What's your Socionics type? | INFJ Forum

What's your Socionics type?

knight in battle

Well-known member
Feb 28, 2011
I took a word-test twice and came up with INTJ and INFJ. I wonder which system is more compelling to me. It seems very likely, according to recent interactions with a friend, that ESTJs aren't just "intriguing Novelty" to me, but are also the most compatible type for me. But then again, ESTJs aren't the same in the Socionics world.

Apparently, INFJ (MBTI) is similar but dissimilar to INFj (Socionics). In my Socionics results, my lead function seems to be Fi rather than Fe. But Fi may be different in Socionics in the first place.



My results:

Sociotype: EII-2Ne

aka INFj, The Empath,
, and Ethical Intuitive Introvert

Other Possible Types

  1. IEE (ENFp): 83% as likely as EII
  2. LII (INTj): 70% as likely as EII
  3. ILE (ENTp): 68% as likely as EII

VI Component Results (worth 30% of test)--Still In Development

Quadra Distribution

  1. Gamma: 33%
  2. Delta: 32%
  3. Beta: 27%
  4. Alpha: 9%
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Sociotype: EII-1Fi

aka INFj, The Empath, , and Ethical Intuitive Introvert

Other Possible Types
1.IEI (INFp): 91% as likely as EII - I usually end up INFJ/INFP - Interesting.
2.IEE (ENFp): 73% as likely as EII
3.EIE (ENFj): 71% as likely as EII

VI Component Results (worth 30% of test)--Still In Development

Quadra Distribution
1. Beta: 38%
2. Alpha: 25%
3. Gamma: 20%
4. Delta: 17%
Sociotype: EII-2Fi
aka INFj, The Empath, , and Ethical Intuitive Introvert

Brief Description of EII
Using introverted feeling as her base function and extroverted intuition as her creative, the EII is adept at understanding people's internal drive and motivation. She often acts reserved, respectful, and polite around others she does not know well but will eventually open up more. She implicitly trusts her intuition when judging someone, and this intuition serves her well at grasping more abstract concepts. EIIs need to constantly set new goals for themselves and they care deeply about meeting these goals. However it should be noted that these goals are very personal, and she places less weight on the conventional achievements that society values, so often any correlation is largely coincidental. At her best, the EII is known for respecting other people's beliefs and values while also being an overachiever at school and work; at her worst, the EII's compassion and empathy can cause her undue harm when the people she cares about are suffering. Overall, the EII cares about diligence, meeting one's individuals goals, and respecting others; she distates behavior that is overtly loud, abrasive, or aggressive.
Apparently, I am an SLE Beta
I'm getting the sense that your MBTI type is basically the same four letters as your Socionics type, although differing in functional descriptions.
I'm an LIE (or ENTj) in the Gamma Quadra.

Your MBTI type isn't always going to be the same as your Socionics type. I know some MBTI INTJs that are LIE, ILI, ESI, ILE, LII, IEI, and even LSI so it really varies.

LIE--aka ENTj, The Entrepreneur,
, and Logical Intuitive Extrovert

Using extroverted thinking as his base function and introverted intuition as his creative, the LIE has an amazing ability at not only predicting future trends, but also understanding what is necessary to make these future trends profitable. The LIE has an innate understanding of the most valuable use of capital and labor, and has the energy and drive to align these tools to achieving his goals. The LIE easily assesses the validity and usefulness of any information he happens to run across. Like the EIE, the LIE has great leadership potential, but unlike the EIE, the LIE is less concerned with the effects of his decisions on people's relationships or emotions, and more concerned with the impersonal results. At his best, the LIE is a visionary leader who understands the the big picture as well as the risks and rewards of every decision. At his worst, the LIE can become so focused on the future and the bottom line that he loses touch with the present and his personal relationships. Additionally, the LIE can be so focused on achieving his external goals that he forgets to take care of his own personal needs.

Link: http://www.sociotype.com/socionics/types/
[h=3]aka INTj, The Analyst,
, and Logical Intuitive Introvert[/h]

[h=3]Brief Description of LII[/h] Using introverted thinking as his base function and extroverted intuition as his creative, the LII is adept at creating a concept of reality through the synthesis and application of preformulated principles and rules. When formulating new principles, the LII methodically analyzes new information, taking the salient aspects and discarding the extraneous. Staying within the boundaries of his principles, the LII is capable of generating new ideas and possibilities of how the world could work. At its best, this ability gives the LII an aura of confidence and insightfulness into areas of abstraction and possibility that many other types don't have; at its worst, this ability may lead the LII to possibilities so impractical or unreachable that he is perceived as others to be out of touch with reality. Additionally, the LIIs inclination for deep isolated thoughts often leaves him disconnected from societal interaction--as if he is constantly an observer but never a participant. Learn more about the LII here!
I'm an LIE (or ENTj) in the Gamma Quadra.

Your MBTI type isn't always going to be the same as your Socionics type. I know some MBTI INTJs that are LIE, ILI, ESI, ILE, LII, IEI, and even LSI so it really varies.

