What makes you strong? | INFJ Forum

What makes you strong?


On Holiday
May 13, 2011
I've been thinking about this. I have travelled for a week and now that I'm home again I realize that I've changed a bit. Minimally, subtly, but I know something has shifted. And I think I have become a bit weaker. So I would like to know: What makes you strong?

I think within me it's a blend of Te and Fi. The Te is the sober one, the Fi is the one that cuts through. And its cuts through everything. A few months ago I wrote in my diary that I think my strength comes from the fact that I've bathed my heart in hate, basically the dark side of Fi. Does this make any sense to you? And what do you think of it?
I think my strength comes from the fact that I've bathed my heart in the dark side of Fi

Can you expand? What do you mean by "bathed your heart in the dark side of Fi"?
feeling unconditional love... that makes me not only strong, but makes time seem to stand still in that moment.
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sometimes i am a real wimp, but i am as strong as i will ever need to be in any situation. i may not feel particularly strong, but i when the crunch is on i can tap into unlimited strength. we all can.
i believe it is available to me, and it is. like confidence, like self love.
sometimes i am a real wimp, but i am as strong as i will ever need to be in any situation. i may not feel particularly strong, but i when the crunch is on i can tap into unlimited strength. we all can.
i believe it is available to me, and it is. like confidence, like self love.

I'm not sure what it is.
There does seem to be some force that takes over from within..Something I'm not totally familiar with.. whenever I'm really failing and pathetic and low--that pushes me to fight or work or think harder.
A natural tenacity. Or maybe I learned it from example because my mom is a strong person who pushes herself.

feeling unconditional love... that makes me not only strong, but makes time seem to stand still in that moment.
Maybe it's been reinforced and strengthened because even when horrible things happen or when I fail, people still care for me and support me.
I wish I knew what made me so strong but honestly... the only reason I can think of is my inner need to feel protected. I never felt protected as a child so I always found ways to feel secure in places where I lacked. I had plenty of love from inner family as a child but I lacked a stable, secure home and I was always sick so I found ways to feel 'okay' with it. Then once I got older, I found ways to change it by saving money or finding ways to improve my illnesses. So I guess in retrospect, my own insecurities are my reason for strength. I've just learned to work with them instead of working against them.
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When people I care about are as stressed or scared as I am.
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self-reliance, and knowing I can get shit done, because I have to.
The strength of an individual can be determined by one simple to gauge factor:

How much cake they can consume in a single sitting.

Maybe it's been reinforced and strengthened because even when horrible things happen or when I fail, people still care for me and support me.

Have you ever seen the movie or read the book "The Celestine Prophecy" ? It has opened my mind to thinking about 'our gifts' in new ways... Pretty amazing... Every time I watch the movie I get goose bumps and cry... I think when we look at our gifts using the imagination it helps us not only enhance our INFx, but it just opens us to unlimited inner strength. I can't put it into words... I strongly suspect that the writer/author James Redfield is an INFx...
I have a strong love for myself. In a way, I feel sorry for myself. That's why I can't wait to have a kid someday. I'm sick of feeling sorry for myself. I can worry about someone else for a change.

Also, my mom is a strong person, and this helps tremendously. She's an ISFP, and I've seen her cry two times in my life. She takes the scariness out of scary situations. She had a mother die when she was 13, a sister die at the age of 12, and other siblings and a father die later on in life (her mother had 15 children...having a big family also may have contributed to her strong personality). Of all the family deaths she have experienced, her husband (my dad) was the most difficult to overcome. So much so, now she likes women (gay, bisexual, whatever you want to call it--and I'm having a hard time dealing with this). I don't know what that's all about. I wish I could psycho-analyze this behavior, but I'm clueless.
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Can you expand? What do you mean by "bathed your heart in the dark side of Fi"?

I think the Star Wars theme really captures it well. It means going over to the dark side, seeing the world not in terms of love (which INFJs probably usually do), but in terms of hate. It means you are willing to corrupt yourself to become powerful and invulnerable. It's the point where you accept that there is no morality, but that every morality is just a side effect of power. Another Hollywood quote: In Dark Knight someone said "You thought we could be decent men in an indecent time". It's along those lines.
Squats, deadlifts, burpees, running ...being physically strong does wonders for my mental health and/or strength.
When I have people around me who are supportive and caring. That really helps make me strong.
I feel a common thread in this...thread is the proverbial saying, 'Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.'
listening to heavy metal, winning a battle, reading the hagakure, watching a thunder storm and praying to gaiia and father thunder!
Dealing with bullshit for 36 years will really do a number on your overall character and take on things in general.