Visual DNA - Career


What's Your Career Visual DNA?

Here's mine:


Your Core Skills
Extremely confident and articulate, leadership roles come naturally to you. You enjoy facilitating group activities and are at your most comfortable when you feel that the channels of communication are open. You also have a very academic side and enjoy exercising your analytical brain. You like facts and figures. But you also have a sparky creative streak.

Potential Areas Of Weakness
You can be very single-minded and don't always involve others in your thinking. There's a chance that you may come across as overly confident and arrogant. Good leadership involves listening as much as talking. It's important that your desire for process and rigorousness don't handicap your ability to work dynamically.

Areas You Might Want To Work On
try to be more patient with people who may not find communicating as easy or natural as you
push yourself by taking on projects of a more practical nature
be more open to criticism

Careers That May Suit You




Optimism barometer

Here's an indication of your optimism levels based on the VisualDNA that you haved shared with us.

Energy meter

Here's an indication of your energy levels based on the VisualDNA that you haved shared with us.

Your Detailed Personality Assessment

Winning the respect and loyalty of your colleagues comes easily to you. You feel at home in the limelight and find great stimulation from enthusing and inspiring those around you. But how often do you sit down and really think about ways that you could use your wonderful unique skills to truly make the impact that you would like? You enjoy a challenge and always rise to the occasion so make sure that your attitude stays fresh so that you perform to your highest abilities in everything that you do.

When it comes to leadership, you believe in mucking in and being part of the team. Nothing earns the respect of your colleagues like actual hands-on involvement and experience. If you want something done well, you like to show the way and let others follow your lead.

You are very motivated and like to keep your eye on the prize. You value commitment and perserverance very highly.

You're quite a maverick at heart. Not for you the traditional paths of career development. You have true entrepreneurial flair and are always thinking of new and original ways to get ahead in life. It's good to keep things fresh. You like variety and may feel frustrated in a work set-up which limits your potential for self-expression. Being your own boss is definitely appealing to you.

You're feeling very fired-up right now. Life is fast-paced and hard to keep up with. Your mind is often racing and you may sometimes feel as if you have too much to deal with. But you also get a real buzz from feeling super-charged - it's a kind of addiction and makes you feel alive. It's not surprising that you're feeling upbeat. You seem to be getting a lot of satisfaction from your job. You have good relationships with your colleagues and feel very rewarded at work.
The way you approach each day can have huge implications for your success in the workplace. Bouncing out of bed with a spring in your step doesn't exactly come naturally to you. You sometimes find it difficult to get moving in the mornings. It might be worth trying to reinvigorate your morning routine so that getting out of bed is more of a pleasure than a battle! That way you can face the day firing on all cylinders. If you haven't already, why not try exploring some evening relaxation techniques that might help you get the rest you need - whether it's yoga, a soak in the tub or even a full-on gym session. It could make all the difference.
I think I broke it. Most of what's not in the detailed review is pretty much opposite. Also it classified me as a performer and mainly suggested some pretty active careers but told me energy was low. Edit: Awww no strikethrough function?

Intellect: Thinker
Skills: Performer
Emotions: Instructor
Dynamism: Innovator

Your Core Skills

Confident and articulate, you are a people-person and a gifted facilitator. You have the ability to inspire and motivate a team. You thrive when you're the centre of attention and feed off the energy of the group. You enjoy rational thinking, assessing problems carefully from all angles before reaching a conclusion. Original thought and innovation comes naturally to you.
Potential Areas Of Weakness

You can get quite addicted to group dynamics and sometimes find it hard to work quietly on your own. You think and talk big but this can be at the expense of focus on routine planning and organisational tasks. The practical details may not be so exciting to you but that doesn't mean you can neglect them. You need to make sure you listen as well as lead.
Areas You Might Want To Work On

  • Make a conscious effort to enjoy working alone from time to time rather than seeking an audience
    [*]As a natural leader, there is always room to improve your listening skills so that all team members feel valued and integrated
    [*]Work hard at giving the necessary attention to time management and organisational tasks
Careers That May Suit You

  • COMEDIAN - Nah wouldn't feel natural to me.
  • DIPLOMAT - Possibly...not a number one choice though
  • POLITICIAN - :m169:
Optimism barometer

Here's an indication of your optimism levels based on the VisualDNA that you haved shared with us.

Energy meter

Here's an indication of your energy levels based on the VisualDNA that you haved shared with us.

