US school bars lesbians' kids

God gaves us free will, that means we can create things that have nothing to do with him.

^ this.

No, I don't agree that god exists.
I'm just trying to understand Barnabas.

I think what you're trying to understand is the nature of a God you don't believe exists via argument against someone who believes does.

You'll never understand someone so long as you argue with them. This tactic has certainly not worked for the 'Church' over the years, and won't work here.
I think we've strayed a biiiit from the topic.


I think the Catholic church was completely unfair, but unfortunately it's their right. In the same way that the Boy Scouts were nearly sued because they wouldn't employ homosexual troop's a private institution. In the same way that, a few months ago, some children of color weren't able to swim in a pool that certain (White) club members attended, we have these situations.

Fairness and equality are not always present in this day and age, sadly. It is their right, but it doesn't make it right.
I think what you're trying to understand is the nature of a God you don't believe exists via argument against someone who believes does.

You'll never understand someone so long as you argue with them. This tactic has certainly not worked for the 'Church' over the years, and won't work here.

So, you're basically saying 'Don't ask too many questions.'.
How can I ever understand it if I'm full of unanswered questions?
So, you're basically saying 'Don't ask too many questions.'.
How can I ever understand it if I'm full of unanswered questions?

There is a difference between asking questions and adversarial debate designed to invalidate another person's opinion in the form of a question. It doesn't look like you're trying to understand. It looks like you've clearly got your mind made up about the subject and are trying to start a debate about something that has little to do with the Original Post. Please keep this on course or start a new thread.
There is a difference between asking questions and adversarial debate designed to invalidate another person's opinion in the form of a question. It doesn't look like you're trying to understand. It looks like you've clearly got your mind made up about the subject and are trying to start a debate about something that has little to do with the Original Post. Please keep this on course or start a new thread.

I am trying to understand his point of view. Debating is after all gaining knowledge about something.
I believe that the reason why we debate, is to gain information.
I don't see another way of understanding something if I'm still having unanswered questions.

Could you perhaps split the posts that went off-topic into a new thread? That'd make it easier and would give the thread some context.

Edit: Never mind, this will just end in my questions being avoided anyway.
You know, this is why atheism > religion.
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I am trying to understand his point of view. Debating is after all gaining knowledge about something.
I believe that the reason why we debate, is to gain information.
I don't see another way of understanding something if I'm still having unanswered questions.

Could you perhaps split the posts that went off-topic into a new thread? That'd make it easier and would give the thread some context.

Edit: Never mind, this will just end in my questions being avoided anyway.
You know, this is why atheism > religion.

I pointed you to the answer of your question a while back.
I pointed you to the answer of your question a while back.

Yes, to the original question I asked.

So, if he has no more power than us, what makes him different?
What makes him god?
It doesn't mean that we're the exact same.
Because if we were, he wouldn't be god, he'd just be another human.
before I answer do you want to move this to another thread?
I think we've strayed a biiiit from the topic.


I think the Catholic church was completely unfair, but unfortunately it's their right. In the same way that the Boy Scouts were nearly sued because they wouldn't employ homosexual troop's a private institution. In the same way that, a few months ago, some children of color weren't able to swim in a pool that certain (White) club members attended, we have these situations.

Fairness and equality are not always present in this day and age, sadly. It is their right, but it doesn't make it right.

Quite eloquently stated.

I agree, should the Golden Rule be considered as an important basis of being ethical, their actions were unethical. It is wrong that they are discriminating against the parents, but even more wrong that they discriminated the children. However, being a "private" institution t was within their legal rights to.
Free speech allows things like this. I hate the fact that people chose to do them, but I support their right to do so.

Change wouldn't come from suffocating their ideas and making them illegal. Better combat against such hate is open-minded education at all levels of life, not just schooling.
Free speech allows things like this. I hate the fact that people chose to do them, but I support their right to do so.

Change wouldn't come from suffocating their ideas and making them illegal. Better combat against such hate is open-minded education at all levels of life, not just schooling.

I agree, free speech is an integral facet of any democratic or democracy like political system. The goal should not be to trample on their right to free speech but to attempt to abrogate the hate with perhaps the one of the most efficacious means available- education. That being said, however, it may be hard to produce change when there is a reluctance to even listen, much less accommodate, opposing views
In the same way that the Boy Scouts were nearly sued because they wouldn't employ homosexual troop's a private institution.

They were sued. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Boys Scouts of America.
*were sued.

I wasn't sure if it actually went through, but again, it proves the point that private institutions can really do what they want to, regardless of how fair or right it is. Which is frustrating when it comes to minorities.
*were sued.

I wasn't sure if it actually went through, but again, it proves the point that private institutions can really do what they want to, regardless of how fair or right it is. Which is frustrating when it comes to minorities.

The same rules apply for minorities though. There are some private gay organizations I am happy that only cater to LGBT.