I have abysmally poor math skills. Part of the problem, I think, was my education. When we got to division and fractions, I blanked out completely and as I went to a poor public school, there wasn't the extra help I needed. In fact, my 5th grade teacher said to my mother "I think Lisa's intelligence is overrated, and I'm not wasting any more time on her".
It took me 2 years of middle school and three years of high school to pass Algebra 1. I think I only passed Algebra 2 as a senior because my math teacher knew I wouldn't benefit from being kept back another year and fudged my grades.
So I count on my fingers. But I ended up with a highly complex, math-intensive career (algebra, even!) at which I excelled, and now manage our household budget, pay all of our bills, etc. So... fully functional, despite the lack of formal math education.
By contrast, my son is getting straight A's in geometry in 6th grade :hail: