

Community Member
okay, a bunch of people are either trying to shove it down my throat or ripping it to shreds. what do you guys think about the newest sparkly vampire craze?
Oh, I kinda get my news second hand these days. I don't like to watch television.
I'm reasonably fond of the whole vampire genre, but Twilight (the movie) got such consistently bad reviews (specifically that it was very poorly acted) I prettymuch wrote it off. I haven't read the books.

I tried to give True Blood (new HBO vampire series) a chance, but ended up being disgusted by it more than entertained by it.

I thought Ann Rice's first few Lestat books were entertaining, even loved the first 2, but they went tumbling downhill. Loved Buffy/Angel. Loved The Darkangel Trilogy by Meredith Ann Pierce.
I'm not big on vampires either. Many folks on my friends list (Livejournal) are freaks for Twilight, but I'm not one of them. It's okay writing, but it's really a teen book.

It's as if Stefanie Meyer had this huge burden to be in a vampire story, so she self-inserted her teen self into her pages.

Funny enough, I heard the movie actually *improves* the book.

I refuse to see the movie or read the books on principle, though. Friends of mine were treated unfairly due to a free ticket fiasco at a comic shop (long story - they were the ones giving away free tickets and the shop didn't receive them)...and also due to the whole teen mob mentality (San Francisco teen mob scene plus Robert Patterson plus too many people = not good.
I like the Twilight series. I think Meyer is actually trying to write Bella as an INFJ. There is a lot of overdramatization, but I think that's to be expected when it comes to teenage emotions.

I avoided the books for a long time because I'm not into teenage angst. Plus, people made the books (particularly the vampires) sound really stupid when they aren't. I would suggest reading the first book to see if you like it (then check out the unfinished draft of Midnight Sun to read the story from Edward's point of view).

As for the movie, the actors look really bored (and boring) in the trailer so I'll probably check it out when it comes out on DVD (maybe).

I tried to give True Blood (new HBO vampire series) a chance, but ended up being disgusted by it more than entertained by it.
I agree, I didn't particularly like the show. The books (Southern Vampire series) are a lot better, imo.
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I refuse to get into the bubblegum fads. First it was Harry Potter, now it's Twilight. Granted, I know some people like it and everything, but just because half the country wants to parade around like a bunch of idiots over a crappy book doesn't mean I'm going to follow suit.

Gimme a break.

"OMG, Edward this Edward that! Blah blah blah!" and before Edward was Daniel Radcliffe. UGH.
I didn't get in to Twilight. Just didn't interest me.

....I am one of those "harry potter freaks" though hehe. Can't stand Daniel Radcliffe though. Loove the books, enjoy the movies, but don't like him.
Harry Potter freak here too. Never liked Harry though.

When it comes to magicians I'm more of a Pug/Belgarath kinda guy.
I'm ambivalent about Daniel Radcliffe as Harry, but I'm a big fan of the HP books and have read them all several times.
I don't know either. I'm so oudda it. Kids these days *mutters something about dang whippersnappers under her breath and tunes into the Matlock/Perry Mason hour*
I read all the Twilight books... my teacher told me its the "Twilight saga"..... I got tired of it after the 3rd book or so. I don't know why I brought the last one.... I haven't even finished it... after how many attempts. :m080: I am not into the book though.... i don't like to deepen my hate on the series... ironic.

I LOVE THE HP BOOKS..... but absolutely hate the movies.

I hate movies overall... unless it have great action/romance.
Twilight is a COMPLETE disgrace to vampire mythology.


Also it seems to promote pedophilia, which nobody is even raising an eyebrow at, as far as I know.
Edward is a pedo. I guess there is a lot to the plot I am oblivious to, but still, a several hundred year old vampire dude having interest in a teen?


Maybe Edward has a similar level of maturity so it's ok? lol last I checked that still didn't fly in the real world.
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Edward is a pedo. I guess there is a lot to the plot I am oblivious to, but still, a several hundred year old vampire dude having interest in a teen?


Well, he remains physically and mentally 17...just a 17-year-old with a lot of experience.
I'm a 17 year old with 8 years of extra experience :m027:
I think it's almost impossible to portray vampire/mortal romantic relationships unless you're willing to overlook the pedo aspect. They crop up a lot. Buffy and Angel spring to mind immediately, but I'm sure there are others as well.