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  • It'd be really cool to make a drawing of the globe, filled to the brim with boiling water and tons of tiny lobster people.

    Yes, I definitely think of it as conditioning. There's some old story about some king who found out that all the world's water was going to be contaminated as the result of a curse and that it was going to make everyone go crazy. So he saved some purified water for himself, but then he had to live in a world where everyone was crazy except for him.
    For me, I guess it also helped when I thought about how many people I know who didn't kill their children or murder their spouses or expose themselves to strangers, and kind of remind myself that although the news makes it seem like the overwhelming majority of people are totally awful, that really it's a very small percentage of people that commit these sorts of crimes. That being said, I think the more frightening element is the fact that any human being can be driven to such extreme degrees of unreason and inhumanity that they would commit such acts.
    I understand, when I used to check the news more frequently it used to consume me, and I'd spend hours wondering why, and lamenting how fucked up the world can be :-(
    Couldn't comment on your blog, but I am sorry you are feeling that way. Sometimes everything going on in the world can seem completely overwhelming. Do you ever take cleansing breaks from the media to kind of re-center/focus? I found that if I limit how often I read the news to like once or twice a week, I feel a bit less overwhelmed.
    do you meditate every day? Just curious as I saw the "how to" on your blog.

    I have been practicing each morning and some afternoons.for a while and listen to Teisho podcasts.
    Willpower of an ox, and an oxymoron to stay true to convictions, yet keep peace all at once. Yup I always feel torn in two directions. Usually a war between my gut feeling and what I think is right.

    Heya! How are you today? Sorry for a not too eloquent reply, typing on my cell phone.
    Ohhh, yes it is Natalie Portman, and yes it's from the movie called Leon: The Professional. One of my favourites, hence it's use as my avatar lol
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