Type Reon....Again.


Midnight's Garden
This is a bit of a compilation of all my other various typing threads on this forum and others (I'm totaling...4 or 5, I believe. For about 5 years of being in MBTI, I think that's decent.) See, since school ended, I've had a lot of time to myself which I've been using for various things and, of course, I been spending time on trying to figure out what my MBTI type is. I fully realize that I'm looking for a box. While my other forum pursuits has given me a type based on individuals who don't know me, I'd like to think that the INFJ crowd knows me quite a bit better than the individuals I asked for the simple fact they didn't....well...actually know me.

So, I'm going to basically focus on two types, INTJ and INFJ. Alas, if you think I'm a different type, tell me.

The things against me being a INTJ.

  1. I can be rather emotional. I tend to like hugging, being close with select individuals, and things of that matter. Things usually consider eck to most INTJs.
  2. I act in a manner that's not similar to most INTJs. I'm a bit more expressive. Based on my other thread and a person's opinion here (Adymus)
  3. If I focus on a select individual, I'm actually pretty decent at understanding people and picking up on things.
  4. I find long and really theoretical debates annoying and draining unless I have an interest in the subject.
Things FOR me being an INTJ

  1. I believe I have Te. I can see various paths to my future and I have planned accordingly. As Fe was described to me, I don't have it. I try to make practical decisions instead of strictly emotional ones.
  2. While I can be emotional, I can also be quite stoic. Also, the way I act is representative of how I feel inside. If I smile to make someone else smile, I usually do it so that I feel better, not the other person to ease my feelings.
  3. I've had to generally learn most of my social skills, I used to be quite the ass.
  4. It takes an extreme amount of disharmony between a group of people I care about to cause me to feel discontented with a situation.
  5. As described my Vh, I don't really ...think I have the ability to sense what everyone is feeling. I'm just not affected in that way.
  6. I can bury my emotion for quite a long time, if needed, although I realize this isn't generally the best course of action.
  7. Going back to the disharmony thing. I generally think it is best for you to be your own person and not act under the wills of the group. I have resisted this quite frequently in my life.
  8. Once I pass a certain point, I'll stand up for myself and I tend to completely cut another person down.
Things for me NOT being an INFJ

  1. I don't have a innate sense of understanding of all people
  2. While I can be pretty quick to point out the details of a plan, to many details and recurrent nit picking annoys me (Aimed at Ti)
  3. I don't really make decision based upon a group.
  4. I do have trouble expressing my emotions at times depending on the individual and I also falter to show my emotions because I'm not sure what the correct way to do it is. I often ask "Is this weird" to my friend before I do something.
Things for me being an INFJ

  1. I can understand people pretty well once I have a vested interest in them.
  2. I do use a bit of Ti, I can nit pick and analyze things, but no where near the level of INTPs.
  3. There are times where I am overtly concerned with making sure everyone has a good time. Usually because I was the person planning the event. Sometimes it's just because it's hard to have fun when everyone else is not
  4. I take a interest in the personal lives of all my close friends (Apparently some INTJs don't do this)
  5. I like things that revolve around people such as Biology, chemistry, and such. I don't find purely theoretical things all that entertaining except for a few subjects (Quantum Physics for example)
That's not really a lot but I'm sure once a discussion gets going and questions get asked, more things will surface. Also. Function wise, I believe I have Ni and Se and I don't believe that I have Ne and Si. That should narrow it down to XSFP and XNXJ I believe.

Thanks in advance~
I'll respond directly in the quote to make it easier on my cut and paste buttons, heh.

The things against me being a INTJ.

  1. I can be rather emotional. I tend to like hugging, being close with select individuals, and things of that matter. Things usually consider eck to most INTJs. Could be a well developed Fi. My INTJ best friend has similar preferences. She rarely initiates affection with people, but she's very comfortable with it if she's close to them.
  2. I act in a manner that's not similar to most INTJs. I'm a bit more expressive. Based on my other thread and a person's opinion here (Adymus) This could be solid Te, and it could be some Fe development. Just like how we've been discussing how INFJs can develop other functions, it's assumed that all other types do the same. You could be an INTJ who is a little more limbic than most, and this have an INFJ streak to you... especially if you've grown up around F types.
  3. If I focus on a select individual, I'm actually pretty decent at understanding people and picking up on things. This is not an exclusively INFJ trait by any means. My INTJ friends are amazing at this, but they do it in a different way that I do. I feel things about people, and even feel their emotions very clearly. My INTJ friends are very aware of things in people to a degree that I just plain can't. Despite being able to do what I do, what they do seems more 'psychic' to me.
  4. I find long and really theoretical debates annoying and draining unless I have an interest in the subject. I'm assuming this is because the details bore you, and you'd rather deal with how everything relates? If so, that's Ni >Te vs Ti > Ne. Even for me debating with an INTP is terribly draining. Discussing things with INTJs is fascinating and I can do it for hours.
Things FOR me being an INTJ