Your Detailed Personality Assessment

Winning the respect and loyalty of your colleagues comes easily to you. You feel very at home in the limelight and are a natural when it comes to enthusing and inspiring those around you. But how often do you sit down and really think about ways that you could use your wonderful unique skills to truly make the impact that you would like? You enjoy a challenge and always rise to the occasion so make sure that your attitude stays fresh so that you perform to your highest abilities in everything that you do.
When it comes to leadership, you believe in mucking in and being part of the team. Nothing earns the respect of your colleagues like actual hands-on involvement and experience. If you want something done well, you like to show the way and let others follow your lead.
You have a deep connection to your spiritual self. This balanced outlook is an extremely powerful force in your life. You have a healthy sense of perspective and are driven by a strong moral value system.
You're quite a maverick at heart. Not for you the traditional paths of career development. You have true entrepreneurial flair and are always thinking of new and original ways to get ahead in life. It's good to keep things fresh. You like variety and may feel frustrated in a work set-up which limits your potential for self-expression. Being your own boss is definitely appealing to you.
You are flourishing at the moment, and seem to be experiencing real fulfillment. Positive self-development has rich rewards in your work life. It's not surprising that you're feeling upbeat. You seem to be getting a lot of satisfaction from your job. It's a passion and it makes you feel alive.
The way you approach each day can have huge implications for your success in the workplace. Bouncing out of bed with a spring in your step doesn't exactly come naturally to you. You sometimes find it difficult to get moving in the mornings. It might be worth trying to reinvigorate your morning routine so that getting out of bed is more of a pleasure than a battle! That way you can face the day firing on all cylinders. If you haven't already, why not try exploring some evening relaxation techniques that might help you get the rest you need - whether it's yoga, a soak in the tub or even a full-on gym session. It could make all the difference.
The Future

You've made your first steps into the job market and the next move you make will be really important in shaping your career. This is a really great time to think about the experience you've had and to consider what you really want from life and how you're going to achieve it. Life can feel like a bit of an endurance race sometimes. It's all about making sure that you have the stamina and commitment to go the distance. You seem to be quite pragmatic about the fact that work has its ups and downs, and this is a really healthy way to be, as long as this doesn't dampen your natural enthusiasm for life.
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  • Intellect: Thinker
  • Skills: Listener
  • Emotions: Instructor
  • Dynamism: Innovator

Your Core Skills

A natural academic, you love thinking through problems methodically. You are analytical and enjoy fact-based work. Empathetic and sensitive, you shine when facilitating discussions and debate. You are a strong group worker, who gets a real buzz from seeing teams functioning successfully.
Potential Areas Of Weakness

You tend to enjoy working within comfort zones and may be resistant to more spontaneous, risk taking activities. You are sometimes reticent about expressing your own opinions or needs and this may mean you end up feeling disenfranchised in the workplace. Your leadership potential may be thwarted by your lack of confidence or experience in public speaking.
Areas You Might Want To Work On

  • try exploring exercises or techniques that will give you greater confidence
  • be more flexible in your approach
  • ensure that your natural role as facilitator or mediator does not mean that you fail to express your own opinion
Careers That May Suit You


Optimism barometer

Here's an indication of your optimism levels based on the VisualDNA that you haved shared with us.

Energy meter

Here's an indication of your energy levels based on the VisualDNA that you haved shared with us.

Your Detailed Personality Assessment

It's important that you take the time to listen to yourself as well as to those around you. Make a conscious effort to regularly tune into your personal life goals and how you are going to achieve these. Use your diplomacy and intuition to your own advantage to move your career forward in positive ways. You enjoy a challenge and always rise to the occasion so make sure that your attitude stays fresh so that you are exhilarated in everything that you do.
When it comes to leadership, you know how important it is to inspire and motivate your colleagues. You try your best to be confident and articulate and to keep things fresh and interesting.
You have a very good eye and are naturally attuned to aesthetic beauty. You appreciate craftsmanship and understand the value of true mastery. You have strong ambitions and like to push yourself.
You're quite a maverick at heart. Not for you the traditional paths of career development. You have true entrepreneurial flair and are always thinking of new and original ways to get ahead in life. It's good to keep things fresh. You like variety and may feel frustrated in a work set-up which limits your potential for self-expression. Being your own boss is definitely appealing to you.
You're in a steady place right now. Work life is going smoothly, with no major ups or downs. You are quite pensive and open to new ideas but also happy to work at your own pace. It feels good when things follow their logical path. It's not surprising that you're feeling upbeat. You seem to be getting a lot of satisfaction from your job. You have good relationships with your colleagues and feel very rewarded at work.
The way you approach each day can have huge implications for your success in the workplace. Bouncing out of bed with a spring in your step doesn't exactly come naturally to you. You sometimes find it difficult to get moving in the mornings. It might be worth trying to reinvigorate your morning routine so that getting out of bed is more of a pleasure than a battle! That way you can face the day firing on all cylinders. If you haven't already, why not try exploring some evening relaxation techniques that might help you get the rest you need - whether it's yoga, a soak in the tub or even a full-on gym session. It could make all the difference.
The Future

You may not be looking for a new job right now but you're committed to understanding more about yourself and recognise how valuable this can be in terms of self-development. You've got a pretty healthy attitude when it comes down to it. You don't allow yourself to get too stressed out by life however challenging it may be. Just make sure that you're not so laid back that you lack the necessary drive to promote yourself and really fulfill your potential.
Careers: You're a Thinker

Intellect: Thinker
Skills: Performer
Emotions: Instructor
Dynamism: Innovator

Your Core Skills
Confident and articulate, you are a people-person and a gifted facilitator. You have the ability to inspire and motivate a team. You thrive when you're the centre of attention and feed off the energy of the group. You enjoy rational thinking, assessing problems carefully from all angles before reaching a conclusion. Original thought and innovation comes naturally to you.

Potential Areas Of Weakness
You can get quite addicted to group dynamics and sometimes find it hard to work quietly on your own. You think and talk big but this can be at the expense of focus on routine planning and organisational tasks. The practical details may not be so exciting to you but that doesn't mean you can neglect them. You need to make sure you listen as well as lead.

Areas You Might Want To Work On

  • Make a conscious effort to enjoy working alone from time to time rather than seeking an audience
  • As a natural leader, there is always room to improve your listening skills so that all team members feel valued and integrated
  • Work hard at giving the necessary attention to time management and organisational tasks

Careers That May Suit You

Your Detailed Personality Assessment
Winning the respect and loyalty of your colleagues comes easily to you. You feel very at home in the limelight and are a natural when it comes to enthusing and inspiring those around you. But how often do you sit down and really think about ways that you could use your wonderful unique skills to truly make the impact that you would like? You enjoy a challenge and always rise to the occasion so make sure that your attitude stays fresh so that you perform to your highest abilities in everything that you do.

When it comes to leadership, you believe in mucking in and being part of the team. Nothing earns the respect of your colleagues like actual hands-on involvement and experience. If you want something done well, you like to show the way and let others follow your lead.

You have a strong sense of wonder and enchantment at the world around you. You probably get a kick out of blue sky brainstorming.

You're quite a maverick at heart. Not for you the traditional paths of career development. You have true entrepreneurial flair and are always thinking of new and original ways to get ahead in life. It's good to keep things fresh. You like variety and may feel frustrated in a work set-up which limits your potential for self-expression. Being your own boss is definitely appealing to you.

You seem to be in a bit of a hectic place in your life right now. There are lots of opportunities and things that you're interested in, but it's quite hard to know what to focus on. You could probably use a bit of guidance to help you channel your energies in the right way. And yet, you seem to be getting a lot of satisfaction from work right now. It's a passion and it makes you feel alive. Work sometimes feels like a release from other stresses in your life.

The way you approach each day can have huge implications for your success in the workplace. Bouncing out of bed with a spring in your step doesn't exactly come naturally to you. You sometimes find it difficult to get moving in the mornings. It might be worth trying to reinvigorate your morning routine so that getting out of bed is more of a pleasure than a battle! That way you can face the day firing on all cylinders. If you haven't already, why not try exploring some evening relaxation techniques that might help you get the rest you need - whether it's yoga, a soak in the tub or even a full-on gym session. It could make all the difference.

The Future
You may not be looking for a new job right now but you're committed to understanding more about yourself and recognise how valuable this can be in terms of self-development. Life an feel like a bit of an endurance race sometimes. It's all about making sure that you have the stamina and commitment to go the distance. You seem to be quite pragmatic about the fact that work has its ups and downs, and this is a really healthy way to be, as long as this doesn't dampen your natural enthusiasm for life.
These results are way off...

  • Intellect: Thinker
  • Skills: Performer
  • Emotions: Instructor
  • Dynamism: Chiller
View attachment 2988

Your Core Skills

Confident and articulate, you are a people-person and a gifted facilitator. You have the ability to inspire and motivate a team. You thrive when you're the centre of attention and feed off the energy of the group. You enjoy rational thinking, assessing problems carefully from all angles before reaching a conclusion. Original thought and innovation comes naturally to you.
Potential Areas Of Weakness

You can get quite addicted to group dynamics and sometimes find it hard to work quietly on your own. You think and talk big but this can be at the expense of focus on routine planning and organisational tasks. The practical details may not be so exciting to you but that doesn't mean you can neglect them. You need to make sure you listen as well as lead.
Areas You Might Want To Work On

  • Make a conscious effort to enjoy working alone from time to time rather than seeking an audience
  • As a natural leader, there is always room to improve your listening skills so that all team members feel valued and integrated
  • Work hard at giving the necessary attention to time management and organisational tasks

Careers That May Suit You

Your Detailed Personality Assessment

Winning the respect and loyalty of your colleagues comes easily to you. You feel very at home in the limelight and are a natural when it comes to enthusing and inspiring those around you. But how often do you sit down and really think about ways that you could use your wonderful unique skills to truly make the impact that you would like? You enjoy a challenge and always rise to the occasion so make sure that your attitude stays fresh so that you perform to your highest abilities in everything that you do.
When it comes to leadership, you are a firm believer in conviviality. You like to be a friend as well as a boss. Job satisfaction lies in building strong relationships with the people you work with. But it's important to always be careful not to blur those boundaries.
You have a strong aesthetic sense and appreciate the value of true mastery. You have strong ambitions and like to push yourself.
You can sometimes be quite laid-back about achieving your goals. You tend to land on your feet and so you don't get too stressed about pushing too hard. You definitely have a good life-work balance. And it's true, sometimes success comes to those who don't seem too desperate. This healthy attitude is great so long as you don't come across as disinterested or lazy. It's important that you make sure your colleagues feel that you are pulling your weight.
You're feeling very fired-up right now. Life is fast-paced and hard to keep up with. Your mind is often racing and you may sometimes feel as if you have too much to deal with. But you also get a real buzz from feeling super-charged - it's a kind of addiction and makes you feel alive. Work may not be doing it for you. There's probably a lot that's been stressing you out and you may be feeling quite stretched and low on inspiration. But you're good at managing your stress and not letting it take over too much. There's more to life than work.
The way you approach each day can have huge implications for your success in the workplace. Disorganisation in your home life can have repercussions at work. It's an old clich� but a tidy house really does equal a tidy mind. A spot of life laundry might do you the world of good. You could try getting up 15 minutes earlier every day so that you're not always rushing. And perhaps even plan your morning routine the night before.
The Future

