Weird Al Yankovic . . . | INFJ Forum

Weird Al Yankovic . . .


Sep 5, 2009
Unleash the fandom, etc.

I secretly (not anymore it seems) like Weird Al and some (not all) of his music video parodies. I love his 80s spoofs more than anything.

(If anyone finds this stuff offensive, let me know)


:m196: *EEEEK! . . . i think i've revealed too much nerdiness.*
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I love him too - and the Dr. Demento show. Anyone? Anyone? I haven't found anyone who knew what I was talking about with Dr. Demento in a long time.

My favorite all time 'song' (not by Weird Al), is "Only Presbyterians go to Heaven" Or maybe that's a lyric in the whole thing - anyway - really dang funny. Thanks for posting this fellow nerd!

Remember how funny his MJ spinoffs were? Like 'Eat it?'
I love him too - and the Dr. Demento show. Anyone? Anyone? I haven't found anyone who knew what I was talking about with Dr. Demento in a long time.

My favorite all time 'song' (not by Weird Al), is "Only Presbyterians go to Heaven" Or maybe that's a lyric in the whole thing - anyway - really dang funny. Thanks for posting this fellow nerd!

Remember how funny his MJ spinoffs were? Like 'Eat it?'

His MJ spinoffs were the best. "Fat" anyone?
Ok, I love Weird Al. We are both Polish after all! Yes, of fuc...g course I know who Dr. Demento is! What kind of fan would I be otherwise?? His range is far and wide. MJ, Nirvana, Don McClean, Coolio....he rocks!!

His piss-take of the Extreme song 'More Than Words' was hilarious!

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I like Weird Al in a campy kinda way. Totally down with Dr. Demento. I actually didnt know he was still doing broadcasts. Anyone know where I can find his show on a webcast?
Hee...I remember Dr. Demento. He's been around for a loooong time - I remember listening to him in high school. And yep, I sang along with Weird Al, too. :D

Anyone see the movie, UHF? Bad, bad movie...but good in a Killer Tomato kind of way.
I hate stupidity and stuff, I'm too serious a points, or I'm a crazy ESTP (I do it randomly at times...)

Anyways I think it's annoying. It can be funny sometimes but it gets old fast.:m093:
Some of his stuff is funny, some is crap, most fall halfway in between. I really like his version of Michael Jackson's "Bad", and "Amish Paradise". Also the santa song, ripping off Eminem's "Slim Shady" song.
This Weird Al song is so nostalgic to me. It brings me back to one of the most positive, carefree, fun times in my life; 10th grade of highschool in wintertime.