What's your shopping stereotype?


What's your shopping stereotype?

Your Shopping Stereotype is Traditional

You tend to be a very down to earth shopper. You go for function and quality.
Price matters to you, but you also want to get the most bang for your buck. You never buy junk.

If you find a brand or store you like, you tend to stick with it over the years. You are a loyal shopper.
You don't buy the latest thing right away. You prefer to purchase things that have stood the test of time.
Your Shopping Stereotype is Unique
It's hard to stereotype you, because you simply buy what you like. You are a true individual.
Sometimes you go high end. Sometimes you go low end. But you almost never go with the crowd.

You don't settle until you find the perfect item. Shopping is one of the ways that you express yourself.
You're proud of what you own, and if you change your mind about something, you immediately get rid of it.
Your Shopping Stereotype is Balanced
Unlike most people, you don't really obsess over shopping. It's a chore, just like any other.
You crave a simple, stress free experience when you go shopping. Convenience is very important to you.

You tend to know what you want, and you're willing to pay to get it quickly. You probably enjoy shopping online.
You enjoy taking time to pick out what you want, but once you're ready to buy, you don't want to drag out the process.
Your Shopping Stereotype is Trendy

You are up on the latest items, and it's likely that you keep your house and your closet timely.
You don't stray too far outside the mainstream. You're interested in trends - not fads.

You tend to be the first one to try the latest gadget or must have item. Your curiosity always wins out.
People consider you to be an expert on what's in demand, and you often find yourself giving shopping advice.
Your Shopping Stereotype is Balanced


Unlike most people, you don't really obsess over shopping. It's a chore, just like any other.
You crave a simple, stress free experience when you go shopping. Convenience is very important to you.

You tend to know what you want, and you're willing to pay to get it quickly. You probably enjoy shopping online.
You enjoy taking time to pick out what you want, but once you're ready to buy, you don't want to drag out the process.

What's Your Shopping Stereotype?

Blogthings: Waste Time at Work!
Your Shopping Stereotype is Unique


It's hard to stereotype you, because you simply buy what you like. You are a true individual.
Sometimes you go high end. Sometimes you go low end. But you almost never go with the crowd.

You don't settle until you find the perfect item. Shopping is one of the ways that you express yourself.
You're proud of what you own, and if you change your mind about something, you immediately get rid of it.

Your Shopping Stereotype is Unique

It's hard to stereotype you, because you simply buy what you like. You are a true individual.
Sometimes you go high end. Sometimes you go low end. But you almost never go with the crowd.

You don't settle until you find the perfect item. Shopping is one of the ways that you express yourself.
You're proud of what you own, and if you change your mind about something, you immediately get rid of it.
Your Shopping Stereotype is Balanced

Unlike most people, you don't really obsess over shopping. It's a chore, just like any other.
You crave a simple, stress free experience when you go shopping. Convenience is very important to you.

You tend to know what you want, and you're willing to pay to get it quickly. You probably enjoy shopping online.
You enjoy taking time to pick out what you want, but once you're ready to buy, you don't want to drag out the process.
Your Shopping Stereotype is Unique
It's hard to stereotype you, because you simply buy what you like. You are a true individual.
Sometimes you go high end. Sometimes you go low end. But you almost never go with the crowd.

You don't settle until you find the perfect item. Shopping is one of the ways that you express yourself.
You're proud of what you own, and if you change your mind about something, you immediately get rid of it.
Unlike most people, you don't really obsess over shopping. It's a chore, just like any other.
You crave a simple, stress free experience when you go shopping. Convenience is very important to you.

You tend to know what you want, and you're willing to pay to get it quickly. You probably enjoy shopping online.
You enjoy taking time to pick out what you want, but once you're ready to buy, you don't want to drag out the process.
Your Shopping Stereotype is Unique
It's hard to stereotype you, because you simply buy what you like. You are a true individual.
Sometimes you go high end. Sometimes you go low end. But you almost never go with the crowd.

You don't settle until you find the perfect item. Shopping is one of the ways that you express yourself.
You're proud of what you own, and if you change your mind about something, you immediately get rid of it.
Your Shopping Stereotype is Trendy

You are up on the latest items, and it's likely that you keep your house and your closet timely.
You don't stray too far outside the mainstream. You're interested in trends - not fads.

You tend to be the first one to try the latest gadget or must have item. Your curiosity always wins out.
People consider you to be an expert on what's in demand, and you often find yourself giving shopping advice.
Your Shopping Stereotype is Balanced

Unlike most people, you don't really obsess over shopping. It's a chore, just like any other.
You crave a simple, stress free experience when you go shopping. Convenience is very important to you.

You tend to know what you want, and you're willing to pay to get it quickly. You probably enjoy shopping online.
You enjoy taking time to pick out what you want, but once you're ready to buy, you don't want to drag out the process.
Your Shopping Stereotype is Trendy


You are up on the latest items, and it's likely that you keep your house and your closet timely.
You don't stray too far outside the mainstream. You're interested in trends - not fads.

You tend to be the first one to try the latest gadget or must have item. Your curiosity always wins out.
People consider you to be an expert on what's in demand, and you often find yourself giving shopping advice.
Your Shopping Stereotype is Balanced

Unlike most people, you don't really obsess over shopping. It's a chore, just like any other.
You crave a simple, stress free experience when you go shopping. Convenience is very important to you.

You tend to know what you want, and you're willing to pay to get it quickly. You probably enjoy shopping online.
You enjoy taking time to pick out what you want, but once you're ready to buy, you don't want to drag out the process.
Apparently, I'm the only Thrifty here...

Your Shopping Stereotype is Economical

Cheap. Thrifty. Frugal. These are all word that you can (and likely do) use to describe your shopping style.
Why pay top dollar when you can get a bargain? You love to save money, and you're really quite good at it too.

You're most likely to be found shopping in discount stores, but you also know how to rock the clearance rack at top end places.
People are always complementing you on your finds, and they can't believe how cheaply you get everything.