Maybe you've outgrown your current job or perhaps you want make your mark with a big career move. You may not be ready to make a change just yet, but you're definitely thinking about your options and you understand the value of doing lots of research and thinking so that you make the right move when the time comes. Life an feel like a bit of an endurance race sometimes. It's all about making sure that you have the stamina and commitment to go the distance. You seem to be quite pragmatic about the fact that work has its ups and downs, and this is a really healthy way to be, as long as this doesn't dampen your natural enthusiasm for life.
Hmm. THe short description feels right but the long description seems way off. Here's what I got:

  • Intellect: Thinker
  • Skills: Performer
  • Emotions: Instructor
  • Dynamism: Innovator

Optimism barometer

Here's an indication of your optimism levels based on the VisualDNA that you haved shared with us.

Energy meter

Here's an indication of your energy levels based on the VisualDNA that you haved shared with us.

Yes, I am very high energy and very pessimistic. This fundamental clash is the central mysticism of my being. Accurate test with oddly inaccurate verbal description at the end. I guess that is kinda funny since its a visual test. I think this test may be seeing the pictures differently than I do.

For fun,I'm gonna list my answers as I think they are more telling than the test results themselves:
I admire people who work here the most...


I find this difficult...


Success to me means...


Clever to me means...


This inspires me...


This is how I like to learn...


This makes me feel happy...


This makes me the most uncomfortable...


I feel I make myself best understood when...


I like this sport...


This is most like the environment I would like to work in...


For fun I usually like to...


The highlight of my day...


Right now, this matters most to me in my life...


I work so I can....


This was me at school...


If I was an animal I'd be a...


My least favourite work would be...


This is what I'm most likely to do in my spare time...


I would like to live here...


I get bored when...


This comes naturally to me...


I would most like to sit at this work area...


My favourite subject at school...


I do my best thinking when...


I would like my colleagues to see me as...


I would like to be working with people like this...


This is how I would lead...


I think I'd excel here...


When I'm old I want to be...


This is where I want to be in five years time...


I would like to be better at this...


When I'm under pressure, I normally..


To me, fulfillment is...


I presently see the world like...


This is how I feel about work...


This is how I feel about the future...


The inside of my mind feels like this...


This is most like my bedroom...


Here's what family means to me...


This is what I would like to change about my life...


  • 11%

A typical evening meal for me...


This is how I usually feel in the morning...


The first thing I usually want to do after work is...

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Yeah this wasn't too accurate for me, not even gonna bother posting the results.


Your Core Skills
You have a steady reliable intellect and seem to be most confident when you can base your thinking and decisions in hard facts. You are focused and thorough with an impressive eye for detail. A natural team-player, you are tactful and thoughtful with a good feel for group dynamics. You enjoy working through problems with your colleagues.
Potential Areas Of Weakness
You don't always express yourself as articulately and passionately as you could. It seems that you may be afraid of offending people or making enemies. Your sensitive manner may well mask a lack of confidence. You have the potential to be an excellent group facilitator but appear to have some anxiety around taking on leadership roles.
Areas You Might Want To Work On
You need to allow yourself to try challenges beyond comfort zone
become more confident in your opinions and more forthright about saying what you think. Believe in your potential to succeed.
make a conscious effort to develop your leadership skills, including public speaking and networking
Careers That May Suit You
Optimism barometer
Here's an indication of your optimism levels based on the VisualDNA that you haved shared with us.

Energy meter
Here's an indication of your energy levels based on the VisualDNA that you haved shared with us.