  1. I believe I have Te. I can see various paths to my future and I have planned accordingly. As Fe was described to me, I don't have it. I try to make practical decisions instead of strictly emotional ones. If you live in a world of how things relate vs how things should be, then yes this is Te > Fe.
  2. While I can be emotional, I can also be quite stoic. Also, the way I act is representative of how I feel inside. If I smile to make someone else smile, I usually do it so that I feel better, not the other person to ease my feelings. Sounds very much like Fi.
  3. I've had to generally learn most of my social skills, I used to be quite the ass. Again, this is something very INTJ like. INFJs have an instinct to get along... however, we're often not able to truly click with most people. Still, for INFJs, it's a process of learning how to better do what we're inclined to do. We want to get along. INTJs have to learn that they need to get along, and the value of it, if that makes any sense.
  4. It takes an extreme amount of disharmony between a group of people I care about to cause me to feel discontented with a situation. Fe picks up on a lack of harmony in a hurry... we even sense it coming and learn how to move to prevent it.
  5. As described my Vh, I don't really ...think I have the ability to sense what everyone is feeling. I'm just not affected in that way. Nearly all the INFJs that I know have some manner of describing what I did, even though it comes across differently in the individuals. This might even be one of the most distinguishing features we have... this empathic ability of ours.
  6. I can bury my emotion for quite a long time, if needed, although I realize this isn't generally the best course of action. My INTJ friends do the same thing, and then end up all tangled up emotionally, laying around and almost unable to function. More than anything their conscience is their biggest source of this.
  7. Going back to the disharmony thing. I generally think it is best for you to be your own person and not act under the wills of the group. I have resisted this quite frequently in my life. Very Fi, actually.
  8. Once I pass a certain point, I'll stand up for myself and I tend to completely cut another person down. Could be Fi or Fe depending on how it's used.
Things for me NOT being an INFJ

  1. I don't have a innate sense of understanding of all people We don't understand all people, though we have a drive to, and a lot of skills to help us, like the empathy.
  2. While I can be pretty quick to point out the details of a plan, to many details and recurrent nit picking annoys me (Aimed at Ti) Ti can be very toxic to INTJs, especially younger ones who haven't had to really develop and accept it.
  3. I don't really make decision based upon a group. The group's desires or just considering the group first? I tend to do the latter as well. I think INFJs being Ni dominant tend to start at the small details then work into the big picture emotionally... though I have a strong Fi, so I could be a bit INTJ here.
  4. I do have trouble expressing my emotions at times depending on the individual and I also falter to show my emotions because I'm not sure what the correct way to do it is. I often ask "Is this weird" to my friend before I do something. That might be an INTJ response, but because I'm so sensitive to others, I often want to make sure I'm not offending or putting them off with what I'm saying, and will often confirm so by asking those kinds of questions if I feel like they are starting to disconnect for some reason. However, a lot of my INTJ friends have really struggled with this very issue because they are so observant, but so emotionally detached from others.
Things for me being an INFJ

  1. I can understand people pretty well once I have a vested interest in them. All of my INTJs do, it's just harder to see in them and harder for them to express.
  2. I do use a bit of Ti, I can nit pick and analyze things, but no where near the level of INTPs. This sounds like you're developing Ti. Could go either way - INTJ or INFJ. However, if you focus on the big picture and end up nit picking when the big picture requires you to focus on the details, then it's INTJ development of Ti. If you focus on the details because they are very interesting as the reasons for the things you feel should be, then you're an INFJ.
  3. There are times where I am overtly concerned with making sure everyone has a good time. Usually because I was the person planning the event. Sometimes it's just because it's hard to have fun when everyone else is not Classic Te and Fi here if you logically come to these deductions and plan strategically rather than feel you should, though it could also be a sign of Fe developing in that mix. Again, you can be an INTJ with solid Fe.
  4. I take a interest in the personal lives of all my close friends (Apparently some INTJs don't do this) Strong Fi there. All of my INTJs have well developed Fi, and they certainly do this. I suspect that they've also got a fair Fe as a side effect.
  5. I like things that revolve around people such as Biology, chemistry, and such. I don't find purely theoretical things all that entertaining except for a few subjects (Quantum Physics for example) An INFJ is usually more concerned with sciences that affect people directly, psychology, sociology, religious and spiritual studies, even history. I'm not saying that INFJs don't have interest in other sciences, but your approach seems very INTJ to me. Remember, INTJs are not robots.
That's not really a lot but I'm sure once a discussion gets going and questions get asked, more things will surface. Also. Function wise, I believe I have Ni and Se and I don't believe that I have Ne and Si. That should narrow it down to XSFP and XNXJ I believe. I really think you're an INTJ who has a lot of SFs in his family and / or circle of friends, and that's where you've picked up these F sensibilities, both Fi and even Fe.

Thanks in advance~
VH said:
  1. I can be rather emotional. I tend to like hugging, being close with select individuals, and things of that matter. Things usually consider eck to most INTJs. Could be a well developed Fi. My INTJ best friend has similar preferences. She rarely initiates affection with people, but she's very comfortable with it if she's close to them.
  2. I act in a manner that's not similar to most INTJs. I'm a bit more expressive. Based on my other thread and a person's opinion here (Adymus) This could be solid Te, and it could be some Fe development. Just like how we've been discussing how INFJs can develop other functions, it's assumed that all other types do the same. You could be an INTJ who is a little more limbic than most, and this have an INFJ streak to you... especially if you've grown up around F types.
  3. If I focus on a select individual, I'm actually pretty decent at understanding people and picking up on things. This is not an exclusively INFJ trait by any means. My INTJ friends are amazing at this, but they do it in a different way that I do. I feel things about people, and even feel their emotions very clearly. My INTJ friends are very aware of things in people to a degree that I just plain can't. Despite being able to do what I do, what they do seems more 'psychic' to me.
  4. I find long and really theoretical debates annoying and draining unless I have an interest in the subject. I'm assuming this is because the details bore you, and you'd rather deal with how everything relates? If so, that's Ni >Te vs Ti > Ne. Even for me debating with an INTP is terribly draining. Discussing things with INTJs is fascinating and I can do it for hours.

