I was an "interesting" child (talking about preschool).
I was actually thinking about this the other day because of a few things my mom sent me in the mail. Pictures and writings of me when I was in preschool/kindergarden.
By memory (and I have a very strong memory of my early years), I remember myself being extremely sociable; I want to be friends with everyone and be liked by everyone. I was the child that would run up to someone and go "hi! do you want to be friends?". Interestingly enough, this method seemed to work very well. The people I did this to through preschool ended up being the closest friends. I guess there is a mutual mindset of children that behave like that, and will automaticly get along by that preset. I was very chatty, I was always yelled at for talking. Even at a young age clear comunication was extremely important to me. My mom tells me when I first learned to talk I took it slow and went to lengths to pronounce "eve-ry syl-ly-ble". I also had this complex where I needed to win everything. If I played a game such as musical chairs or something, and I didn't win, I would very likely cry. I could not be told what to do if I didn't agree with it. As such, I was one of the worst nappers. If I didn't feel tired, I did not want to go to sleep, and I would get very mad if I was forced to nap. There were times where they kicked me out of the nap room and I got in serious trouble for not lying down. I would get very upset I was punished as well, much more so if I did not see myself doing anything wrong. There was a rule about not kicking the cardboard blocks. I remember in one distinct case, I was running through the room with the blocks and I accidentally kicked a few of them; I simply didn't notice them on the floor. I got put in time out and tried to tell the teacher that I didnt see them and didn't mean to. Despite my sincerity, I was still punished. I was so morbidly upset by this that I physically could not sit in the chair, and that proceeded in me getting in more trouble. I was also very sensitive about my feelings. If someone said something mean to me, I would likely cry. Although I would never retaliate in anger at anyone. I would usually run and hide, or go tattle (yes, I was a tattler) on the person. I was also extremely imaginative. I always tried to get people to play these complex games I would create, and they usually ended up being alot of fun, even if they were apprehensive at first. I don't think a 5 year old ever managed to make tag as complex as I did. I was also independent, and would have days where I would just play by myself (or with my imaginary friends), and would get upset if someone else bothered me.
Now for what I was given. What I noticed in pictures is that while I am expressive (i.e. not withdrawn), I am also almost always on my own. In a group photo, I am standing on my own, clearly distinct from everyone else around me. Were as most everyone else has their arm around someone. Signs of an introvert. In the writings (I dont have them with me so I can't quote word for word), the words that were repeated across the board were "indivudualistic", "creative", "sensitive", "intelligent", and "friendly, but independnt". They said that if I did not want to do something, it was near impossible to get me to do it. I also had a tendancy to be friends with mostly girls, usually the sensitive ones as well. They also said they were shocked at my intelligence. They mentioned that at age 4 I explained to a teacher what evaporation was, and how it worked (I don't remember that). However, if I did not get or understand something quickly or easily. I would want to give up and not try anymore, and get upset if I was forced to. I remember this, forsaw anything that was to hard for me to make any kind of progress on right away not worth my time. They also said I always wanted to be the leader for things. I wanted to be the boss all the time. I do remember this, I was nice to everyone and wanted to be the boss because I didn't want to be told what to do. I was always the "game creator". They also said I was very moody, I would have days where I would very happy and friendly, and other days were I was a complete grouch. They also said I had maturity issues, and I would "baby talk" at innappropriate times. I think I remember this. I was just being myself and I didn't want to have to follow social rules all the time. I wanted to be me.