Your Detailed Personality Assessment
How often do you sit down and really think about what it is you want from life? It's important that you remain self-aware and make a conscious effort to regularly tune into your personal goals and how you are going to achieve these. Use your natural diplomacy and intuition to your own advantage by moving your career forward in positive ways. You enjoy a challenge and always rise to the occasion so make sure that your attitude stays fresh so that you are exhilarated in everything that you do.
When it comes to leadership, empathy is your real forte. You are extremely supportive to your colleagues and able to bring out the best in them.
You have a strong aesthetic sense and appreciate the value of true mastery. You have strong ambitions and like to push yourself.
You're quite a maverick at heart. Not for you the traditional paths of career development. You have true entrepreneurial flair and are always thinking of new and original ways to get ahead in life. It's good to keep things fresh. You like variety and may feel frustrated in a work set-up which limits your potential for self-expression. Being your own boss is definitely appealing to you.
Life may feel quite stark to you right now. It's sometimes hard to see a way out of the daily grind, as if you're stuck on a treadmill with no way of getting off. It's not surprising you're having a tough time. Work isn't exactly doing it for you at the moment. There's a lot that's been stressing you out and you're probably feeling quite stretched and low on inspiration. It may be time for a change.
The way you approach each day can have huge implications for your success in the workplace. You're a naturally enthusiastic and energised person and you definitely know how to live life to the full. But if you're really serious about implementing positive change in your career, you might need to look at the way you balance your time. You can't expect too much from yourself so it might be a case of shifting priorities, at least for the time being. Sleep may be your new secret weapon!
The Future
You may still be a student but you're smart to be thinking ahead and checking out your career options. You're about to embark on a really exciting time in your life - and there's going to be lots of decisions to make that will shape your future. You may feel like you're a bit stuck for ideas right now. It's important that you really try to listen to your inner voice and ask what it is that you want from life. By being true to yourself, you'll find that the inspiration will flow and allow you to develop and shine in the most amazing ways.
  • Intellect: Researcher
  • Skills: Observer
  • Emotions: Organizer
  • Dynamism: Innovator

Your Core Skills

You an extremely organised individual who thrives in an ordered environment. You have strong managerial skills and are at your best when you can apply a process and structure to your work. You are a thorough worker, tradition-oriented, and you particularly enjoy fact-based work rather than blue-sky thinking. You are diplomatic and sensitive to group dynamics.

Potential Areas Of Weakness

It seems that your sensitive manner may well mask a lack of confidence. You may be afraid of offending people or making enemies. You have the potential to be an excellent group facilitator but appear to have some anxiety around taking on leadership roles. All those spreadsheets and workplans may be having a negative impact on your imagination. It's unfortunate if your developmental potential is limited by inflexible and risk-averse ways of thinking.

Areas You Might Want To Work On

  • Try to be more flexible and open to new ideas
  • try not to be too uptight, work in a more relaxed way - be easygoing about sharing your opinions without being afraid that you're going to cause offence
  • try introducing changes to routine - this may bring new levels of enrichment and inspiration

Careers That May Suit You


Optimism barometer

Here's an indication of your optimism levels based on the VisualDNA that you haved shared with us.

Energy meter

Here's an indication of your energy levels based on the VisualDNA that you haved shared with us.

Your Detailed Personality Assessment
You have shown yourself to be an impressive administrator with the kind of sought-after skills that make you are a valuable member of any team. These aptitudes are highly transferable and stand you in very good stead for exploring career opportunities in a wide range of fields. Focusing on a clear career plan and developing a set of powerful self-promotion techniques will be key to becoming the creator of your own reality. It's worth trying to reinvigorate your imagination and to think creatively about what you really want from life and how you are going to achieve this.
You have a good understanding of what it means to be an effective leader. You try to be generous with your time and get great satisfaction from helping others to reach their full potential.

You have an impressive thirst for knowledge. You are voracious and passionate when it comes to deepening your understanding of ideas that interest you. It is important for you that your work feeds this desire to grow and develop your intellectual self.

You're quite a maverick at heart. Not for you the traditional paths of career development. You have true entrepreneurial flair and are always thinking of new and original ways to get ahead in life. It's good to keep things fresh. You like variety and may feel frustrated in a work set-up which limits your potential for self-expression. Being your own boss is definitely appealing to you.

Life probably feels quite inspiring to you right now. You're firing on all cylinders and up for any challenge that comes your way. It's a great way to be…as long as you don't burn out too fast. You're probably feeling a bit trapped by work. But you know yourself very well and are quite good at staying on top of things and not letting the stresses of the job take over too much.
The way you approach each day can have huge implications for your success in the workplace. Bouncing out of bed with a spring in your step doesn't exactly come naturally to you. You sometimes find it difficult to get moving in the mornings. It might be worth trying to reinvigorate your morning routine so that getting out of bed is more of a pleasure than a battle! That way you can face the day firing on all cylinders. If you haven't already, why not try exploring some evening relaxation techniques that might help you get the rest you need - whether it's yoga, a soak in the tub or even a full-on gym session. It could make all the difference.

The Future

Maybe things have got a bit stale at work and you feel like you've outgrown your current job or perhaps you're feeling super ambitious and want make your mark with a big career move. Either way, it's time for a change. Moving on is a really positive decision since it affords fantastic growth opportunities and learning experiences. Life an feel like a bit of an endurance race sometimes. It's all about making sure that you have the stamina and commitment to go the distance. You seem to be quite pragmatic about the fact that work has its ups and downs, and this is a really healthy way to be, as long as this doesn't dampen your natural enthusiasm for life.
You're a Thinker

* Intellect: Thinker
* Skills: Observer
* Emotions: Instructor
* Dynamism: Innovator

Your Core Skills

An analytical thinker, thorough and reliable, you like to work methodically and at your own pace. You prefer to explore all angles before reaching a conclusion, but you also hav a sparky creative side and like coming up with original solutions to problems. You're very sensitive to group dynamics and a good team-player. You are diplomatic and choose to avoid conflict wherever possible.

