US Personality Maps

Mypersonality, apparently gathered information from a bunch of US sates, which do not correspond to MBTI, but nonetheless correlate such as Openness correlating with Intuition and Agreeableness correlating with Feeling etc.

t is very interesting to observe certain patterns, which might display cultural differences among the country itself. Any opinions?

Personally I think Extroversion is right on for the south as I have seen this myself that an incredible large majority here in Florida are extroverted.






Any thoughts?
Any thoughts?

Yeah. Who came up with the map, what numbers did they use and how did they go about gathering this information? This looks suspiciously like someone jumped aboard the generalization train.
Yeah. Who came up with the map, what numbers did they use and how did they go about gathering this information? This looks suspiciously like someone jumped aboard the generalization train.

I do not believe they hold 100 percent validity. I just found them off this website which states:

In order to produce the maps, the average trait scores for each state were calculated based on myPersonality data collected from over 225,000 Facebook users who have kindly given permission for this information to be stored. The states were then ranked on each trait from the highest score to the lowest score. Finally, a colour was calculated based on the ranking of the trait.
Yeah. Who came up with the map, what numbers did they use and how did they go about gathering this information? This looks suspiciously like someone jumped aboard the generalization train.

I agree (even though I don't want to). ETA: Nvm, it appears there is some validity to this.

Someone needs to do a complete MBTI research study already on mass populations (I'm talking millions of people).
ROFL at the East-West divide in Neuroticism.
how do you measure agreeableness? or most of these things for that matter?
It appears to place a large number of INTX here in Washington, I can certainly agree with that (I also feel lucky for it in a way).

I can also see this point:
Yeah. Who came up with the map, what numbers did they use and how did they go about gathering this information? This looks suspiciously like someone jumped aboard the generalization train.
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What exactly do they mean by openness? Do they mean one's propensity to speak to people they don't know in various situations?
This is the basic Big 5/OCEAN personality test.

According to the MyPersonality facebook application my scores are as follows:

Openness 79%
Conscientiousness 48%
Extraversion 29%
Agreeableness 63%
Neuroticism 46%

(I just noticed that the way I copied and pasted this included a link to the descriptions of the traits that the application uses.)

My one confirmed INFJ real life friend has:

Openness 81%
Conscientiousness 75%
Extraversion 44%
Agreeableness 75%
Neuroticism 69%

It also aid that the states closest to her personality are West Virginia, followed by Main, followed by Texas. Mine are Maine, followed by Vermont, followed by New Mexico. My closest countries are Japan, followed by Chile, followed by Taiwan. Hers are Mauritinus, followed by Algeria, followed by Portugal.

She first registered as an INFJ based on MyPersonality's interpolation from her Big 5 score.

The Openness trait is this system's closest equivalent to MBTI's Intuition function. Conscientiousness is related to having a preference for an extroverted judging function. Agreeableness seems much more related to Extroverted Feeling than Introverted Feeling to me. I personally tend to think neuroticism may be related to introverted feeling, and also to having feeling as a tertiary function. It has only been scientifically demonstrated however to correlate to a more sensitive sympathetic nervous system. (Similarly introversion is correlated with a higher level of cortical arousal in the absence of external stimulation.)

According to the competing facebook application MyType, they are thus:

Extraversion: 12th percentile
Agreeableness: 72nd percentile
Conscientiousness: 21st percentile
Emotional Stability (the inverse of Neuroticism): 64th percentile
Openness to Experience: 74th percentile

My INFJ friend confirmed her INFJ type through MyType, but has not taken there Big 5 test yet.

We are both in Georgia, but don't really fit in here very well based on MyPersonality's statistics.
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The only thing that is similar about my big five type (RCOEI) and the current state I live in is that I'm not majorly introverted and I have low agreeableness. The state I was born/spent my younger childhood in seems to be very much similar to my personality, though, (D.C./VMaryland)
Well, they certainly pegged New Jersey.

Extroverted, Disagreeable, Moderately Open, Low Conscientiousness, and Neurotic.

So now, wadda ya gonna do bout it?
Why are people clustered in the rocky mountains (Nevada, Wyoming, Idaho, etc) more conscientious? Kind of strange...Maybe because we don't have the distinctive personalities of the far east and west coast, yet we come into contact with them frequently, but we're also more hard edged and not so conservative as the midwest?
I certainly agree with Racoon Love about how extroverted Floridians are. I think it's partly because 2/3 of them are from somewhere else, and they had to come here and make all new friends, so they know what it's like. They also don't have their families here either, and in recent years, there has been a strong trend for Americans to substitute family for friends.

But, having lived in 2 other southern states, Arkansas and Oklahoma, they were also very friendly there.

I don't think it is a north-south thing entirely, since when I lived in Pennsylvania as a child, I found people to be very friendly.

I love the state I consider to be "home", Wisconsin, but I disagree with that extraversion rating, unless their criteria is different than mine. I've lived in both Wisconsin and Iowa, and I found the people to be just as cold as the weather. You can live next door to someone your whole life, without them even saying hello to you.

That would never happen in the south. Where I live, you would not be there more than 2 days before people bring you fresh baked goods and introduce themselves. Whenever you pass a car on our street, or when you drive past someone standing in their yard, you are expected to wave, and they will wave back, even if you don't know that person from Adam. It's just the way it is here. It is also one of the very few things I like about Florida.

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Is there some kind of test that compares my levels of traits to the states? Or at least something that lists the same data in a numerical/percentage format?

I find it somewhat difficult to interpret the data visually.
Is there some kind of test that compares my levels of traits to the states? Or at least something that lists the same data in a numerical/percentage format?

I find it somewhat difficult to interpret the data visually.

I been trying to find one, I have not had much success. It would be interesting if one was made though.