I find flirting a difficult subject, because I never know where it crosses over from "harmless fun" into someone actually being serious about what they're saying.
Like lately there's this girl I know online, a friend of a friend type deal. I mentioned once or twice around her (though not really at her) that I needed to get laid. And a while back this devolved into a long spiel about how she could come over and we could hang out and check out girls, and there was joking about her offering to have sex with me going around. Since then she's insinuated stuff like that a couple times more.
And then today she mentioned maybe going to the pride parade in Cologne which is not too far away from where I live. So I told her I could come up and hassle her there and she said "sure, we could make out in the dark corners of the Dom (cathedral)" and told me she'd let me know when she heard more from her friends as to actual plans.
So by now the flirting - for me - passed that "harmless fun" line and went into "okay you're saying stuff like this a little too often for me to not wonder if you're serious about it" territory, and I'm feeling a little weird. But when I get like this I never know if it's just me taking things too seriously or not. Seriously, how do you tell?
Mind you I doubt she has any romantic interest in me but last I checked that wasn't necessarily needed to follow up on the things she's mentioned. :tongue: She probably just wants to meet up and nothing more, but seriously why the constant innuendo? It throws me off.
So, thoughts on when flirting crosses that line? (or this anecdote in particular)
Like lately there's this girl I know online, a friend of a friend type deal. I mentioned once or twice around her (though not really at her) that I needed to get laid. And a while back this devolved into a long spiel about how she could come over and we could hang out and check out girls, and there was joking about her offering to have sex with me going around. Since then she's insinuated stuff like that a couple times more.
And then today she mentioned maybe going to the pride parade in Cologne which is not too far away from where I live. So I told her I could come up and hassle her there and she said "sure, we could make out in the dark corners of the Dom (cathedral)" and told me she'd let me know when she heard more from her friends as to actual plans.
So by now the flirting - for me - passed that "harmless fun" line and went into "okay you're saying stuff like this a little too often for me to not wonder if you're serious about it" territory, and I'm feeling a little weird. But when I get like this I never know if it's just me taking things too seriously or not. Seriously, how do you tell?
Mind you I doubt she has any romantic interest in me but last I checked that wasn't necessarily needed to follow up on the things she's mentioned. :tongue: She probably just wants to meet up and nothing more, but seriously why the constant innuendo? It throws me off.
So, thoughts on when flirting crosses that line? (or this anecdote in particular)
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