What is Introverted Intuition?


Right the First Time!
and how do you personally experience/use it?
I honestly can't explain it at all. Stuff just... goes on in my head. None of it is ever on a detailed level. I daydream about the future and becoming the best basketball player in the world, think about the meaning behind things, spend time with my imaginary lover on my special imaginary beach paradise, etc.

Ok, I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time there. Hopefully someone with a more cohesive answer to this will undo the damage I've done with this post.
Don't be sorry, thats a good start! I'm picking it won't be easy for most of us to describe but that just makes it even more interesting...
One metaphor I think of is if every piece of information I've ever absorbed and retained is spread out across a table, none of the information is organised in boxes, folders or drawers so picking out specific detailed information is difficult but with everything spread out on the table I am free to shuffle the information and this means that it is much easier to make connections between the seemingly unrelated information.

I imagine trying to make connections between information that is organised and neatly filed into closed individual drawers (Si?) would be much more difficult.

Oh and the info is constantly shuffling by itself in the background and occasionally an interesting connection will be made that I wasn't even expecting myself.
My Ni/Te combination doesn't explain things well so I'll use someone elses words.

Ni is a way of knowing that bypasses reason, facts, evidence, the expected or intended interpretations of signs, or anything you can point to, simply giving you an awareness or belief that seems indisputably true to you, period. You can't tell by introspection how you got this idea. There is no thought process. There is only tuning into this form of awareness and just knowing.
It can involve a sense of what will be without having data.
It can be seeing the whole picture or pattern that helps us deeply understand something.
Often information that is hard to understand or dissect can be easily processed through Ni.

Bless Ni :mrgreen:
I can't accept the "just knowing" explanation, it has to come from somewhere or something.
Ni is a way of knowing that bypasses reason, facts, evidence, the expected or intended interpretations of signs, or anything you can point to, simply giving you an awareness or belief that seems indisputably true to you, period. You can't tell by introspection how you got this idea. There is no thought process. There is only tuning into this form of awareness and just knowing.
That sounds to me like the way someone who doesn't have Ni would be describe Ni.
Stone said:
I can't accept the "just knowing" explanation, it has to come from somewhere or something.
Hmm, so I guess saying it comes from our subconscious isn’t gonna do it for you?

For me it's all the collected experiences realised consciously or not kept away where I can't verbalise them, they provide me with 'knowing' and interconnections without allowing me to explain how or why I know, leaving it as 'gut' intuition.

Like I said Ni and Te continually conspire against my ability to explain things eloquently :(

SuperFob said:
That sounds to me like the way someone who doesn't have Ni would be describe Ni.
Quite possible, comes from personality plus.
Lurker said:
Stone said:
I can't accept the "just knowing" explanation, it has to come from somewhere or something.
Hmm, so I guess saying it comes from our subconscious isn’t gonna do it for you?

Saying it comes from the subconcious is a much better explanation than saying "you just know".
That's a very good description.

They are much better at dreaming the dream, than manifesting the dream into reality.

That is so true.
Stone said:
Lurker said:
Stone said:
I can't accept the "just knowing" explanation, it has to come from somewhere or something.
Hmm, so I guess saying it comes from our subconscious isn’t gonna do it for you?

Saying it comes from the subconcious is a much better explanation than saying "you just know".

I agree with that. You always run the risk of getting called pompous or arrogant no matter how gently you say it.
This is really an interesting topic, now that I think of it~
For me, there are many thoughts that connect through very subtle means; I know why this connects to that because of a sort of factor that lies under the factors. Like, I can tell some things about personalities or emotions that other people can't see because it's the itty bitty changes, the tiniest reactions, that initially give it away. It's like that with a lot of things, but how do you explain that?

And then there are times where things just "come up." People ask for correlation between things that I say, and I don't even know why they go together, but in a way they still kind of do...? For instance, we were drawing with chalk outside, and I told someone I was going to draw a robot. Then I told them that they had to draw the popcorn because right then in my mind robots went with popcorn.
They looked at me funny, but hey.
There's better examples of that happening, but that's the first one that came to mind
For me, introverted intuition is best described as making a concrete connection to a bunch of randomly abstracted data. In other words, we take a mess, make a guess, and come out eerily right on target.
i has Ne

[quote:12p7p7qc]ENTP & ENFP
"What else could I do with this in the big picture?"