I wonder about the accuracy of this test. The instructions are to view yourself the way others view you. Wouldn't it be more accurate to let someone else answer the questionnaire about ourselves?
I wonder about the accuracy of this test. The instructions are to view yourself the way others view you. Wouldn't it be more accurate to let someone else answer the questionnaire about ourselves?

That's because a psychological type cannot be quantitively measured. It's just not realistic since there are far too many factors to take into account in terms of your Socionics type. Like I said in a prior post.. there is more to Socionics than just the 16 types. There are the four different quadras: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, The Romantic types: Aggressor, Victim, Caregiver, Infantile, the Reinin dichotomies, Information elements, facial features, etc to take into account when finding your type.

Just because you receive a 'type' through a test doesn't mean that is your type. It's better to read up on all types and really understand the theory and/or the type before making a decision.

I'm an ENTj, otherwise known as an LIE.

LOL No, you're ILE... Fi-polr at it's finest.
Sociotype: LSE-1Te
aka ESTj, The Director, , and Logical Sensing Extrovert
Other Possible Types

SLI (ISTp): 100% as likely as LSE
LSI (ISTj): 77% as likely as LSE
SLE (ESTp): 65% as likely as LSE

VI Component Results (worth 30% of test)--Still In Development
Quadra Distribution

Gamma: 32%
Beta: 29%
Delta: 24%
Alpha: 16%

Brief Description of LSE

Using extroverted thinking as his base function and introverted sensing as his creative, the LSE excels at identifying methods and tools that can improve one's efficiency and productivity. This understanding, coupled with the LSE's high energy levels and generally strong work ethic, makes him a very productive individual. As such, he generally performs very well in lower and mid level management where attention to productivity, organization, and detail take precedence. At home, the LSE likes to surround himself with aesthetically pleasing items that also have a functional use. Socializing, the LSE enjoys enteraining small groups of people with thoughtful discussions or light-hearted games. At his best, the LSE's drive for perfection at home and at work make him a good employee and reliable family member. At his worst, the LSE can become overly concerned and worried when trying to plan for the future, and he tries to mitigate this concern by minimizing risk below the level that many other types would be perfectly comfortable with. Learn more about the LSE here!
Sociotype Characteristics
Small Groups First Tier Dichotomies

Quadra: Delta
Club: Pragmatist
Temperament: EJ
Romance Styles:
Primary: Caregiver
Secondary: Victim

Logical (Thinking)
Rational (Judging)

Model A Function Strengths and Values
You Ideal Dual
Function Information Element Relative Strength Relative Value Information Element Relative Strength Relative Value









Without having done this test I know for a fact that I am an ISTj-Se (LSI-Se)
[h=3]aka INTp, The Critic,
, and Intuitive Logical Introvert[/h][h=3]Other Possible Types[/h]
  1. LII (INTj): 98% as likely as ILI
  2. LIE (ENTj): 98% as likely as ILI
  3. ILE (ENTp): 89% as likely as ILI
[h=3]VI Component Results (worth 30% of test)--Still In Development[/h][h=4]Quadra Distribution[/h]
  1. Delta: 30%
  2. Gamma: 24%
  3. Beta: 24%
  4. Alpha: 22%

My ideal child would be a male version of you....

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[h=1]Sociotype: ILI-2Ni[/h][h=3]aka INTp, The Critic,
, and Intuitive Logical Introvert[/h] [h=3]Other Possible Types[/h]
  1. LIE (ENTj): 96% as likely as ILI
  2. IEI (INFp): 77% as likely as ILI
  3. LII (INTj): 75% as likely as ILI

[h=3]VI Component Results (worth 30% of test)--Still In Development[/h] [h=4]Quadra Distribution[/h]
  1. Alpha: 27%
  2. Delta: 27%
  3. Beta: 26%
  4. Gamma: 20%

[h=3]Brief Description of ILI[/h] Using introverted intuition as his base function and extroverted thinking as his creative, the ILI is capable of deep and vivid imagery as well as the ability to analyze the correctness of conclusions. In fact, the ILI is excellent at critiquing everything from someone's statements and conclusions to the food he eats. They have an inherent understanding of the weak points in any argument, and they are particularly adept at identifying both empirical weaknesses and logical inconsistencies. As paradoxical as it might sound, the ILI has both the ability to foresee future trends and events, while at the same time refusing to make any assumptions that lack a thorough empirical backing. At his best, the ILI will act as a very useful advisor, pointing out weaknesses and flaws that he sees, while also making suggestions for improvements. At his worst, the ILI's penchant for deep and secluded thoughts, coupled with his refusal to sacrifice truth and accuracy in favor of diplomacy, can result in leaving him socially isolated. Learn more about the ILI here!


I always try to balance these two, or incorporate them together. I don't see a reason why one can't strive to be both truthful and diplomatic at the same time. It's when truth is presented or delivered in a certain manner that it can be interpreted the wrong way, or cause more harm than intended. But, well... truth withheld can often lead to more harm in the long run, anyway, even more so than truth shared with a lack of diplomacy.

Interesting results, though. I'll have to read up more on this Alpha/Delta business.
Recently got ILI on a different test.