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Do you ever feel uncertain about being an INFJ? In the end, I always conclude I am one (the description matches me so well), but there are some days when I feel like I could be another type. For example, I think I definately am dominantly Ni Fe, but I feel like I could also be Fi Ne sometimes (for INFP). I know the types aren't one way or the other, but I was wondering if anyone else had some doubt in whether or not they were really an INFJ. Is it a common INFJ thing or is it just me?
Yeah, I used to have my doudts as well. Now I'm almost certain I'm not an infj :D
the INFJ type description mirrored my life to its utmost extent the first time i took the mbti test. however, both my F and J preferences are extremely low and thus, i relate to many INTP traits. upon reflection, i was definately more Fe oriented in childhood but have developed a more sound Ti to meet life's challenges.
The answer for me is yes. And increasingly so.

I keep typing as ISFJ and ISTP , so I'm not quite sure where I stand on anything but my Introverted ness. Everyone seems to think I fit INFJ very well but I feel like a lot of the time INFJ babbling about spirituality gets on my nerves, how they will fixate on something as well as how they use their N like it's 99% accurate when I seem to feel it's a 50% 50% chance. Either you are right or wrong.
I get uncertain now and then. Alot of it comes down to me trying to look for a comonality in everything, even if very little applies to me. At my core though, I am an INFJ.
I saw someone mention 'INFJ' once on another forum while discussing MBTI. I thought I'd check out that and INFP, just because. When I read them I was pretty much like, Ah-HAH-hah, AHAHAHA, hahah, yeah...how can I fit something so well?

So, I took about ten online type indicators and came up with almost the same percentages and whatnot for INFJ, which is usually very high all around (except maybe the F, but that's my intense Ti coming through due to developnent).

Sometimes I wish I were unsure since that would make things more intersting.
All the time! Like the first MBTI test I ever took said that I'm a ISTJ. Then after that, I've gotten ISTP, INTP, and INTJ.

I took it again just now and I got I:52/N:52%/T:70%/P:56%.

So all that I'm really sure of is that I'm IxTx.
I am close on the T/F and J/P axis. It is interesting to look at life through different perspectives by changing how you take in information.
I am close on the T/F and J/P axis. It is interesting to look at life through different perspectives by changing how you take in information.

Yeah, definitely. Maybe our preference is one type, but we just have functions to go with another?
Yeah, I'm pretty certain that I am INFJ. I sometimes score INFP or INTJ, but I'm mostly INFJ.

I don't know MBTI that well either, so it makes it hard for me to judge really.
Yeah, I'm pretty certain that I am INFJ. I sometimes score INFP or INTJ, but I'm mostly INFJ.

I don't know MBTI that well either, so it makes it hard for me to judge really.

Hahah, that's so typical. I think that cinches it when that happens, actually. I get INTJ when I'm curmudgeonly.
I made this topic a long time ago. Now I am certain I am an INFJ, but I think sometimes I wish I was more like an INTJ and spoke my mind more often without caring what other people think...
No, i'm so certain i'm an INFJ. It describes me in every way. If i was another type it would only be a possible INTJ. My F/T are similar but my F always wins!
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Everytime I think about it. I sometimes feel like i'm another one but I always come back to INFJ :D
Out of boredom, I took the test.. But the T and the J are pretty low.. soo..

Your Type is

[SIZE=+0]Strength of the preferences %[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]56....................... 62.................... 1 ..................11[/SIZE]

The only thing that is ever for sure when I take the test is the IN..
It's never come out as ES..
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Unless each of your letters are highly defined, your results will vary when you take them.
So then it's only certain that I am introverted intuitive..
I'd like to be extroverted sensing someday.. that might be fun.
No thats not true. The test is just a guideline to help you figure out your type. You are your own best judge when you are trying to decide what your type is.
All the time! Like the first MBTI test I ever took said that I'm a ISTJ. Then after that, I've gotten ISTP, INTP, and INTJ.

I took it again just now and I got I:52/N:52%/T:70%/P:56%.

So all that I'm really sure of is that I'm IxTx.

Off topic, I love your eye! lol.

On topic, yeah I sometimes feel like something else.

Lately I have been putting on the loud and obnoxious mask to cover up my introverted side.

It was working for awhile, but it's now starting to piss people off. I guess I need to tone it down a bit.
I don't feel like an INFP and I don't think like an INTJ.I am not certain what type I am.