, although initially INFJ's may be a little uncomfortable around us because the bubbly outgoingness takes time for them to adapt to. Maybe you can find someone to date on here but I don't think it sounds like you have good intentions if that is what you are looking for. Not so genuine now is it? xD

Although teddy-bear-like friends, yes! *mayflow and lazyhappy are mine*
I am likely to be found by myself staring at the water in a river, watching as the wind moves across the waters and changes its appearance; enjoying the sparkles of the sun's reflections moving to and fro across the waters. Occasionally I'll check my surroundings for safety and other things, look into the sky, and look back at the waters. The tiny reflections have now moved farther away; it was as if they came closer for a visit today.
I am likely to be seen with the same one or two people most of the time. I am not likely to be found in a big crowd, unless maybe once every year or two walking around during a celebration just to get to see something new and different. I am not likely to talk to many people, though, unless we went together. I run when the fireworks go off when they are illegally lit. I am likely spending time with a pet quite often, though the need for social walks is not necessary for me. I would most likely wonder if you were to approach me as to what you were up to. I would consider that dangerous in the world we live in today in many circumstances. If I were sitting on a park bench watching the river, a good approach might be to sit on the next park bench and look at the river; maybe gradually making eye contact to see if there was a smile or tears that could be embraced. I welcome you.
I'm somewhat new here. Enjoy meeting people here and always be cautious in the real world out there. Good luck.
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I am likely to be found by myself staring at the water in a river, watching as the wind moves across the waters and changes its appearance; enjoying the sparkles of the sun's reflections moving to and fro across the waters. Occasionally I'll check my surroundings for safety and other things, look into the sky, and look back at the waters. The tiny reflections have now moved farther away; it was if they came closer for a visit today.

That is so beautiful.
Well you have definetly come to the right place sistaaah :)
I'm an ENFP too, although initially INFJ's may be a little uncomfortable around us because the bubbly outgoingness takes time for them to adapt to. Maybe you can find someone to date on here but I don't think it sounds like you have good intentions if that is what you are looking for. Not so genuine now is it? xD

I would go out with someone I met online, sure, and I don't think has to be bad or manipulative to hope to find someone on a forum. But in my case,all I was hoping for was to find a concentration of INFJs and ask them about more of their habits.

My INFJ friends talk about some parts of their lives on a need-to-know basis. I'm more likely to know their feelings and values than what they do with their time. Which is fine; as an ENFP, the former is more important to me than the latter, but it would help to know the latter.

That was lovely, just me, and thanks for the welcome to you and fly away. I'm a devout ocean-watcher, so it's likely I'll encounter some INFJs there once the weather warms up. I'll try to be less effusive and remember that they're often more wary than I am.
Wait for the chorus.
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At the beach.

Not that you'd be interested, since I'm not INFJ. *cries*
probably at home, sitting at my laptop... or at work... or at a bookstore or library...

there is a little library here for the Chickasaw Nation that i am going to be checking out here...
Small dark cozy coffee shops, a secluded water source, hmmm how to aproach someone well it is difficult. Maybe figure out if they go there at the same time or almost the same time and then after a while tell them hi and that you could not help but noticing that they remind you of how *fill in blank* looked or something then see their reaction and hopefully talk...I don't know...I feel bad at answering these sorts of questions.
I'm here much of my time...

I don't know that we are an easy type to find. A good way might be to join humanitarian organizations and look for introverted people. Other events like poetry readings could be good too. Honestly, I'm not sure what to tell you.

The best bet though is the internet. Put it on a dating site and maybe someone will know what you are talking about. INFJ is one of the rarest, maybe the rarest, personality type.
I get the urge to take a large vehical and run over everything in that room, then plant bombs, a place like that isn't somewhere one should work, it's hardly a step above a prison. I think I'd lose my mind.