"True love exists." True or False?

Does true love exist?

  • Yes, most definitely

    Votes: 26 70.3%
  • Umm . . . maybe

    Votes: 3 8.1%
  • No, but you never know

    Votes: 4 10.8%
  • No, end of discussion!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yeah, like the Easter Bunny & Santa Claus

    Votes: 4 10.8%

  • Total voters


So, there are some here who believe that true love does not exist, so my question is this,

Does "true love exist"? True or false, make your case.

Those who say no, better have some good stuff to prove it.

(This thread is slightly humorous in its intent)
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POLL!!!! nOW!!

It exists...PERIOD...THE END!! :m185:
Doesn't exist.

I don't believe in fate in most cases. I don't believe that two people "belong" together.

I don't believe there is one single person that is/was meant for me.

I don't over idealize the idea of a relationship (One of the few things I don't) although I do over idealize people often.

I have probably believed I had found true love over 100 times.
Poll OPEN!
Doesn't exist.

I don't believe in fate in most cases. I don't believe that two people "belong" together.

I don't believe there is one single person that is/was meant for me.

I don't over idealize the idea of a relationship (One of the few things I don't) although I do over idealize people often.

I have probably believed I had found true love over 100 times.

:m185: *heavy sigh* See and I believe in fate...and i think were meant to meet everyone in this life for one reason or another...I am gonna change your tune mr....

its true there is more than one person in this world you could "LOVE" but there is one person who will complete you so assuredly you could never imagine life as it was before! or after...

IT wasn't true love...if you felt it you would know...there is no mistaking it...no denying it...Its like falling, drowning, and utter bliss all at once...these words are meager in comparison to what it truly is...
IT wasn't true love...if you felt it you would know...there is no mistaking it...no denying it...Its like falling, drowning, and utter bliss all at once...these words are meager in comparison to what it truly is...

Yeap, felt that. 100 times. I love being an INFJ

Each time I was *SURE* it was real, each time it was profound.

Actually, the number is probably more like 10 times in my life.
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Yeap, felt that. 100 times. I love being an INFJ

So, what I'm hearing is, that INFJs feel a lot, are passionate, but because they feel these things so much and embrace it, that it's hard to tell the difference between passion and the real thing?
Yeap, felt that. 100 times. I love being an INFJ

:m142: it wasn't true...I understand where you might be coming from...I have felt things smiler...but never will it compare to the real thing...ever
So, what I'm hearing is, that INFJs feel a lot, are passionate, but because they feel these things so much and embrace it, that it's hard to tell the difference between passion and the real thing?

You could be right. I didn't answer 100% no on the poll, because I hope someday I will be proven wrong.

For the moment, naw, don't believe it.
Doesn't exist.

I don't believe in fate in most cases. I don't believe that two people "belong" together.

I don't believe there is one single person that is/was meant for me.

I don't over idealize the idea of a relationship (One of the few things I don't) although I do over idealize people often.

I have probably believed I had found true love over 100 times.

Ok, you just defined it for yourself--sort of. No, I don't believe that there is only one person that was meant for us. But, I do believe in true love. I also believe in fate, however that fate may not include true love in this lifetime. It depends on why you are here.

True love is complete and honest sharing. It's being able to clearly see that other person, and wanting to wrap what you see inside yourself. It has the lust of mind, and heart, and body all entwined in it. It's about connecting on a deeper, spirital level. We try to define it with words, but we really can't. We use "Soulmate", but that falls short.

Everyone looks for it and very few find it. It's more rare than an INFJ and more precious than life itself. Good luck to all of us.

That's my feeble attempt. Continue........
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Ok, you just defined it for yourself--sort of. No, I don't believe that there is only one person that was meant for us. But, I do believe in true love. I also believe in fate, however that fate may not include true love in this lifetime. It depends on why you are here.

True love is complete and honest sharing. It's being able to clearly see that other person, and wanting to wrap what you see inside yourself. It has the lust of mind, and heart, and body all entwined in it. It's about connecting on a deeper, sprital level. We try to define it with words, but we really can't. We use "Soulmate", but that falls short.

Everyone looks for it and very few find it. It's more rare than an INFJ and more precious than life itself. Good luck to all of us.

That's my feeble attempt. Continue........

That is beautiful...*wipes tears from eyes*
I think 'true love' exists because I simply don't see it as an emotion. Falling in love is uncontrollable, you can tell yourself you're not falling for someone, but by acknowledging the thought that you might be and then you talk yourself out of it, proves that you in fact are falling in love.

But I define falling in love and love as two very different things. The first being uncontrollable, the second being completely controllable. To me, love (or true love in this case) is a conscious choice that you will yourself to do. Nowhere does it say you have to love someone unconditionally, but when you accept someone exactly how they are, faults and all, and love them anyway, you're making a choice to do so.

That's why I voted that it does exist, because love is a choice. You don't have to 'truly love' someone, but the option always remains.
I believe it's entirely possible to truly love someone. Just like it's possible to truly hate someone.

But is there one and, only one, person that you could ever love? No, that's silly. That's like saying there is only one person you could truly hate.
I think 'true love' exists because I simply don't see it as an emotion. Falling in love is uncontrollable, you can tell yourself you're not falling for someone, but by acknowledging the thought that you might be and then you talk yourself out of it, proves that you in fact are falling in love.

But I define falling in love and love as two very different things. The first being uncontrollable, the second being completely controllable. To me, love (or true love in this case) is a conscious choice that you will yourself to do. Nowhere does it say you have to love someone unconditionally, but when you accept someone exactly how they are, faults and all, and love them anyway, you're making a choice to do so.

That's why I voted that it does exist, because love is a choice. You don't have to 'truly love' someone, but the option always remains.

Great post.
I think 'true love' exists because I simply don't see it as an emotion. Falling in love is uncontrollable, you can tell yourself you're not falling for someone, but by acknowledging the thought that you might be and then you talk yourself out of it, proves that you in fact are falling in love.

But I define falling in love and love as two very different things. The first being uncontrollable, the second being completely controllable. To me, love (or true love in this case) is a conscious choice that you will yourself to do. Nowhere does it say you have to love someone unconditionally, but when you accept someone exactly how they are, faults and all, and love them anyway, you're making a choice to do so.

That's why I voted that it does exist, because love is a choice. You don't have to 'truly love' someone, but the option always remains.

very well said, though let me add...you don't have to work to make this choice, while it may be a choice, it is made so automatically you don't even realize it happened...