What is the highest level of math you have taken?


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
I took up to Pre-calculus in high school. However, I had to retake Trig and Statistics in college. I think my favorite math was geometry because it was relatively simple compared to algebra.
i took a lot of math classes...

applied math
consumer math
and geometry
Complex? Did someone say complex (checks brain), nope, don't know what that means . . . (backs away slowly, whistling to the looney tunes anthem . . .)
I'm doing AP Calc BC right now.
complex numbers is maths using theoretical numbers such as i. i is the square root of -1 which is impossible right? But it exists, you can think of it, and it has everyday applications. Anywho, I did that topic in year 12, after that topic I dropped extension 2 maths, mostly because my extension 1 teacher was an idiot and kept failing me. He obvioulsy didn't know I'm a mathematical genius!
Oh, that stuff was part of my college algebra curriculum. Booooooooring.
in high school i did math a

Earlier this year, in order to create the best possible zombie city i started studying golden ratio, calculus, and physics
Serket said:
Anywho, I did that topic in year 12, after that topic I dropped extension 2 maths, mostly because my extension 1 teacher was an idiot and kept failing me. He obvioulsy didn't know I'm a mathematical genius!

Oh no, look what the world of theoretical mathematics has lost, all because of a teacher who failed to recognize a prodigy! :(
You could always sign up for a sequel to "A Beautiful Mind."
Multivariable Calculus
Non linear nth degree Differential Equations
Linear Algebra
Complex Analysis

Hmm I think I've forgotten most of it already...
sriv said:
I'm doing AP Calc BC right now.

It's not that bad, isn't it?

My highest level of math is IB Math HL. I did AP Calc BC too because IB Math HL wasn't offered until my year of graduation.....
I've taken a few course in Graduate Level Mathematics--so a 5000-6000 lvl. course. It has been awhile, but I think I could weasel my way back into it in about a weeks practice or so.
I like how all the INTJs have like NASA-level math classes under their belt :D
Right now I'm doing pre-calc. Next year I'll probably do Calculus. And I will get good grades, but I won't care at all.
And as soon as I'm able to, I will never take another math class again :3
And as soon as I'm able to, I will never take another math class again :3
This makes me cry a bit :mcry: But I respect your decision.

Also, I know a few INFJ Mathematicians, I think after INTPs and INTJs, they maybe the most common type ; )
This makes me cry a bit :mcry: But I respect your decision.

Also, I know a few INFJ Mathematicians, I think after INTPs and INTJs, they maybe the most common type ; )

Yeah; I could see that. I think some types of math are interesting; the only problem is, math class always has homework. And it gets kind of redundant to me, after a while...
I just have a lot of things I want to get done, and math has never been on my priority list :mD:
I have abysmally poor math skills. Part of the problem, I think, was my education. When we got to division and fractions, I blanked out completely and as I went to a poor public school, there wasn't the extra help I needed. In fact, my 5th grade teacher said to my mother "I think Lisa's intelligence is overrated, and I'm not wasting any more time on her".


It took me 2 years of middle school and three years of high school to pass Algebra 1. I think I only passed Algebra 2 as a senior because my math teacher knew I wouldn't benefit from being kept back another year and fudged my grades.

So I count on my fingers. But I ended up with a highly complex, math-intensive career (algebra, even!) at which I excelled, and now manage our household budget, pay all of our bills, etc. So... fully functional, despite the lack of formal math education.

By contrast, my son is getting straight A's in geometry in 6th grade :hail:
I never did anything past calculus. I really don't have the patience for math. Actually just thinking about how useless it is to me makes me angry. Basic math is great, I love geometry and statistics. I'm very visual and theoretical, and general minded so calculus doesn't do anything for me. I like quantum mechanics though.
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Math makes me anxious. Being taught math always made me feel anxious, then defensive, then angry. Frequently resulting in storming off from tutors or surreptitiously sliding incomplete math tests into the wastepaper basket. Hey, how did my italics turn on! Hey! They're stuck!!!

Great. Trapped on a slant for the rest of my post.

Anyway, I wish I understood why math is so upsetting. It's really an obstacle sometimes.