What does your inner life look like?


Describe your inner life in your own words or post a pic of what which you think most accurately reflects it?

I see patterns in this - mostly shells. I think my inner life most closely resembles a coiled shell, with a protective inner core. The image has impressions of intersecting branches, where everything is haphazardly connected to other things. And sometimes, no logical relationships are formed, just uniformed nodes which seem organized but aren't. it would be nice if my inner world made this much sense, but it doesn't. Which maybe fine. Things don't always have to make sense, do they?
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Everything in my inner life blurs together. It all has a purpose and a connection to everything else. I need my pieces to form a concrete whole even if it is abstract and dreamy. The point is that I can see the order buried beneath where others fail to grasp it. Sometimes, when things get out of whack, I actually lose this chaos and I am left with only one color. A single thought preoccupies me as opposed to my usual constantly changing thought process.
My inner life is becoming every day and every moments. Now my inner looks for new experiences and gets it. I can say, i am happy with my inner life.
I see patterns like this when its dark and I close my eyes, neat! I want to copy and save this to try and watch every corner of it and see how everything changes. Amazing!

I'll decribe mine more in words: I'm like a lone traveler always passing between many alternate worlds, all of which are deeply and intricately developed. I am everything from a normal person to a superhero to an Empress to a prisoner. These are all one level down, however, from my current worries, which occupy an ethereal and bleak realm that spans and overlays all of those inner parallel universes. I have to "break through" that first layer to get to those underneath, where I am much happier. Also, I tend to "bring a friend" along in each world. Something like an inner "imaginary friend" hes always the same guy just playing different characters but with a similar bent of personality. My guardian spirit in the "under realms" ;).

something like that, but more colorful & chaotic =)
... //looks both way and steals
I found another one that my mind might look like:

For some reason, I think my mind's color is blue.
Blue is calm, rational. Blue is also intense and sometimes destructive. Blue can be a creator, a watcher. It's vast, and thoughtful. It's the color of water, my element.

I feel like the other colors emphasize the chaos, the spark of iNtuition. It's somewhat of a darker side, but there's a lighter side too. I've got two sides. Calm, reserved. Also, a bit crazy, sharp, and explosive.
I found another one that my mind might look like:

For some reason, I think my mind's color is blue.
Blue is calm, rational. Blue is also intense and sometimes destructive. Blue can be a creator, a watcher. It's vast, and thoughtful. It's the color of water, my element.

I feel like the other colors emphasize the chaos, the spark of iNtuition. It's somewhat of a darker side, but there's a lighter side too. I've got two sides. Calm, reserved. Also, a bit crazy, sharp, and explosive.

So true friend. Agree.
I found another one that my mind might look like:

For some reason, I think my mind's color is blue.
Blue is calm, rational. Blue is also intense and sometimes destructive. Blue can be a creator, a watcher. It's vast, and thoughtful. It's the color of water, my element.

I feel like the other colors emphasize the chaos, the spark of iNtuition. It's somewhat of a darker side, but there's a lighter side too. I've got two sides. Calm, reserved. Also, a bit crazy, sharp, and explosive.

You're really good at this. Find one for me?
/Pouty face
You're really good at this. Find one for me?
/Pouty face
you like? (enlarge it)

full of deep mystery and unexplored areas. Some dark corners of dense thought, but still full of life. Hidden meanings and unseen powers lurking around every corner. everything is moving, changing, making sounds and competing for a place to surface. There's also the light, shining in from outside. It illuminates the distant future to the point of blindness, and makes the present and the immediate area visible. However it doesn't even scratch the surface of the vastness of the inner sanctum.
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