1. I only initiate affection rarely and only with people that I like.
2. Interesting, I've grown up around F types for the most part family wise (Mostly ISFJs and ISFPs, few scattered ESFPs and EXTJs I think) and my best friends now both online and off tend to be Fs (ISFJ, ENFP, EXFP, INTJ, ISTP, ISFP)
3.Interesting. Maybe I don't really notice emotion at the fore front of what I receive from Ni, maybe it's more that I'm able to accurately gauge competency and ability. That's just a random thought, it's 8 am and I haven't been to sleep yet so don't take it seriously.
4. Yeah...I think it's details. At the beginning of the debate I'll be interested because of the general concept being interesting and I think it can relate to other things but then after a while, I start to get bored because the details don't seem are relevant to me.

VH said:
  1. I believe I have Te. I can see various paths to my future and I have planned accordingly. As Fe was described to me, I don't have it. I try to make practical decisions instead of strictly emotional ones. If you live in a world of how things relate vs how things should be, then yes this is Te > Fe.
  2. While I can be emotional, I can also be quite stoic. Also, the way I act is representative of how I feel inside. If I smile to make someone else smile, I usually do it so that I feel better, not the other person to ease my feelings. Sounds very much like Fi.
  3. I've had to generally learn most of my social skills, I used to be quite the ass. Again, this is something very INTJ like. INFJs have an instinct to get along... however, we're often not able to truly click with most people. Still, for INFJs, it's a process of learning how to better do what we're inclined to do. We want to get along. INTJs have to learn that they need to get along, and the value of it, if that makes any sense.
  4. It takes an extreme amount of disharmony between a group of people I care about to cause me to feel discontented with a situation. Fe picks up on a lack of harmony in a hurry... we even sense it coming and learn how to move to prevent it.
  5. As described my Vh, I don't really ...think I have the ability to sense what everyone is feeling. I'm just not affected in that way. Nearly all the INFJs that I know have some manner of describing what I did, even though it comes across differently in the individuals. This might even be one of the most distinguishing features we have... this empathic ability of ours.
  6. I can bury my emotion for quite a long time, if needed, although I realize this isn't generally the best course of action. My INTJ friends do the same thing, and then end up all tangled up emotionally, laying around and almost unable to function. More than anything their conscience is their biggest source of this.
  7. Going back to the disharmony thing. I generally think it is best for you to be your own person and not act under the wills of the group. I have resisted this quite frequently in my life. Very Fi, actually.
  8. Once I pass a certain point, I'll stand up for myself and I tend to completely cut another person down. Could be Fi or Fe depending on how it's used.
1.I think the best way to describe it is that I live primarily in the world of how things relate and as such, I can manipulate those things so that I can achieve a world that "I" want. I have to emphasize that fact, I realize that a perfect world is (nearly) impossible because people are supremely different and want different things. Anyways, I know where I want to be in about 10 years or so from now and I mold myself to be the type of person that will be where I want to be in 10 years time.
3. Oh, I perfectly understand. The only reason I'm a sociable now is because, for some odd reason, I started to care if people liked me during my junior year of high school. Being liked is useful, you just plain how more opportunities in life and it makes life quite a bit better, having friends and things to do. Before that, I honestly think I might have hated quiet a large group of people and all I wanted was to be left alone with my two other friends who felt the same.
4. I can logically figure out when disharmony is coming, as in I can tell when someone's comment might offend someone but I don't particularly go out of my way to stop it unless I feel a need too.
5. Hmm. Interesting. It's a skill I don't have.
6. Haha, that's similar to me. That's why is so important to me to make sure that I'm following my values. I have a pretty good ability to resist temptation. I know that if I follow the group, and I do something I don't want to to do, I will probably feel like crap for a very long time, I actually probably won't let it go ever.
7. I see.
8. Up until a certain point, I don't tend to care. Care enough to argue at least, once I get over that threshold I tend to get emotionally invested in my argument (Ala..how 'right' I am)

VH said:
  1. I don't have a innate sense of understanding of all people We don't understand all people, though we have a drive to, and a lot of skills to help us, like the empathy.
  2. While I can be pretty quick to point out the details of a plan, to many details and recurrent nit picking annoys me (Aimed at Ti) Ti can be very toxic to INTJs, especially younger ones who haven't had to really develop and accept it.
  3. I don't really make decision based upon a group. The group's desires or just considering the group first? I tend to do the latter as well. I think INFJs being Ni dominant tend to start at the small details then work into the big picture emotionally... though I have a strong Fi, so I could be a bit INTJ here.
  4. I do have trouble expressing my emotions at times depending on the individual and I also falter to show my emotions because I'm not sure what the correct way to do it is. I often ask "Is this weird" to my friend before I do something. That might be an INTJ response, but because I'm so sensitive to others, I often want to make sure I'm not offending or putting them off with what I'm saying, and will often confirm so by asking those kinds of questions if I feel like they are starting to disconnect for some reason. However, a lot of my INTJ friends have really struggled with this very issue because they are so observant, but so emotionally detached from others.
1. Hmm. I don't even think I really seek to understand 'all' people. I don't know why but I'm vividly remembering a trip I took into the city with my friend. A homeless looking person came up to us in the city and he asked for money, I completely rejected him and said I wasn't giving him money while my friend, being the person he is, gave him money without a seconds thought. I told my friend that I didn't think the person was homeless based on his clothes (Just dirty enough to be noticeable but not dirty enough for a person to be living on the streets or in a shelter) and my friend called me heartless (jokingly) and asked me if I would feel bad if, by chance, I was actually wrong. I didn't really empathize with him at all.
2. Interesting. Ti used to make my head spin back in the day.
3. I was speaking of the group's desire. INFJs are known for speaking in the royal we so I thought that implied that the INFjs truly knew what the 'group' wanted.
4. Hmm. I tend to ask "Is this weird" more in a manner to make sure that I'm not offending a person, like you. I'm a tad bit disappointed when it's a slight bit weird because I usually think through how exactly I'm going to express myself and it's somewhat like being shot down when someone says "Yeah...I'd rather that not happen to me, thx"

