What Changeling Are You?


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Which Changeling Are You?

The Courtless

"We only have ourselves."


My mother killed her little son,

My father smiled when I was gone,

My sister loved me best of all;

She buried the family one and all.

Once there was a girl, who had no father or mother. All alone in a shack at the end of the village dwelt her godmother, a wicked and cruel woman, yet with just an ounce of heart. This woman wasn

"There is beauty in death."


Thou, queen, art the fairest in the land;
but o'er the hills, in the shade
a beauty lays to bed,
she's lovelier by far - so take her head.

This story concerns a breathtaking young man who dreamed of the love of a beautiful girl in his village. One night he made a special cake from a recipe he learned from his grandmother, and he waited in the dark for a faerie to come and take it.

The door opened; a dark tall faerie came in. He said to the faerie,
Which Changeling Are You?

The Courtless

"We only have ourselves."


My mother killed her little son,

My father smiled when I was gone,

My sister loved me best of all;

She buried the family one and all.

Once there was a girl, who had no father or mother. All alone in a shack at the end of the village dwelt her godmother, a wicked and cruel woman, yet with just an ounce of heart. This woman wasn
^ same

62/100 You scored 40% on Desire.
23/100 You scored 40% on Wrath.
53/100 You scored 40% on Avarice.
76/100 You scored 80% on Pride.

Well, that was weird.

"Dreams can let you down."

Turn back, turn back, young maiden fair,
Linger not in this murderous lair.
My darling, this is only a dream,
Hush my sweet, no need to scream.

There are things a person must do and things that a person must not. This story begins with a hill, somewhere not far away. They say that the Invisible Throng congregate there, four times a year.

The rules are simple. From sunrise to sunset on that night, the people must not speak of the Throng, and from sunset to sunrise of that night

"Dreams can let you down."

Turn back, turn back, young maiden fair,

Linger not in this murderous lair.

My darling, this is only a dream,

Hush my sweet, no need to scream.

There are things a person must do and things that a person must not. This story begins with a hill, somewhere not far away. They say that the Invisible Throng congregate there, four times a year.

The rules are simple. From sunrise to sunset on that night, the people must not speak of the Throng, and from sunset to sunrise of that night​
Darklings :))
  • You scored 40% on Desire, higher than 62% of your peers.
  • You scored 60% on Wrath, higher than 54% of your peers.
  • You scored 0% on Avarice, higher than 4% of your peers.
  • You scored 20% on Pride, higher than 9% of your peers.

"Life is lush, so is death."

Open the door, my darling dear,
Open the door to true love here!
Mind the words that you say,
Else find your heart ripped away!

On the end of a long journey, a man took shelter from a storm in an empty palace. As he left that morning he took a rose from the garden. The owner of the palace, a faerie in the guise of a terrible monster, captured him and dragged him towards punishment.

“You picked a rose from my garden.”

“It was only a flower for my daughter!” The man wept.

“I shall now pluck your heart.”

The man begged for life, for he had a daughter whom he loved very much. So, the beastly creature demanded that the daughter come to stay with him.

The man agreed with no intention of sending his daughter to the creature. When he finally reached his home, he found his daughter, lying cold on the steps. He found her as dead as the wilting rose in his hand.

In truth, the Fae took her and replaced her with a fake dead girl. The Fae treats the lovely daughter well but she certainly may not leave. One day she loses all hope for escape and agrees to wed the ever advancing beast. There is no ceremony, just an agreement, a veil and a wedding night.

On that wedding night, he lays with her and she becomes like him - a Beast. Forever; her memory and thought washed away in the flood of sensations. She is marked with the tyranny of now.

Love’s first kiss redeems everything in stories. The Frog becomes a handsome prince. The Beast is a loving man.

It’s a lie.

To kiss the Beast surrenders your mind to instinct. It’s a double-edged blade. Beasts live for spontaneity; they have a simple joy of living that is lost on all others. Colors are bright, sounds are rich, smells are heady and tastes are vivid. Theirs is a lesson in Desire and Wrath. They were shown a need to reign in their lusts and shown the results of their childish rants. Now they deal with the turmoil of feeling too much.

To love the beast is to become the beast. Memory, self-control and consciousness are lost. The animal is amoral. The animal is incapable of true thought.

The road to humanity through the wilds of the Hedge was arduous. They had to claw back their minds as well as their souls. The beast must turn against a life of lush experiences – long enough to chew, rake, and fight through the briar and bracken. Beasts live in a paradox. On the one hand they’re moral and conscious – yet fight and love their infusion of animalistic behavior. They are all that is human and animal. Civilization and wilderness.
The Fairest...

Compared to other takers

  • 86/100 You scored 60% on Desire, higher than 86% of your peers.
  • 85/100 You scored 80% on Wrath, higher than 85% of your peers.
  • 76/100 You scored 60% on Avarice, higher than 76% of your peers.
  • 91/100 You scored 100% on Pride, higher than 91% of your peers
The Courtless.

"There is beauty in death."

Thou, queen, art the fairest in the land;
but o'er the hills, in the shade
a beauty lays to bed,

she's lovelier by far - so take her head.
This story concerns a breathtaking young man who dreamed of the love of a beautiful girl in his village. One night he made a special cake from a recipe he learned from his grandmother, and he waited in the dark for a faerie to come and take it.

The door opened; a dark tall faerie came in. He said to the faerie,