What type of human are you? Test

... I'm sorry we highjacked the thread Restraint... (slinks away shamefully) :m054:

Me too, but your threads are always so darned fun!!


You scored 63% Do Gooder, 52% Drive, and 93% Intellect!

You are a smarty-pants and eager to share your knowledge with others, while still open to absorbing everything in your environment. That is why you are a teacher (and at the same time, a perpetual student). You have above average intelligence and the drive to be effective in your life and the lives of others. You are also a good person who cares about others, but yourself as well, generally not letting people take advantage of you. A teacher is a great thing to be and we need more humans like you in the world.

Sweet, I guess.
Your result for The What Type of Human Are You? Test ...
Candy Striper

You scored 84% Do Gooder, 79% Drive, and 61% Intellect!

(That's STRIPER, not Stripper) You are a very helpful person indeed, always ready to lend a hand, ear, shoulder, or any other body part that may be required. You are warm and caring, as well as resourceful and effective. You are actually one of the best categories of human beings on this test. You're smart, but not too smart for your own good. I think you could benefit from some self-preservation because you are such an unselfish giver who is willing to help at a moment's notice. Not that that's a bad thing, just make some time for yourself now and then. The world would benefit from more people like you.

All human being categories are: Lazy SOB, Rebel w/out a Cause, Evil Mastermind, Henchman, Criminal, Dictator, Frat Boy, Socialite, Philosopher, Stunt Double, Upstanding Citizen, Teacher, Cheerleader, Sister Mary DoGood, Benefactor, Loyal Sidekick, Candy Striper, Goody Two-Shoes.


Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • You scored 84% on Do Gooder, higher than 95% of your peers.

  • You scored 79% on Drive, higher than 96% of your peers.

  • You scored 61% on Intellect, higher than 31% of your peers.

really wish I didnt have the do gooder compulsion somedays!

*still rockin out she stops suddenly and looks around* :mf: oh...did we stop?
You scored 82% Do Gooder, 45% Drive, and 71% Intellect!

Where have the Miss Havishams in the world gone to? You are a very intelligent person who enjoys helping others, but you lack the drive to get out there and do things yourself. You're like a benefactor who stays in the background, smiling and giving away your money to charity, which is very nice...but when it comes to doing things for yourself, you're not so indulgent. You should get out in the real world more often...I think you have a lot to offer and you should be reaping the benefits sometimes, too.

Your Analysis:
  • You scored 82% on Do Gooder, higher than 93% of your peers.
  • You scored 45% on Drive, higher than 21% of your peers.
  • You scored 71% on Intellect, higher than 61% of your peers.
You scored 63% Do Gooder, 52% Drive, and 89% Intellect!

You are a smarty-pants and eager to share your knowledge with others, while still open to absorbing everything in your environment. That is why you are a teacher (and at the same time, a perpetual student). You have above average intelligence and the drive to be effective in your life and the lives of others. You are also a good person who cares about others, but yourself as well, generally not letting people take advantage of you. A teacher is a great thing to be and we need more humans like you in the world.

(But strangely enough, I shy away from the responsibility of teaching if it comes with the official title 'teacher')
Goody Two Shoes
You scored 68% Do Gooder, 58% Drive, and 68% Intellect!


Aw, don't be hurt by that. You're a good person...very nice and helpful to others, always lending a hand. Always, always offering to lend a hand, even perhaps when it's not called for.
Oh, and is that your raised hand in the air again? Why not let someone else answer next time? But seriously, there should probably be more people like you in the world. Super-smart, driven, and warm-hearted.
There would be many less problems in the world if there were more like you, and you should be proud of that. Just don't forget a little 'me' time now and then, you deserve it.

Your Analysis
- You scored 68% on Do Gooder, higher than 61% of your peers.
- You scored 58% on Drive, higher than 53% of your peers.
- You scored 68% on Intellect, higher than 50% of your peers.
Why do I always get results that say I am sociable? I am not. They always say I'm nice and sociable. I see only flaws. There is an error somewhere here.

You scored 61% Do Gooder, 48% Drive, and 82% Intellect!
"To be or not to be?" You've probably pondered that before, as well as a million other things. You are well-read and intelligent. You can solve math problems or correct grammatical errors. You're also generally a nice person...but not nice to a fault which is good. I like a little bit of self-preservation. You are, however, a bit on the lazy side. You may know how to do things, when to do them, and why, but you don't really like doing them. You'd rather just sit back and observe life as it goes on around you. With more drive, you could be a rather great human being indeed, but the world needs its philosophers, too.