Ne types explore future possibilities, are confident and innovative, always looking for opportunity in situations. They hate routine, and are easily bored. Ne types can thread seemingly unrelated things together, somehow seeing the strategy, concept or pattern when others couldn't. Fun is dreaming up and pursuing options without any follow-through or accountability. They come up with an almost endless supply of options, and freely spew them into the world. Ne types enjoy group exchanges of ideas, challenges, and projects. They enjoy changing the situation rather than adjusting to it. They love new things, and would rather start something new than finish something old. They are naturally self-expressive.
Ne is the shorthand for "extroverted iNtuition." It is an information accessing process (PERCEIVING)

Extroverted iNtuitives live in the world of ideas and possibilities. They see where the world, and the people in it, could be more easily than where they currently are. Like the magician pulling a rabbit from the hat, the Extroverted iNtuitives can see patterns, options and possibilities that seem to come from nowhere. They thrive on variety and change, and throw themselves into their projects and ideas whole-heartedly, even the ones that seem impossible to achieve. They are change agents and "Pied Pipers", with an almost contagious enthusiasm that inspires others to follow where they lead, including fellow leaders. Ingenious, innovative, boundary-breakers who challenge - and sometimes even trample -- the status quo to move everyone toward a better future.

Extroverted iNtuitives are very expressive and communicative. They love the world of words, are the masters of metaphors, analogies, and word play. They always have a story to tell, and often use their stories to help motivate others. They can integrate many different ideas into a whole, and are good with generating new theories and brainstorming.

They are imaginative, creative, spontaneous and high energy, fearless risk-takers when inspired to do something. When they do slow down, stop or change direction, it's usually from meeting up with bureaucracy, boring routines, or endless practical details. Quick thinkers and improvisors, they are rarely caught off guard because they can almost always come up with a new option -- often better than the original one. They see and notice hidden meanings, and interpret them with surprising clarity. [/quote:12p7p7qc]

is better I think...
The fact that ones using Ni as dominant can't explain Ni seems ironic, but it's actually true: we are so familiar with it that we don't even find the necessity to verbalise the thought processes. Anyway, I was interested in Ni a lot, and I did my own research about it.

What I didn't like about most Ni descriptions is that they think Ni works without any contextual data. Little external stimuli are required, that's true, but without any contextual data is *not* true, because Ni is strictly a *perceiving* function. I hated the descriptions that relate Ni with being mystical.

Some of my definitions of Ni - never mind, it's not really definition, explanation with examples:

I. "Ah, all the details are falling into the right place, with that 'aha' moment": you digest concepts globally via your subconscious. Let the subconscious dissect the complex concepts as they permeate through your brain. When you get the "aha" moment you know the details of concepts and ideas fall into the place - into the "just right" place.

II. "Meditative Daydreaming": I think this has been sufficiently discuss in this thread, so I will pass this.

III. "'I-just-know-and-it-demands-an-action' forecasting": without knowing much about departments, I chose to apply one of the colleges based on this vague yet powerful "long-range-forecasting." Surprisingly, amongst the top 3 schools I wanted to attend, this was the only one that accepted me.

IV. "Let's look at something in different perspectives": This is connected to INxJ's strongly individualistic sets of beliefs. Ni urges them to perceive their experiences in different (if possible, all-encompassing. Lenore talks about this.) perspectives. With this, you will get to acknowledge different views (Satya talked about this in the thread about the INFJ-and-INFP differences); I also believe, however, this is the sources of symbolism.

V. Vicky Jo's description of Introverted Intuition: http://infj.com/INFJ_iNtuition.htm
She equated Ne with "divergent" perceiving process (take-off), and Ni with "convergent" thinking process (landing). Interesting description.
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I actually had a conversation with my dad about this. We both agreed it probably could be best described by being more in tune with your "subconscious". He actually started our phone conversation with, "How long do you think you've been aware and communicative with your subconscious?" .. which was also weird, because I haven't talked to him about the introverted intuition thing in a long time and it was a couple of days after I had taken the test.
IV. "Let's look at something in different perspectives": This is connected to INxJ's strongly individualistic sets of beliefs. Ni urges them to perceive their experiences in different (if possible, all-encompassing. Lenore talks about this.) perspectives. With this, you will get to acknowledge different views (Satya talked about this in the thread about the INFJ-and-INFP differences); I also believe, however, this is the sources of symbolism.

That's interesting - could you develop that though? I'm not sure I see the connection that well... Actually, it's probably because I don't know what your definition of symbolism is.