What kind of Christian are you?


Right the First Time!

a Heretic
You scored 10 out of 45 on proximity to orthodoxy!

You might nominally have some connection to the Church, but you don't take it all that seriously. You reject all of the major tenets of Christianity. But you're probably not a bad person. Just, you know, wrong. Jesus loves you! (But, you know, not in that way)
a Liberal Christian

You scored 24 out of 45 on proximity to orthodoxy!

You are theologically orthodox but more socially liberal, at least in the ways that you imagine Jesus would have been. You believe in spreading the gospel but not in bashing other people to do it. Your beliefs are serious to you, but you probably have a pretty good sense of humor about them too. The Episcopal Church welcomes you! Jesus loves you! (But, you know, not in that way)

Ahhhhhhhh! It burns! It burns!
Haha you loves that racist/homophobe/sadist god!!
Haha you loves that racist/homophobe/sadist god!!

Nope, according to Wiki, the Episcopal Church was one of the first to declare the practice of racism a sin, call for a living wage, ordinate women, and support same sex marriage. Sadly they still believe in hell, but no church is perfect.
I have never heard of that church (ignorant), good for them, they sound reasonable.
Nope, Marxists get a one way trip to heaven, it is the revolutionary communists who go to hell, along with the fascist dictators. Common mistake.

Is there any such thing as a two-way trip? Maybe for the INTPs who switch to pantheism...
an Atheist

You scored 5 out of 45 on proximity to orthodoxy!
Not quite sure why you took the test, but I hope you had fun. You don't believe there is a God. And, judging by how low your score is even on the social questions, you probably don't believe in morality of any kind. Which makes me hope that I'm never driving behind you. Because that would be scary. Jesus loves you! (But, you know, not in that way)

yey funky interweb thing knows i'm a atheist
a Liberal Christian

You scored 33 out of 45 on proximity to orthodoxy!

You are theologically orthodox but more socially liberal, at least in the ways that you imagine Jesus would have been. You believe in spreading the gospel but not in bashing other people to do it. Your beliefs are serious to you, but you probably have a pretty good sense of humor about them too. The Episcopal Church welcomes you! Jesus loves you! (But, you know, not in that way)
Question 9 ROCKS!! What is the Trinity? Me, me & me :D And I was named after the Matrix so I know I got that one right!

a Heretic
You scored 8 out of 45 on proximity to orthodoxy!

You might nominally have some connection to the Church, but you don't take it all that seriously. You reject all of the major tenets of Christianity. But you're probably not a bad person. Just, you know, wrong. Jesus loves you! (But, you know, not in that way)

Bite me!
Satanist apparently... I've been initiated into luciferianism a few years back, I've studied Setianism, and I'm forming my own religion.

the Conservative

Your theology is orthodox, mostly (you occasionally overemphasize one aspect or another). You believe in the supremacy of Christianity, but you don't preach hate. Your motto is "Love the sinner, hate the sin." You are conservative on social values too, although you believe in helping the poor and the oppressed. Gay people make you kind of nervous. You secretly enjoy watching "Sex and the City" but you feel bad about it. Jesus loves you! (But, you know, not in that way)
Liberal Christian
You scored 29 out of 45 on proximity to orthodoxy!
a Heretic

You scored 11 out of 45 on proximity to orthodoxy!

You might nominally have some connection to the Church, but you don't take it all that seriously. You reject all of the major tenets of Christianity. But you're probably not a bad person. Just, you know, wrong. Jesus loves you! (But, you know, not in that way)
an Atheist
You scored 5 out of 45 on proximity to orthodoxy!
Not quite sure why you took the test, but I hope you had fun. You don't believe there is a God. And, judging by how low your score is even on the social questions, you probably don't believe in morality of any kind. Which makes me hope that I'm never driving behind you. Because that would be scary. Jesus loves you! (But, you know, not in that way)
Yes... I am!
The best question and answer pair... "What is religious scripture good for... Rolling ciggarettes!"