Potential Areas Of Weakness

It's possible that your sensitive thoughtful manner masks a lack of confidence but you need to be careful that you don't come across as cold and standoffish. You don't always express yourself as articulately and passionately as you could and tend to keep your emotions to yourself. It seems that you may be afraid of offending people or making enemies. You have the potential to be an excellent group facilitator but appear to have some anxiety around taking on leadership roles.

Areas You Might Want To Work On

* Focus on building your confidence
* Develop your public speaking and group facilitation skills
* make a conscious effort, where appropriate, to involve team members in your thinking

Careers That May Suit You


Optimism barometer


Energy meter


Your Detailed Personality Assessment

How often do you sit down and really think about what it is you want from life? It's important that you remain self-aware and make a conscious effort to regularly tune into your personal goals and how you are going to achieve these. Use your natural diplomacy and intuition to your own advantage by moving your career forward in positive ways. You enjoy a challenge and always rise to the occasion so make sure that your attitude stays fresh so that you are exhilarated in everything that you do.

You have a good understanding of what it means to be an effective leader. You try to be generous with your time and get great satisfaction from helping others to reach their full potential.

You have an impressive thirst for knowledge. You are voracious and passionate when it comes to deepening your understanding of ideas that interest you. It is important for you that your work feeds this desire to grow and develop your intellectual self.

You're quite a maverick at heart. Not for you the traditional paths of career development. You have true entrepreneurial flair and are always thinking of new and original ways to get ahead in life. It's good to keep things fresh. You like variety and may feel frustrated in a work set-up which limits your potential for self-expression. Being your own boss is definitely appealing to you.

You are flourishing at the moment, and seem to be experiencing real fulfillment. Positive self-development has rich rewards in your work life. Work may be the source of some serious worries but you know yourself well and are good at managing your concerns and not letting them take over your life. You have a natural inner security which means you can hold your own in a crisis.

The way you approach each day can have huge implications for your success in the workplace. It's probably true to say that you are sometimes guilty of letting your overactive mind get the better of you and taking things too seriously or blowing stresses out of proportion. It's important not to let anxieties take over. Some good old-fashioned life-management techniques might do the trick. Writing things down always helps to clear the head and can make the world appear an altogether less intimidating place.

The Future

Maybe you've outgrown your current job or perhaps you want make your mark with a big career move. You may not be ready to make a change just yet, but you're definitely thinking about your options and you understand the value of doing lots of research and thinking so that you make the right move when the time comes. You definitely seem to know the meaning of positive mental attitude. You're full of enthusiasm for the challenges ahead and ready to be surprised and inspired.
You're a Thinker

  • Intellect: Thinker
  • Skills: Performer
  • Emotions: Instructor
  • Dynamism: Innovator

Your Core Skills

Confident and articulate, you are a people-person and a gifted facilitator. You have the ability to inspire and motivate a team. You thrive when you're the centre of attention and feed off the energy of the group. You enjoy rational thinking, assessing problems carefully from all angles before reaching a conclusion. Original thought and innovation comes naturally to you.

Potential Areas Of Weakness

You can get quite addicted to group dynamics and sometimes find it hard to work quietly on your own. You think and talk big but this can be at the expense of focus on routine planning and organisational tasks. The practical details may not be so exciting to you but that doesn't mean you can neglect them. You need to make sure you listen as well as lead.

Areas You Might Want To Work On

  • Make a conscious effort to enjoy working alone from time to time rather than seeking an audience
  • As a natural leader, there is always room to improve your listening skills so that all team members feel valued and integrated
  • Work hard at giving the necessary attention to time management and organisational tasks

Careers That May Suit You


Optimism barometer


Energy meter


Your Detailed Personality Assessment

Winning the respect and loyalty of your colleagues comes easily to you. You feel very at home in the limelight and are a natural when it comes to enthusing and inspiring those around you. But how often do you sit down and really think about ways that you could use your wonderful unique skills to truly make the impact that you would like? You enjoy a challenge and always rise to the occasion so make sure that your attitude stays fresh so that you perform to your highest abilities in everything that you do.

When it comes to leadership, empathy is your real forte. You are extremely supportive to your colleagues and able to bring out the best in them.

You have a deep connection to your spiritual self. This balanced outlook is an extremely powerful force in your life. You have a healthy sense of perspective and are driven by a strong moral value system.

You're quite a maverick at heart. Not for you the traditional paths of career development. You have true entrepreneurial flair and are always thinking of new and original ways to get ahead in life. It's good to keep things fresh. You like variety and may feel frustrated in a work set-up which limits your potential for self-expression. Being your own boss is definitely appealing to you.

You're in a very happy-go-lucky place right now. Everything seems to be going your way and your positive energy is infectious which means that everyone enjoys being around you. It's not surprising that you're feeling upbeat. You seem to be getting a lot of satisfaction from your work. And this good feeling pervades the rest of your life.

The way you approach each day can have huge implications for your success in the workplace. And it seems that you know yourself and your emotional needs very well. You understand the value of clear thinking and are not afraid to take time out of your schedule in order to maintain peace of mind. This healthy take on life is extremely positive and it seems that you have your priorities right. You are steady and strong, and able to keep your focus even when facing intense challenges.