VH said:
  1. I can understand people pretty well once I have a vested interest in them. All of my INTJs do, it's just harder to see in them and harder for them to express.
  2. I do use a bit of Ti, I can nit pick and analyze things, but no where near the level of INTPs. This sounds like you're developing Ti. Could go either way - INTJ or INFJ. However, if you focus on the big picture and end up nit picking when the big picture requires you to focus on the details, then it's INTJ development of Ti. If you focus on the details because they are very interesting as the reasons for the things you feel should be, then you're an INFJ.
  3. There are times where I am overtly concerned with making sure everyone has a good time. Usually because I was the person planning the event. Sometimes it's just because it's hard to have fun when everyone else is not Classic Te and Fi here if you logically come to these deductions and plan strategically rather than feel you should, though it could also be a sign of Fe developing in that mix. Again, you can be an INTJ with solid Fe.
  4. I take a interest in the personal lives of all my close friends (Apparently some INTJs don't do this) Strong Fi there. All of my INTJs have well developed Fi, and they certainly do this. I suspect that they've also got a fair Fe as a side effect.
  5. I like things that revolve around people such as Biology, chemistry, and such. I don't find purely theoretical things all that entertaining except for a few subjects (Quantum Physics for example) An INFJ is usually more concerned with sciences that affect people directly, psychology, sociology, religious and spiritual studies, even history. I'm not saying that INFJs don't have interest in other sciences, but your approach seems very INTJ to me. Remember, INTJs are not robots.

1. I see.
2. I lean more INTJ. Details don't matter much unless I need them. Big picture ftw.
3. Hmm. Interesting. I put a lot of logic into my emotions. For example: Let's say I'm trying to be productive at school/work or something. Being happy means that I have a better outlook on life and will try harder. To be happy, I need to hang out with my friends, I also need to post or talk about my random thoughts, and I need to make sure other projects aren't going to due at the same time. My friends might have issues to discuss, so that will take some time. Discussing issues as well will take time. Finishing up other projects will take time. And then I just keep working from there, I keep a mental schedule of the things I need to do and when I need to do it.
4. I'm glad I'm not the only one!
5. I'm very interested in psychology, history, and sociology but I never really had a thing for religious and spiritual study. Haha, I remember when I first came to the site and I was chatting with Naxx and he was discussing his theory on something philosophical. Now, don't get me wrong, I was very interested....I just really couldn't see the use in it. For example, even to this day, I don't really particularly care if you're a figment of my imagination or not. That information is not useful, it will not affect how I interact with you. Even if this IS the matrix.

VH said:
I really think you're an INTJ who has a lot of SFs in his family and / or circle of friends, and that's where you've picked up these F sensibilities, both Fi and even Fe.

Why SFs in particular, if I may ask?
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Why SFs in particular, if I may ask?

Just a hunch based on the commonality of SFs in the world, especially here in the South and how it seems to correlate with your Fi development. My INTJ best friend has a family that is dominantly SFs, mostly SFPs, and she's the most like how you describe yourself.

Also, your follow up responses have convinced me that your best fit type is INTJ.
Against INTJ:

  • I can be rather emotional. I tend to like hugging, being close with select individuals, and things of that matter. Things usually consider eck to most INTJs.
Yes, that sounds fairly INFJ to me. I can't really imagine an INTJ wanting to be close to anyone like that. I mean, yes they'd clearly prefer the company of some people, but they'd be less demonstrative about it. Unless you're female, of course, and then you might be heavily socialized to feign affection.
  • I act in a manner that's not similar to most INTJs. I'm a bit more expressive. Based on my other thread and a person's opinion here (Adymus)
I would agree that that's not similar to most INTJs, if you're talking about emotional expression. If they mean that you're more open about your personal opinions in regards to politics/religion or something, then that just means you're confident.
  • If I focus on a select individual, I'm actually pretty decent at understanding people and picking up on things.
No, INTJs are VERY good at this. That's why they're so scary... they've got most of the same abilities as an INFJ, but without the personal investment. Some even say they're better at it, because their mind's eye isn't clouded by their emotional expectations.
  • I find long and really theoretical debates annoying and draining unless I have an interest in the subject.
Are you sure you're an N? I kid, I kid... most INFJs and INTJs I know enjoy long theoretical debates. The few that don't usually have ADD, or a short attention span, or something.


