What do you want to do since time doesn't exist anymore


The Romantic Scientist
So if you had all the time in the world, no more responsibilities, no more worries and all you were asked to do as human beings was to study all the subjects that interested you, which ones would you choose?

Mine would be :

  1. Stem Cell Research
  2. enviromentalism(in other words, study about ways to reduce harm to Earth)
  3. Biology
  4. Human nature(what's the cause of human behavior in a collectivist society)
  5. Languages
  6. Mysticism
  7. psychotelepatic research
  8. Philosophy
  9. Cool but unnecessary BS
Study would be pointless since there would be no need to apply it to anything anymore. So I'd just drink all day and study human behavior at the bar.
I'll go with 9.
Study would be pointless since there would be no need to apply it to anything anymore. So I'd just drink all day and study human behavior at the bar.

You just gave the greatest idea. Here's another one on my list

10. study the properties of beer and the production of such :D

You're the man Uberrogo!
Write a whole series of novels.
Assuming we could still die just not of natural causes, I'd probably kill myself sometime. I never want to live forever.

And yeah, before that I'd write a bunch.
Ill take uberrogo and The Daring Hat Trick's answers for the win. So in other words, I want to be Charles Bukowski or Hunter S Thompson when I grow up. *pours self another mint julep* I think I can wing it. I've abandoned myself to my whims and we'll see where that takes me.
I would study the way air felt on my skin in different climates and terrain. I would study the way different places made me feel just by traveling to them.

I would study what it's like to be, right in this precise moment..
I would study the way air felt on my skin in different climates and terrain. I would study the way different places made me feel just by traveling to them.

I would study what it's like to be, right in this precise moment..

I wont ruin it by telling you that in cold climes it is cold, and in warm climes it is warm, etc.
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I wont ruin it by telling you that in cold climes it is cold, and in warm climes it is warm, etc.

Ya just did!


I don't know if you've ever experienced this, but there are all sorts of different feelings one gets with changes in weather and airpressure and the like. Not just physical sensations. I should have been more careful wording that.

Perhaps I'm crazy, though. Either way, I'd like to experience my craziness all over the place.
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1) Perfect everything that I have ever wanted to (but didn't have the time for)**
2) Learn multiple languages
3) Get adequate sleep

** - includes: kendo, archery, horseback riding, hunting, skiiing, skating, cooking, philosophy, iaido, mathematics (especially calculus), physics (especially quantum), write several books/volumes, psychology (especially works by Harry Stack Sullivan), and just about everything else that I find interesting
I am afraid that life might be meaningless if we had all the time in the world.

I'd start by taking a nap though.
Travel through space! Duh. Only after I've set foot in every town on Earth though.
So...what stops us from doing all those things now? :m129:

I think we'd live differently if we honestly and truly had all the time in the world. Forever is a very long time to drink and play Nintendo. Those will get boring. And if time is infinite, we really wouldn't know age - we wouldn't feel the passage of time. Everything that we think is important now would seem so much less so if time was infinite.

Things that we normally associate with time: Paces, boredom, aging, life, death, love...all of our every day concepts would become something new. We wouldn't think the same way.

What would happen?
Maybe we'd take the time to listen more.
We'd walk, because it wouldn't matter how long it took.
We'd stop to smell the roses.
Everything could be observed and studied to its fullest potential, and we'd see something new about it, always.

But if I had all the time in the world? I think I'd walk around the world, and take new paths every day. To see every little tidbit.
And then I'd sit in tea shops and listen to conversations from all over the world.
I'd learn every language there would be to learn, and then I'd join in some of those conversations.
Then I'd learn multiple professions. I'd be an herbalist, a doctor, a vet, an astronomer, and a poet.
Learning maths would no longer frustrate me, because I could take all the time I wanted to learn it on my own and discuss it enough so I'd finally understand it.

Oh, it could be fun- really, really fun. :D
1. Be a psychiatrist

2. Write novels

3. Learn Gaelic
So...what stops us from doing all those things now? :m129:

I think we'd live differently if we honestly and truly had all the time in the world. Forever is a very long time to drink and play Nintendo. Those will get boring. And if time is infinite, we really wouldn't know age - we wouldn't feel the passage of time. Everything that we think is important now would seem so much less so if time was infinite.

Things that we normally associate with time: Paces, boredom, aging, life, death, love...all of our every day concepts would become something new. We wouldn't think the same way.

What would happen?
Maybe we'd take the time to listen more.
We'd walk, because it wouldn't matter how long it took.
We'd stop to smell the roses.
Everything could be observed and studied to its fullest potential, and we'd see something new about it, always.

But if I had all the time in the world? I think I'd walk around the world, and take new paths every day. To see every little tidbit.
And then I'd sit in tea shops and listen to conversations from all over the world.
I'd learn every language there would be to learn, and then I'd join in some of those conversations.
Then I'd learn multiple professions. I'd be an herbalist, a doctor, a vet, an astronomer, and a poet.
Learning maths would no longer frustrate me, because I could take all the time I wanted to learn it on my own and discuss it enough so I'd finally understand it.

Oh, it could be fun- really, really fun. :D

So the things I like to do will get old and "boring" (and are therefore not good enough ideas) but the things you like to do will always remain interesting and are the best ideas for everyone? How nice.
Personally, I think everything would get boring if time didn't exist. It would be a long joke that everyone's forgotten the punchline to. But I'm up for the drinking writing and people watching because it comes kind of natural. I might sneak a little meaningless sex and roller derby in there to take care of my physical and aggression needs, but it sounds otherwise a solid plan. I'd indulge my senses more. I'd take more pleasure in simple things because that's what you tend to overlook.

I'd prolly just end up a hermit writing poems by candlelight because most people and things bore me now. I can't imagine how insufferable I'd find humanity without time. Ugh.