The Future

Maybe you've outgrown your current job or perhaps you want make your mark with a big career move. You may not be ready to make a change just yet, but you're definitely thinking about your options and you understand the value of doing lots of research and thinking so that you make the right move when the time comes. You definitely seem to know the meaning of positive mental attitude. You're full of enthusiasm for the challenges ahead and ready to be surprised and inspired.


Overall, fairly accurate, save these two lines:

You thrive when you're the centre of attention and feed off the energy of the group. You can get quite addicted to group dynamics and sometimes find it hard to work quietly on your own.

I really dislike being the center of attention for anything more than a moment. I also very much enjoy and value working on my own.


Your Core Skills
An analytical thinker, thorough and reliable, you like to work methodically and at your own pace. You prefer to explore all angles before reaching a conclusion, but you also hav a sparky creative side and like coming up with original solutions to problems. You're very sensitive to group dynamics and a good team-player. You are diplomatic and choose to avoid conflict wherever possible.

Potential Areas Of Weakness
It's possible that your sensitive thoughtful manner masks a lack of confidence but you need to be careful that you don't come across as cold and standoffish. You don't always express yourself as articulately and passionately as you could and tend to keep your emotions to yourself. It seems that you may be afraid of offending people or making enemies. You have the potential to be an excellent group facilitator but appear to have some anxiety around taking on leadership roles.

Areas You Might Want To Work On
Focus on building your confidence
Develop your public speaking and group facilitation skills
make a conscious effort, where appropriate, to involve team members in your thinking




Your Detailed Personality Assessment
How often do you sit down and really think about what it is you want from life? It's important that you remain self-aware and make a conscious effort to regularly tune into your personal goals and how you are going to achieve these. Use your natural diplomacy and intuition to your own advantage by moving your career forward in positive ways. You enjoy a challenge and always rise to the occasion so make sure that your attitude stays fresh so that you are exhilarated in everything that you do.
You're a bit of a traditionalist at heart. You have quite strong opinions when it comes to discipline and respect, and you value the efficiency benefit of clearly defined working relationships.
You have a deep connection to your spiritual self. This balanced outlook is an extremely powerful force in your life. You have a healthy sense of perspective and are driven by a strong moral value system.
You're quite a maverick at heart. Not for you the traditional paths of career development. You have true entrepreneurial flair and are always thinking of new and original ways to get ahead in life. It's good to keep things fresh. You like variety and may feel frustrated in a work set-up which limits your potential for self-expression. Being your own boss is definitely appealing to you.
You are in a very steady place right now. Life feels very ordered and compartmentalised. But it may also be lacking inspiration. You could do with some fresh thinking to breathe life into those grey cells. But overall, you get a thumbs up for being calm and collected whatever life throws at you. You've probably got a lot on your plate. But you're quite good at staying on top of things and not letting the stresses of the job take over too much. Sometimes the greatest pleasure is in being really busy and not having enough hours in the day!
The way you approach each day can have huge implications for your success in the workplace. You're a naturally enthusiastic and energised person and you definitely know how to live life to the full. But if you're really serious about implementing positive change in your career, you might need to look at the way you balance your time. You can't expect too much from yourself so it might be a case of shifting priorities, at least for the time being. Sleep may be your new secret weapon!
The Future
You may still be a student but you're smart to be thinking ahead and checking out your career options. You're about to embark on a really exciting time in your life - and there's going to be lots of decisions to make that will shape your future. It's important that you try to get fired up for the challenges ahead. It's a competitive world out there and so you need to try to put as much energy as you can into promoting yourself and really getting your career off the ground. It'll pay off in the long run.
You're a Thinker

Redo quiz

  • Intellect: Thinker
  • Skills: Communicator
  • Emotions: Instructor
  • Dynamism: Innovator

Your Core Skills

Extremely confident and articulate, leadership roles come naturally to you. You enjoy facilitating group activities and are at your most comfortable when you feel that the channels of communication are open. You also have a very academic side and enjoy exercising your analytical brain. You like facts and figures. But you also have a sparky creative streak.
Potential Areas Of Weakness

You can be very single-minded and don't always involve others in your thinking. There's a chance that you may come across as overly confident and arrogant. Good leadership involves listening as much as talking. It's important that your desire for process and rigorousness don't handicap your ability to work dynamically.
Areas You Might Want To Work On

  • try to be more patient with people who may not find communicating as easy or natural as you
  • push yourself by taking on projects of a more practical nature
  • be more open to criticism
Careers That May Suit You


Optimism barometer

Here's an indication of your optimism levels based on the VisualDNA that you haved shared with us.

Energy meter

Here's an indication of your energy levels based on the VisualDNA that you haved shared with us.
I got the same result as tovlo and Artinella, except that my optimism and energy levels look like this:



And my "Detailed Personality Assessment looks like this:

How often do you sit down and really think about what it is you want from life? It's important that you remain self-aware and make a conscious effort to regularly tune into your personal goals and how you are going to achieve these. Use your natural diplomacy and intuition to your own advantage by moving your career forward in positive ways. You enjoy a challenge and always rise to the occasion so make sure that your attitude stays fresh so that you are exhilarated in everything that you do.

