What is worth fighting for?


What is worth fighting for? Why?
Family, friends you consider family, your soul mate, and what you consider to be a just cause.
What is worth fighting for? Why?
Would you mind clarifying a little bit - do you understand fighting as vs other people or vs nature? Or you prefer to leave it open for interpretation.
Would you mind clarifying a little bit - do you understand fighting as vs other people or vs nature? Or you prefer to leave it open for interpretation.

Leaving it open . . .
Anything that you consider to be a foundation of your life.
I won't fight unless I mean to kill someone.
Therefore, what is worth killing for?
- Freedom
- Vengence

Because it is ultimately the only thing that connects one human being to another.
An Idea, an extremely powerful revelation that will only be known when someone actually strives to show it to the world.

A lot less than what is worth reaching a mutual understanding over.
Diversity and shattering norms, stereotypes.

Because if I don't I'd feel like crap.
Survival *shrugs* and pretty much everything that is encompassed by that and by fighting I don't necessarily mean physical.

Essentially fighting to protect your family and such is considered fighting for survival so it kinda covers everything.
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Survival *shrugs* and pretty much everything that encompasses that and by fighting I don't necessarily mean physical.

Essentially fighting to protect your family and such is considered fighting for survival so it kinda covers everything.

Yup, regardless of whether something is symbolic or physical.
Okay, I'll divide fighting in 3 parts:
- with oneself: overrated, you actually still fight with external factors, which are reflected within you
- with nature / objective challenges: this one I enjoy, I see science as such type of fight, and also probably most sports would be better to be structured in similar way
- with others: I can't justify it, even if they've done or are about to do horrible things, or at least i wouldn't call it fighting, which is already part of the solution, imo
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