  • I believe I have Te. I can see various paths to my future and I have planned accordingly. As Fe was described to me, I don't have it. I try to make practical decisions instead of strictly emotional ones.
Functions don't really work that way, but I would think being able to see various paths to your future is Ni, which doesn't help. Planning could be either Te or Fe combined with Ni. Well, why do you make practical decisions, and in what situations? That could be the deciding factor.
  • While I can be emotional, I can also be quite stoic. Also, the way I act is representative of how I feel inside. If I smile to make someone else smile, I usually do it so that I feel better, not the other person to ease my feelings.
That first sentence could apply to anyone, and would make for a textbook example of the Forer effect. It includes opposite traits that nearly everyone falls between.

As for the rest, it sounds like Fe combined with a strong awareness of Fi. People ultimately want to make others feel better and consider their feelings, because on some level, it makes them feel better. Some people are just more aware of that in themselves than others.
  • I've had to generally learn most of my social skills, I used to be quite the ass.
When did you learn them? The auxiliary function doesn't start developing until around age 12 or so. Until Fe develops, INFJs can be as bad as INTJs. For instance, when I was about 13, I remarked to three of my cousins "So, you're the product of interracial breeding? How fascinating!" I was thinking about an episode of Bill Nye where they'd showed similar effects from cross-breeding plants, and how the offspring were similar to both their parents to varying degrees. I was just surprised to see the same phenomenon in humans. I was stunned when they took offense, because I didn't know race was a sensitive issue. Of course, after that incident my Fe development accelerated dramatically.
  • It takes an extreme amount of disharmony between a group of people I care about to cause me to feel discontented with a situation.
Hmm... well, I would say that I feel somewhat uncomfortable when there's disharmony in any situation (partially from empathy and partially from the fact that it makes the situation less predictable), but it doesn't always make me feel dissatisfied with a situation. Generally, as long as the disharmony isn't turning people against me, I just remind myself of how good it will feel when we're all together talking about it and reassuring each other. I get VERY uneasy and discontent at the thought that someone is poisoning my friends against me, however.
  • As described my Vh, I don't really ...think I have the ability to sense what everyone is feeling. I'm just not affected in that way.
This might be a good argument against INFJ. I can sense when someone is upset, sad, tired, happy, etc, just by looking at their face.
  • I can bury my emotion for quite a long time, if needed, although I realize this isn't generally the best course of action.
I can do this as well, but it tends to make me depressed and sick if I have to do it for longer than a day.
  • Going back to the disharmony thing. I generally think it is best for you to be your own person and not act under the wills of the group. I have resisted this quite frequently in my life.
Actually, that's what I think as well, but the difference is that I find myself submitting to the will of the group, and then being upset with myself that I did. Because I'm too scared of what would happen to me if I'm not on their good side.
  • Once I pass a certain point, I'll stand up for myself and I tend to completely cut another person down.
Totally agree. Once I lose my temper, I can shred a person to pieces. I can even be cruel enough to hurt an NT's feelings, at that point.

Against INFJ:

  • I don't have a innate sense of understanding of all people
Well, what INFJs have is the innate ability to gain understanding of all people. They don't just have it already, they're just so quick to acquire it while dealing with someone that it seems innate.
  • While I can be pretty quick to point out the details of a plan, to many details and recurrent nit picking annoys me (Aimed at Ti)
Well, INFJs in general prefer a general idea rather than a lot of detail. Some INFJs that have developed Ti CAN be into nitpicking and details, but it's not typical. Those INFJs are often mistaken for INTPs.
  • I don't really make decision based upon a group
INFJs consider the group when making a decision and try to accommodate them, but that doesn't mean they don't ultimately have their own agenda.
  • I do have trouble expressing my emotions at times depending on the individual and I also falter to show my emotions because I'm not sure what the correct way to do it is. I often ask "Is this weird" to my friend before I do something.
You should probably put this in the for INFJ column. Asking your friend if something is weird before you do it implies that you care what other people think of you. Seeking approval in that manner is very Fe. Remember, what matters isn't your skill at Fe, so much as your preference for it.


  • I can understand people pretty well once I have a vested interest in them.
Very good. That sounds like an INFJ to me.
  • I do use a bit of Ti, I can nit pick and analyze things, but no where near the level of INTPs.
Sounds INFJ, and I can relate to it even though my Ti is much better than normal. Still don't think I'm a match for an intelligent INTP, although I can give them a run for their money when they're having a bad day.
  • There are times where I am overtly concerned with making sure everyone has a good time. Usually because I was the person planning the event. Sometimes it's just because it's hard to have fun when everyone else is not
Wow. That sounds even more Fe than me. I'm actually very bad at that. I mean, sure I can offer to get people drinks, or offer to pay for something... but beyond that, I have no idea how to make it a good time. I also have difficulty hiding it when I'm not having a good time, and will sometimes even refuse to go to a place where I don't think I'll enjoy myself. I didn't attend my own graduation ceremony due to this, and people have never let me forget it.
  • I take a interest in the personal lives of all my close friends (Apparently some INTJs don't do this)
Very Fe, once again. I'm interested, but I'm actually uncomfortable asking about their personal lives, because I don't want them to think I'm being intrusive or creepy. I'll talk to them in-depth if they share something with me, though.
  • I like things that revolve around people such as Biology, chemistry, and such. I don't find purely theoretical things all that entertaining except for a few subjects (Quantum Physics for example)
That doesn't really imply anything except a weaker N. It doesn't really say anything about F, although it very vaguely hints at an F preference combined with the other things you've told me.

Okay, my conclusion is that you're either an INFP or an INFJ. Some of your weaker N and Fi/Te answers make me think you might be INFP, while some of your stronger Ni and Fe answers seem INFJ.

