What flavor bubble tea are you?



You Are Strawberry Bubble Tea

You are very modern and with the times. You are up on the latest trends.
You are sweet, but there's nothing safe about you're approach to life. You're secretly daring.

You are as unselfish as they come, and you're always ready to celebrate good news and good times with friends.
You make an ideal partner. You also are the perfect best friend.
You Are Honeydew Bubble Tea

You are a true daredevil. You love to walk on the wild side and take risks.
You get bored with the same old routine. You're often dying for something new.

You're the first of your friends to try a menu item or a fashion style. You are very experimental.
Novelty tickles your brain, and you are always on the cutting edge. You are a pioneer.
You Are Almond Bubble Tea

You are an ideas person, and you are always thinking of new ways to change the world.
Your taste is somewhat unconventional, although you don't like anything too far out.

You have a reputation for being quirky, and at times, you make sure to fuel it.
You're definitely adverse to following the crowd. You want to do things your way!
You Are Coffee Bubble Tea

You are a delightful contradiction. You're always trying to have the best of both worlds!
You defy convention and expectations. You do things your way just because you can.

You are energetic and unapologetically enthusiastic. You always have something to be hyper about.
You go nonstop until you crash. You're pretty good at wearing yourself out.

I've never had bubble tea. It looks kinda strange. I always order some other kind of tea from the bubble tea shop though.
Which ever flavor doesn't result in me having to eat those nasty squishy bubble things! >.<
You Are Honeydew Bubble Tea


You are a true daredevil. You love to walk on the wild side and take risks.
You get bored with the same old routine. You're often dying for something new.

You're the first of your friends to try a menu item or a fashion style. You are very experimental.
Novelty tickles your brain, and you are always on the cutting edge. You are a pioneer.
err...You Are Blueberry Bubble Tea
You are very bold, but you aren't overpowering. You are just don't tone it down for anyone. You have a vivid and interesting personality. But you are also sweet and easy going.

Most people have never met anyone like you before. You are a refreshing change of pace.
You are deep and complex. The more friends spend time around you, the more they appreciate you.

Bubble tea is a taiwanese invention, yay! My family is taiwanese.

Which ever flavor doesn't result in me having to eat those nasty squishy bubble things! >.<
I'm actually not in love with them either so I ask them to put less of it. Also if it isn't cooked properly it can be gross.
they are all gross because of the balls. you arent supposed to eat them you are supposed to spit them.

You Are Almond Bubble Tea

You are an ideas person, and you are always thinking of new ways to change the world.
Your taste is somewhat unconventional, although you don't like anything too far out.

You have a reputation for being quirky, and at times, you make sure to fuel it.
You're definitely adverse to following the crowd. You want to do things your way!

WTF, bubble tea?

I have no idea what that is but it sounds like something that Willy Wonka would invent.
You Are Strawberry Bubble Tea


You are very modern and with the times. You are up on the latest trends.
You are sweet, but there's nothing safe about you're approach to life. You're secretly daring.

You are as unselfish as they come, and you're always ready to celebrate good news and good times with friends.
You make an ideal partner. You also are the perfect best friend.

I <3 bubble tea.
For those who don't know, bubble tea is milk tea with chewy tapioca balls. It's wildly popular in some areas, although I think it's overrated. I've never even heard of most of these flavors. I always get taro milk tea.
For those who don't know, bubble tea is milk tea with chewy tapioca balls. It's wildly popular in some areas, although I think it's overrated. I've never even heard of most of these flavors. I always get taro milk tea.

It doesn't always have milk with it. I used to always get it without the milk. I like taro but its super sweet. Honeydew, mango, and almond are my favorites.
You Are Blueberry Bubble Tea
You are very bold, but you aren't overpowering. You are just don't tone it down for anyone.
You have a vivid and interesting personality. But you are also sweet and easy going.

Most people have never met anyone like you before. You are a refreshing change of pace.
You are deep and complex. The more friends spend time around you, the more they appreciate you.

This description has grammar fail. Does such an observation change my flavour?
It doesn't always have milk with it. I used to always get it without the milk. I like taro but its super sweet. Honeydew, mango, and almond are my favorites.

Well bubble tea is usually milk tea, although it can be just tea or other juices. Taro isn't sweet...not taro itself at least. Also sometimes they use the grass jelly in some drinks, which I kind of like more than tapioca.
You Are Honeydew Bubble Tea


You are a true daredevil. You love to walk on the wild side and take risks.
You get bored with the same old routine. You're often dying for something new.

You're the first of your friends to try a menu item or a fashion style. You are very experimental.
Novelty tickles your brain, and you are always on the cutting edge. You are a pioneer.
You Are Coffee Bubble Tea

You are a delightful contradiction. You're always trying to have the best of both worlds!
You defy convention and expectations. You do things your way just because you can.

You are energetic and unapologetically enthusiastic. You always have something to be hyper about.
You go nonstop until you crash. You're pretty good at wearing yourself out.

Well bubble tea is usually milk tea, although it can be just tea or other juices. Taro isn't sweet...not taro itself at least. Also sometimes they use the grass jelly in some drinks, which I kind of like more than tapioca.

I ordered taro bubble tea a few times and I found it to be very sweet. It probably had added sugar if its not naturally sweet. A lot of bubble tea shops give you the option to combine any of the following: green tea, black tea, coffee, fruit juices, milk. I don't think I've ever tried the grass jelly stuff. Those are the cubed things, right?
I ordered taro bubble tea a few times and I found it to be very sweet. It probably had added sugar if its not naturally sweet. A lot of bubble tea shops give you the option to combine any of the following: green tea, black tea, coffee, fruit juices, milk. I don't think I've ever tried the grass jelly stuff. Those are the cubed things, right?

Yeah. It's hard to find a good bubble tea place. I think the best I've had was in Taiwan. I go back to visit family from time to time. I usually get either taro or just the original milk tea. I grew up having only the regular milk tea or taro but in recent years it has become very popular and more flavors started emerging.

And yes, the grass jelly is the cubed things.
I'm strawberry. Mmmmmmm... bubble tea. Lots of bubble tea in the SF area. Don't know if it was 'good' or not, but I liked it.