Wow, feels just like being back at school. "You could do so much better if you only put a little effort into your work."
Goody two shoes...yeah right...
Upstanding citizen.


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You scored 66% Do Gooder, 52% Drive, and 89% Intellect!

You are a smarty-pants and eager to share your knowledge with others, while still open to absorbing everything in your environment. That is why you are a teacher (and at the same time, a perpetual student). You have above average intelligence and the drive to be effective in your life and the lives of others. You are also a good person who cares about others, but yourself as well, generally not letting people take advantage of you. A teacher is a great thing to be and we need more humans like you in the world.
Sister Mary DoGood

You scored 79% Do Gooder, 30% Drive, and 64% Intellect!

You are truly a kind, warm, and caring person who loves others (especially fuzzy bunnies), but your fault is that you don't really get out there and do stuff yourself. You're more apt to lend an ear or a shoulder than do get something concrete done...which is to say that you're a bit lazy. But you manage to keep yourself amused and you're definitely not a stupid person which is nice. Get thee to a nunnery...you can get lots of reading done and pass on those good thoughts.
[h=2]Upstanding citizen[/h] You scored 63% Do Gooder, 52% Drive, and 57% Intellect!

You are a lovely person and probably one of the best human beings out there. You care about people, but you also care about yourself. You are intelligent, but not over-the-top. You are resourceful and take pride in helping others, but you're not an annoying 'goody two shoes.' I admire your ability to get out there and do something with your life. You probably think that it's better to do something yourself than to ask someone else and I'm apt to agree. This is one of the best categories you can get so be proud.
(That's STRIPER, not Stripper) You are a very helpful person indeed, always ready to lend a hand, ear, shoulder, or any other body part that may be required. You are warm and caring, as well as resourceful and effective. You are actually one of the best categories of human beings on this test. You're smart, but not too smart for your own good. I think you could benefit from some self-preservation because you are such an unselfish giver who is willing to help at a moment's notice. Not that that's a bad thing, just make some time for yourself now and then. The world would benefit from more people like you.

Ahhhhhhhh- I always wanted to be a stripper..... Smile!
You scored 53% Do Gooder, 36% Drive, and 61% Intellect!

You like to flit from flower to flower. That's right, I said 'flit.' You are a nice person with a kind heart, even if it does take you a little while to fully trust someone. When you do though, you like to share. And talking is a good suit with you, because you'd rather do that or sit and be entertained, then go out and do something. That's right, you're a bit on the lazy side. And there's nothing too wrong with that as long as you decide to get up and do something when it really matters. As far as the categories on this test goes, a socialite is something to be proud of, but there are better humans, too.
Goody Two Shoes

You scored 68% Do Gooder, 61% Drive, and 86% Intellect!
Aw, don't be hurt by that. You're a good person...very nice and helpful to others, always lending a hand. Always, always offering to lend a hand, even perhaps when it's not called for. Oh, and is that your raised hand in the air again? Why not let someone else answer next time? But seriously, there should probably be more people like you in the world. Super-smart, driven, and warm-hearted. There would be many less problems in the world if there were more like you, and you should be proud of that. Just don't forget a little 'me' time now and then, you deserve it.

All human being categories are: Lazy SOB, Rebel w/out a Cause, Evil Mastermind, Henchman, Criminal, Dictator, Frat Boy, Socialite, Philosopher, Stunt Double, Upstanding Citizen, Teacher, Cheerleader, Sister Mary DoGood, Benefactor, Loyal Sidekick, Candy Striper, Goody Two-Shoes.

-_- I have no more words to say
You scored 61% Do Gooder, 42% Drive, and 39% Intellect!
You like to flit from flower to flower. That's right, I said 'flit.' You are a nice person with a kind heart, even if it does take you a little while to fully trust someone. When you do though, you like to share. And talking is a good suit with you, because you'd rather do that or sit and be entertained, than go out and do something. That's right, you're a bit on the lazy side. And there's nothing too wrong with that as long as you decide to get up and do something when it really matters. As far as the categories on this test goes, a socialite is something to be proud of, but there are better humans, too.