Also, most INTJs are more confident in their type at an earlier stage of research. I think INFP more than INFJ, but I'm not certain.
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Reon, you're spending too much time around Fe doms, its effecting you ;)

I admit, I have been spending too much time around Te doms and I feel much more INTJish then EVER before.
Reon what results do you get from the cognitive functions test?
I am on the fence with INTJ myself as well (but I side with INFJ, as nearly the entire forum thinks I am INFJ). Red I think isn't what you are describing for that type (i.e. a bad indicator), green I think is (i.e. a good indicator), Yellow is both or neither.

Reon said:
The things against me being a INTJ.

  1. I can be rather emotional. I tend to like hugging, being close with select individuals, and things of that matter. Things usually consider eck to most INTJs. This isn't a huge indicator of being F or T. One of my INTJ friends is quite touchy-feely
  2. I act in a manner that's not similar to most INTJs. I'm a bit more expressive. Based on my other thread and a person's opinion here (Adymus)
  3. If I focus on a select individual, I'm actually pretty decent at understanding people and picking up on things. Both types can be like this.
  4. I find long and really theoretical debates annoying and draining unless I have an interest in the subject.
Things FOR me being an INTJ

  1. I believe I have Te. I can see various paths to my future and I have planned accordingly. As Fe was described to me, I don't have it. I try to make practical decisions instead of strictly emotional ones. I do the exact same thing, I learned recently that Fe can be used in the absence of emotion. You have to think in your head that if you make decisions follwing the path of Te or Fe, which is independent of emotion. This is suprisingly hard to sort.
  2. While I can be emotional, I can also be quite stoic. Also, the way I act is representative of how I feel inside. If I smile to make someone else smile, I usually do it so that I feel better, not the other person to ease my feelings. This is an INTJ thing, but I wouldn't put it past some INFJ's to do this.
  3. I've had to generally learn most of my social skills, I used to be quite the ass. Thats primary Ni, if you were mean/crude it is likely an INTJ thing
  4. It takes an extreme amount of disharmony between a group of people I care about to cause me to feel discontented with a situation.
  5. As described my Vh, I don't really ...think I have the ability to sense what everyone is feeling. I'm just not affected in that way. I'm not sure if that is an indicator for either type.
  6. I can bury my emotion for quite a long time, if needed, although I realize this isn't generally the best course of action. I do the same, any type can do this. It's how resurfaces, and how it effects other things that is an indicator
  7. Going back to the disharmony thing. I generally think it is best for you to be your own person and not act under the wills of the group. I have resisted this quite frequently in my life. This is an indicator, but reisting it makes me think its unnatural.
  8. Once I pass a certain point, I'll stand up for myself and I tend to completely cut another person down. This could go for either type, although more likely for an INTJ yes.
Things for me NOT being an INFJ

  1. I don't have a innate sense of understanding of all people
  2. While I can be pretty quick to point out the details of a plan, to many details and recurrent nit picking annoys me (Aimed at Ti). No you'd be surprised how many INFJ's are annoyed by this.
  3. I don't really make decision based upon a group. This needs a little more detail, but in the general sense yes.
  4. I do have trouble expressing my emotions at times depending on the individual and I also falter to show my emotions because I'm not sure what the correct way to do it is. I often ask "Is this weird" to my friend before I do something. No, INFJ's can do this too.
Things for me being an INFJ

  1. I can understand people pretty well once I have a vested interest in them. Thats actually more INTJ because fo the vested interest.
  2. I do use a bit of Ti, I can nit pick and analyze things, but no where near the level of INTPs. Weak indicator.
  3. There are times where I am overtly concerned with making sure everyone has a good time. Usually because I was the person planning the event. Sometimes it's just because it's hard to have fun when everyone else is not. Yes this is an INFJ thing, but you have already stated things counter to this so I am disinclined to include it.
  4. I take a interest in the personal lives of all my close friends (Apparently some INTJs don't do this). Some is the keyword, its a weak indicator, but an indicator.
  5. I like things that revolve around people such as Biology, chemistry, and such. I don't find purely theoretical things all that entertaining except for a few subjects (Quantum Physics for example). Interests like this is a poor indicator. INTJ's tend not to be, but can easily be people focused.

Really you are all over the map, so I can easily see why you are still confused on the matter. I am not going to give you an answer for your type because I do not have enough information to make a judgement call on this. What you need to do is think about the difference between Te and Fe. It is an important note that both of them can easily be used in the absence of emotional weight. As I stated above I often do this myself, but it is still Fe in the end. Read about each function, and see what the process of it is. Fe is based off value judgements and what is correct, general, and overarching to the benifit of the sceme of it. That can be done without any emotional weight. It's a misnomer to think values have to be based off feely emotions. Coversely Te can be very easily emotionally based as well.

I can't well explain how to go about this process to sort it out, but I believe you can do it.
Against INTJ:

Yes, that sounds fairly INFJ to me. I can't really imagine an INTJ wanting to be close to anyone like that. I mean, yes they'd clearly prefer the company of some people, but they'd be less demonstrative about it. Unless you're female, of course, and then you might be heavily socialized to feign affection.

