US school bars lesbians' kids

It happens out of thin air? People are born racist? Or anti- any other human pattern?

That means one could start gathering territory within which people believe in illiteracy, and basically live under the control of someone, and then their children are taught that way, and they teach their children, and the illiteracy is kept sacred within the circle. Wait, that's what happens in the ghettos.

Human have the propensity to categorize groups of people and make assumptions and judgments on these groups making for a system that can favor one group over another and justify it.
I'm sure I have, if anywhere the answer would be in this thread.

I don't understand why god has made us capable of being gay, yet punishes us for it when we act on it.
I guess.. it's just a test, right?
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I don't understand why god has made us capable of being gay, yet punishes us for it.
I guess.. it's just a test, right?

God has made us capable of many things, just as a pencil is capable of being used as utensile for recording data and writing thoughts and as a weapon the inventor probably had no intention of it being used as.
Human have the propensity to categorize groups of people and make assumptions and judgments on these groups making for a system that can favor one group over another and justify it.
We don't pattern some random forest. But we would, if our life depended on finding there groups to defeat / blame.
God has made us capable of many things, just as a pencil is capable of being used as utensile for recording data and writing thoughts and as a weapon the inventor probably had no intention of it being used as.

So, why has he created homosexuality?
Homosexuality isn't a creation it's an act. Think about it, would we even be having this discusion if people didn't act on this particular desire.
homosexuality is the tendency to certain feelings and actions. Both GLBTQIA and most Christians say so.
Did God create the computer your typing your next reply from?

That is something totally different.
It is not a human trait.
God created humans, according to your religion.
So god must've created homosexuality.
way to simplified, the choice is not over whether or not your attracted to this or that individual but what you do based on your attraction.

Yeah it's like with obesity right? Just cause you're attracted to that big delicious chocolatey cake doesn't mean you should choose to eat it.
That is something totally different.
It is not a human trait.
God created humans, according to your religion.
So god must've created homosexuality.

realy, think about it a little more.

just because it exists doesn't mean it was created. Can you create happiness, love, hate? can you create a state of being?
realy, think about it a little more.

just because it exists doesn't mean it was created. Can you create happiness, love, hate? can you create a state of being?

No, but your god can, since he has created humanity.
I don't think you should compare us, inferior humans, to your god.
why not? We are the only things that we can relate God to as we are the only things like him.
why not? We are the only things that we can relate God to as we are the only things like him.

So, if he has no more power than us, what makes him different?
What makes him god?
It doesn't mean that we're the exact same.
Because if we were, he wouldn't be god, he'd just be another human.
God gaves us free will, that means we can create things that have nothing to do with him.