When does a girl become a woman (or a boy become a man?)


At what age or at what point in life would you consider a girl to be a woman or a boy to be a man? interpret this question however you like :)
I have a few different answers in order of importance:

1) Turning 18
2) Loss of virginity
3) Never
why 18 and not, say 19? btw thanks for being so succinct

As soon as you hit 18 you're allowed to vote.

Edit: And thank you, succinctness is in my nature.
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13 or 14ish. I think being called a boy or girl is just being called underdeveloped man or woman. One "turns" into the other with the only big change being the developing of the sex organs, getting taller and stronger, etc. I dont think there is a definite changing point from boy to man in a persons life. Just one day you wake up with more responsibilitys and society says "arent you a man? (like you should have already known) go fulfill your duties."
Just one day you wake up with more responsibilitys and society says "arent you a man? (like you should have already known) go fulfill your duties."

In that case over here it's 18, as that's when you're legally responsible for yourself.
In that case over here it's 18, as that's when you're legally responsible for yourself.

I think the law is too arbitrary. You can get empancipated and be a man at 16, maybe earlier IDK. Still I think you are on to something that 18 can be a moment of sink or swim in a persons life and some would call that manhood. In my opinion just graduating high school (or getting some form of schooling to prepare you for later in life) is something a man should do. It is a big responsibility to yourself to do so.

Do you think a person is more a man or a woman when they are fulfilling responsibilities to self or to society?
I think the law is too arbitrary. You can get empancipated and be a man at 16, maybe earlier IDK. Still I think you are on to something that 18 can be a moment of sink or swim in a persons life and some would call that manhood. In my opinion just graduating high school (or getting some form of schooling to prepare you for later in life) is something a man should do. It is a big responsibility to yourself to do so.

Do you think a person is more a man or a woman when they are fulfilling responsibilities to self or to society?

Well actually every culture in the world has determined manhood as being the point where you break parental bonds and are given your own responsibilities. So I guess it differs according to culture, and is therefore more a legal thing.

Although if it's supposed to be a more spiritial or intangible thing then I'd turn to the "never" option. I'm sure there is a difference in me now than when I was 14, but I don't feel it, and it could just be that my greater responsibilities have shaped me.
When they kill their first wolf or bear...

No, maybe when they have the right kind of self-awareness and are able to fully look after themselves in a sensible way - so for some, they're never an adult, just a big child.
Personally, I don't think age has much to do with it.
When they are self sufficient.

So, if a 12-year old is self sufficient and self sustaining should he be considered a man and be allowed to live on his own. etc.?
So, if a 12-year old is self sufficient and self sustaining should he be considered a man and be allowed to live on his own. etc.?

How many 12 year olds do you know are self sufficient?
"A child becomes an adult when he realizes he has a right not only to be right but also to be wrong."
-Thomas S. Szasz

When one takes full responsibility for their actions then they may be considered an adult.
How many 12 year olds do you know are self sufficient?

It's a hypothetical but there are rich kids so it's not impossible. And children of 12 were considered adults at one point.
"A child becomes an adult when he realizes he has a right not only to be right but also to be wrong."
-Thomas S. Szasz

When one takes full responsibility for their actions then they may be considered an adult.

Perfect shot of this thread.

Yes, i agree with her. I am 20 and filling all responsibility and also considering myself as adult person and i am watching to myself as a man.

For general people, a boy turns to man after 20+ and same for a girl to woman. this is the age where s/he starts feeling some kind of responsibility in their life.
It's a hypothetical but there are rich kids so it's not impossible. And children of 12 were considered adults at one point.

If you're using your parents' money, it's not really self sufficient is it.
If you're using your parents' money, it's not really self sufficient is it.

What if it's not your parent's money, but your own? Supposed you worked in media as a actor/celeb and you've earned beaucoup bucks? Do you then not have the right to take full responsibility for yourself even if you are still quite young?