I'm not really sure about that. INFPs are fairly expressive in themselves despite having Fi.
I would agree that that's not similar to most INTJs, if you're talking about emotional expression. If they mean that you're more open about your personal opinions in regards to politics/religion or something, then that just means you're confident.
I'm emotionally expressive in the sense that I can express my emotions rather well (With people, in music.) I also tend to have pretty strong personal opinions once I get started talking on a subject.
No, INTJs are VERY good at this. That's why they're so scary... they've got most of the same abilities as an INFJ, but without the personal investment. Some even say they're better at it, because their mind's eye isn't clouded by their emotional expectations.
Interesting never heard that before about INTJs Ni
Are you sure you're an N? I kid, I kid... most INFJs and INTJs I know enjoy long theoretical debates. The few that don't usually have ADD, or a short attention span, or something.

There's always a possibility that I'm not. A long debate for INTJs tend to last for 2 hours and typically I can't really divert that much attention to something that's rather boring (to me) I usually have other things to do.
Functions don't really work that way, but I would think being able to see various paths to your future is Ni, which doesn't help. Planning could be either Te or Fe combined with Ni. Well, why do you make practical decisions, and in what situations?
I make the best logical decisions in pretty much all situation. I do what's best for me and my emotions.
That first sentence could apply to anyone, and would make for a textbook example of the Forer effect. It includes opposite traits that nearly everyone falls between.
Perhaps, but I present my stoicness to a anti social level!
As for the rest, it sounds like Fe combined with a strong awareness of Fi. People ultimately want to make others feel better and consider their feelings, because on some level, it makes them feel better. Some people are just more aware of that in themselves than others.
Can't lie really, I got a really bad visceral reaction to reading that. I don't particular think that people want to make 'others' feel better depending on who you mean by others. I assumed it to be everybody else and as such, could not agree.
When did you learn them? The auxiliary function doesn't start developing until around age 12 or so. Until Fe develops, INFJs can be as bad as INTJs. For instance, when I was about 13, I remarked to three of my cousins "So, you're the product of interracial breeding? How fascinating!" I was thinking about an episode of Bill Nye where they'd showed similar effects from cross-breeding plants, and how the offspring were similar to both their parents to varying degrees. I was just surprised to see the same phenomenon in humans. I was stunned when they took offense, because I didn't know race was a sensitive issue. Of course, after that incident my Fe development accelerated dramatically.
When I turned 16/junior year of high school
Hmm... well, I would say that I feel somewhat uncomfortable when there's disharmony in any situation (partially from empathy and partially from the fact that it makes the situation less predictable), but it doesn't always make me feel dissatisfied with a situation. Generally, as long as the disharmony isn't turning people against me, I just remind myself of how good it will feel when we're all together talking about it and reassuring each other. I get VERY uneasy and discontent at the thought that someone is poisoning my friends against me, however.

This might be a good argument against INFJ. I can sense when someone is upset, sad, tired, happy, etc, just by looking at their face.
Hmm. I can get a pretty decent vibe myself from looking at someone's face but a understanding of body language would give you that anyway so I'm not sure if that's an pure "f" skill in me.
I can do this as well, but it tends to make me depressed and sick if I have to do it for longer than a day.
I can do it way longer than a day...
Actually, that's what I think as well, but the difference is that I find myself submitting to the will of the group, and then being upset with myself that I did. Because I'm too scared of what would happen to me if I'm not on their good side.
I tend to not care personally. If they want to force me to do something that I don't want to do then they aren't good friends.
Totally agree. Once I lose my temper, I can shred a person to pieces. I can even be cruel enough to hurt an NT's feelings, at that point.
It's extremely easy to hurt NTs, especially if you're close to them and they value your opinion.
Against INFJ:
Well, what INFJs have is the innate ability to gain understanding of all people. They don't just have it already, they're just so quick to acquire it while dealing with someone that it seems innate.Well, INFJs in general prefer a general idea rather than a lot of detail. Some INFJs that have developed Ti CAN be into nitpicking and details, but it's not typical. Those INFJs are often mistaken for INTPs.
INFJs consider the group when making a decision and try to accommodate them, but that doesn't mean they don't ultimately have their own agenda.
You should probably put this in the for INFJ column. Asking your friend if something is weird before you do it implies that you care what other people think of you. Seeking approval in that manner is very Fe. Remember, what matters isn't your skill at Fe, so much as your preference for it.

Hmm. I think it's more about expressing myself correctly than directly caring about I look.

Very good. That sounds like an INFJ to me.
I see
Sounds INFJ, and I can relate to it even though my Ti is much better than normal. Still don't think I'm a match for an intelligent INTP, although I can give them a run for their money when they're having a bad day.
Hmm. I see.
Wow. That sounds even more Fe than me. I'm actually very bad at that. I mean, sure I can offer to get people drinks, or offer to pay for something... but beyond that, I have no idea how to make it a good time. I also have difficulty hiding it when I'm not having a good time, and will sometimes even refuse to go to a place where I don't think I'll enjoy myself. I didn't attend my own graduation ceremony due to this, and people have never let me forget it.
I admit, I tend to be the leader in situations depending on who I'm with. If I'm with my ENFP friend, I'll let him guide because I don't particularly care to, if I with my bff, I'll lead because she really...just will not. I can be charismatic and convincing as well
Very Fe, once again. I'm interested, but I'm actually uncomfortable asking about their personal lives, because I don't want them to think I'm being intrusive or creepy. I'll talk to them in-depth if they share something with me, though.
Similar to me. I'm the best friend nobody knows.
That doesn't really imply anything except a weaker N. It doesn't really say anything about F, although it very vaguely hints at an F preference combined with the other things you've told me.
I don't think it implies a weaker N. I just don't find it all that useful. Schrodinger's cat, while being a great thought experiment, doesn't really help me live my life. I only have so much capacity for information as well, due to my life span.
Okay, my conclusion is that you're either an INFP or an INFJ. Some of your weaker N and Fi/Te answers make me think you might be INFP, while some of your stronger Ni and Fe answers seem INFJ.