When it comes to leadership, empathy is your real forte. You are extremely supportive to your colleagues and able to bring out the best in them.

You have a deep connection to your spiritual self. This balanced outlook is an extremely powerful force in your life. You have a healthy sense of perspective and are driven by a strong moral value system.

You're quite a maverick at heart. Not for you the traditional paths of career development. You have true entrepreneurial flair and are always thinking of new and original ways to get ahead in life. It's good to keep things fresh. You like variety and may feel frustrated in a work set-up which limits your potential for self-expression. Being your own boss is definitely appealing to you.

You're in a very happy-go-lucky place right now. Everything seems to be going your way and your positive energy is infectious which means that everyone enjoys being around you. Work may be the source of some serious worries but you know yourself well and are good at managing your concerns and not letting them take over your life. You have a natural inner security which means you can hold your own in a crisis.

The way you approach each day can have huge implications for your success in the workplace. Bouncing out of bed with a spring in your step doesn't exactly come naturally to you. You sometimes find it difficult to get moving in the mornings. It might be worth trying to reinvigorate your morning routine so that getting out of bed is more of a pleasure than a battle! That way you can face the day firing on all cylinders. If you haven't already, why not try exploring some evening relaxation techniques that might help you get the rest you need - whether it's yoga, a soak in the tub or even a full-on gym session. It could make all the difference.

The Future

It can be daunting to be looking for your first job but this really is an exciting time in your life. There's so many decisions to make that will shape your future. You have the opportunity to really think about what you want from life and how you're going to achieve it. You may feel like you're a bit stuck for ideas right now. It's important that you really try to listen to your inner voice and ask what it is that you want from life. By being true to yourself, you'll find that the inspiration will flow and allow you to develop and shine in the most amazing ways.
You're a Thinker

  • Intellect: Thinker
  • Skills: Observer
  • Emotions: Instructor
  • Dynamism: Innovator

Optimism barometer
Here's an indication of your optimism levels based on the VisualDNA that you haved shared with us.

Energy meter

Here's an indication of your energy levels based on the VisualDNA that you have shared with us.

Your Core Skills

An analytical thinker, thorough and reliable, you like to work methodically and at your own pace. You prefer to explore all angles before reaching a conclusion, but you also have a sparky creative side and like coming up with original solutions to problems. You're very sensitive to group dynamics and a good team-player. You are diplomatic and choose to avoid conflict wherever possible.

Potential Areas Of Weakness

It's possible that your sensitive thoughtful manner masks a lack of confidence but you need to be careful that you don't come across as cold and standoffish. You don't always express yourself as articulately and passionately as you could and tend to keep your emotions to yourself. It seems that you may be afraid of offending people or making enemies. You have the potential to be an excellent group facilitator but appear to have some anxiety around taking on leadership roles.

Areas You Might Want To Work On

  • Focus on building your confidence
  • Develop your public speaking and group facilitation skills
  • make a conscious effort, where appropriate, to involve team members in your thinking

Careers That May Suit You


Your Detailed Personality Assessment
How often do you sit down and really think about what it is you want from life? It's important that you remain self-aware and make a conscious effort to regularly tune into your personal goals and how you are going to achieve these. Use your natural diplomacy and intuition to your own advantage by moving your career forward in positive ways. You enjoy a challenge and always rise to the occasion so make sure that your attitude stays fresh so that you are exhilarated in everything that you do.

When it comes to leadership, empathy is your real forte. You are extremely supportive to your colleagues and able to bring out the best in them.

You have a deep connection to your spiritual self. This balanced outlook is an extremely powerful force in your life. You have a healthy sense of perspective and are driven by a strong moral value system.

You're quite a maverick at heart. Not for you the traditional paths of career development. You have true entrepreneurial flair and are always thinking of new and original ways to get ahead in life. It's good to keep things fresh. You like variety and may feel frustrated in a work set-up which limits your potential for self-expression. Being your own boss is definitely appealing to you.

You seem to be in a bit of a hectic place in your life right now. There are lots of opportunities and things that you're interested in, but it's quite hard to know what to focus on. You could probably use a bit of guidance to help you channel your energies in the right way. Work worries are only adding to your general stress level. You're naturally quite a sensitive person. You don't like uncertainty and prefer to feel secure.

The way you approach each day can have huge implications for your success in the workplace. Something seems to be out of kilter for you right now. You might benefit from taking steps to maintain steadier energy levels in order to be more productive more of the time. This could mean a different diet or a bit of a rethink of your daily routine. Your physical wellbeing clearly affects every aspect of your life and you may find that making incremental changes to your lifestyle could have a really positive impact on your emotional balance and energy reserves.

The Future

You may still be a student but you're smart to be thinking ahead and checking out your career options. You're about to embark on a really exciting time in your life - and there's going to be lots of decisions to make that will shape your future. It's important that you try to get fired up for the challenges ahead. It's a competitive world out there and so you need to try to put as much energy as you can into promoting yourself and really getting your career off the ground. It'll pay off in the long run.