What is your country/state's MBTI archetype?


Right the First Time!
The ISTP seems to be the romanticized stereotypical New Zealander; Quirky, inventive, resourceful, pragmatic, very reserved and generally dispassionate.

The independent and hardy pioneer or the ingenious backyard inventor.

However the modern culture is SJ so ISTPs are these days looked at as being "a bit weird" or avoided.

For other nations I would say the stereotypical Englishmen is ISTJ; very reserved and proper.

The stereotypical American is probably ESFJ for women and ESTJ for men; loud and opininated.

What do you think? and what about your nations?
ESTP for australians, though in the early days the ENTPs were immortalised.
Ned Kelly?
ESTP for australians, though in the early days the ENTPs were immortalised.

Iz scared *hides*

Women are probably expected to be more ESFP though.
ESTJ for america, which also means, we INFJs don't stand cold nights chance in hell here.
ESTJ for america, which also means, we INFJs don't stand cold nights chance in hell here.

We exist to tear down old, corrupt systems and ESTJs exist to keep them up. All that means is if we are going to succeed we are going to have to hone our warrior spirits.
:mcry: It saddens me to have to deal these fools as much as I do. It's a spirit killer trying to get through to a brick wall.
:mcry: It saddens me to have to deal these fools as much as I do. It's a spirit killer trying to get through to a brick wall.

But think of the challenges and adversity! The thrill of the battle! The rush of the victory! Walls will yield under a determined INFJ's anger! Warrior Monkey.gif

It all just needs to be channeled correctly.

Hmm, but how they are the majority, also should we keep some as our personal servants?
ESTJ for america, which also means, we INFJs don't stand cold nights chance in hell here.

Yeah I tried moving to Canada Idk what the people are but they're pretty close to the ESTJ of America. At least in teen life.
Stereotypical Jamaican = tootallly ISFP mun.

Californian = ESTP to the max dude!!!!11 LOL

Irishman = an ESFP to be sure, to be sure.

Canadian = ISFJ ehhh?

Frenchman = Le romantique INFP

German = Ze structured and humorless ISTJ
Stereotypical Jamaican = tootallly ISFP mun.

Californian = ESTP to the max dude!!!!11 LOL

Irishman = an ESFP to be sure, to be sure.

Canadian = ISFJ ehhh?

Frenchman = Le romantique INFP

German = Ze structured and humorless ISTJ

Canadians aren't an I.

Alot of people are E's ugh its hell out supermarkets and stuff everyone just stops and talks in line. Its annoying
I don't mean what they're really like, I mean how they are portrayed and viewed by others. Say if there is a token Canadian in a movie, they are usually represented as being low energy = I.
btw, what inventors do you know that are ISTP? it sounded like you were explaining the intp
There has to be one place in the world that is INFJ. Where is it? Norway? Iceland? Austria?
There has to be one place in the world that is INFJ. Where is it? Norway? Iceland? Austria?

Has to be Antarctica or the North Pole. Whichever one has penguins.