Also, most INTJs are more confident in their type at an earlier stage of research. I think INFP more than INFJ, but I'm not certain.
Where's the Ne if I'm an INFP? Hey! That rhymed. Anyways, I was confident of my type as first but there's no reason to be bull headed about it. I've seen quite a few INTJs, on the INTJ forum, who don't/didn't know there types.
Reon, you're spending too much time around Fe doms, its effecting you ;)

I admit, I have been spending too much time around Te doms and I feel much more INTJish then EVER before.

Haha, that's probably the case. You XNFJs have been corrupting me!

Reon what results do you get from the cognitive functions test?


And my random INFJ result that was in the middle of these two


Are you joking or being serious? I've considered it. I'm not sure if I'm coordinated enough to be an XSFP. Maybe I just lack the activity that makes me want to be in the moment.

I am on the fence with INTJ myself as well (but I side with INFJ, as nearly the entire forum thinks I am INFJ). Red I think isn't what you are describing for that type (i.e. a bad indicator), green I think is (i.e. a good indicator), Yellow is both or neither.

Really you are all over the map, so I can easily see why you are still confused on the matter. I am not going to give you an answer for your type because I do not have enough information to make a judgement call on this. What you need to do is think about the difference between Te and Fe. It is an important note that both of them can easily be used in the absence of emotional weight. As I stated above I often do this myself, but it is still Fe in the end. Read about each function, and see what the process of it is. Fe is based off value judgements and what is correct, general, and overarching to the benifit of the sceme of it. That can be done without any emotional weight. It's a misnomer to think values have to be based off feely emotions. Coversely Te can be very easily emotionally based as well.

I can't well explain how to go about this process to sort it out, but I believe you can do it.

Mmkay, I think I'm going to go and make sure I understand all the functions at this point. I'm quite interested in how Fe is a judgement function (which I knew) but I also assumed it to be with people, now I see it more as a way of how things should be.
Are you joking or being serious? I've considered it. I'm not sure if I'm coordinated enough to be an XSFP. Maybe I just lack the activity that makes me want to be in the moment.
He's pulling your leg good sir ;).
He just decided to say the exact opposite of what he thought you were.
It's not that far off. Same functions.
The functions in that order are nothing close to INTJ though! Thats like saying Chaz is just like an ENFJ!
The functions in that order are nothing close to INTJ though! Thats like saying Chaz is just like an ENFJ!

But they are the same functions! That's like saying an INTJ and INTP are similar because they share three letters, no matter the fact that INTJ is Ni,Te,Fi,Se and INTP is Ti, Ne, Si, Fe. I think Fi, Se, Ni, Te is a lot close to Ni, Te, Fi, Se than Ti, Ne, Si, Fe.

Oddly enough, looking through the profiles that Quinlan recommended, I shared a few traits with ISFPs.
It's not that far off. Same functions.

Just because the functions are the same doesn't mean the types aren't wildly different.

You're torn between 2 Ni dominant types. This means you can easily see how you just fall into this mode without any effort on your part. Yet attempting to use Se can be a challenge as your Ni overrides it and it can take a lot of effort to just see details.

Now if you were ESFP then this would be the opposite. You'd easily be able to see the details in front of you and this is your default mode. Yet trying to use Ni to get the big picture can be a challenge and is constantly at odds with your Se.

Having the same introverted and extraverted functions means nothing. It's all about how easy it is to use those functions.
Just because the functions are the same doesn't mean the types aren't wildly different.

You're torn between 2 Ni dominant types. This means you can easily see how you just fall into this mode without any effort on your part. Yet attempting to use Se can be a challenge as your Ni overrides it and it can take a lot of effort to just see details.

Now if you were ESFP then this would be the opposite. You'd easily be able to see the details in front of you and this is your default mode. Yet trying to use Ni to get the big picture can be a challenge and is constantly at odds with your Se.

Having the same introverted and extraverted functions means nothing. It's all about how easy it is to use those functions.

But seeing as both types share the same functions, I tend to think I can understand the thinking patterns of an ISFP more than I could the thinking patterns of an INTP. The types are quite a bit different, they have different priorities and skills, but because they have the same functions they should have a little bit of commonality somewhere.

I'm torn between two Ni dom types, yes, but quite a lot of people like to see themselves as a intuitive based on a bias. I don't find it to difficult to use Se, now it's not the first thing I prefer to do (Which shows that it's not a dominant/auxiliary function of mine) but I don't really find it all that taxing especially if I'm using it with another function.

Type wise, it's about preference yes. I do think that people tend to understand people better, in a mbti sense, when they share a function.
You can be emotional, affectionate, and expressive as an INTJ..annnnd you can be good at reading people and be an INTJ...maybe you're just a slightly different flavor of INTJ.
Which would make sense if you have been surrounded by feeling types your whole life..

INTJs prefer to use Fi, so not wanting to debate something you're not interested in would make sense..
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mature INTJ, you seem like you're in the process of developing your non-dominant functions to become more balanced.
Reon, you're a darling, and whatever type you are is cool... :)

but for the record, I still think you might be an INFJ with a dominant T. There are many on the forum, but I know how frustrating it is to figure your exact type. I feel this need too still at times. I hope you get it figured out!