The Fancy Cupcake Test


The Fancy Cupcake Test

You Crave Peace

You expect the best in people, and you are eternally hopeful. You always stay positive.
You don't like it when anyone acts out, and you can't stand chaos of any kind.

The calmer things are, the happier you are. You appreciate the quiet like no one else can.
You love to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. You take your time savoring each moment.
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You Crave Fun

You have a whimsical and cheerful approach to life. You are a very playful person.
You are a true free spirit, and it's impossible for anyone to hold you down for too long.

You are quick witted and incredibly clever. Your creativity is your main strength.
You believe that if you aren't having a good time, you're doing it wrong. And you change course quickly!


You Crave Friendship

You are a kind hearted and compassionate person. Nothing matters more to you than human connection.
You are as generous as you can be. You enjoy giving to others, and you don't expect anything in return.

You consider yourself lucky to have the friends that you have, and you're always looking to strengthen those bonds.
You stay engaged and interested in other people's lives. You are one of the few out there who truly cares.

You Crave Luxury
You love decadence in all its forms. You are a true hedonist.
You always go over the top. You know you only live once, so you make the best of every moment.

If you see something you want, you dive in. You believe in indulging yourself.
You have amazing taste. You are good at knowing what you want. You're very honest about what you like.​

Sounds about right. Now I really want a cupcake with chocolate frosting. *pout*

You Crave Excitement
You are vivacious, colorful, and bold. There is nothing subtle about your personality.
You are naturally extroverted. You love to talk, and you are a good storyteller.

You are attracted to drama. You love dramatic people, and you tend stir up a bit of trouble yourself.
You are very expressive and opinionated. You react to everything... in fact, some people may accuse you of overreacting!

Haha, wow, that's way off, but cute anyways :)
These cupcakes are so cute I wish they were sentient so I could love them.

...Okay thats the last time I say verbatim what I think.

You Crave Luxury

You love decadence in all its forms. You are a true hedonist.
You always go over the top. You know you only live once, so you make the best of every moment.

If you see something you want, you dive in. You believe in indulging yourself.
You have amazing taste. You are good at knowing what you want. You're very honest about what you like.

Or maybe I just like chocolate.
You are vivacious, colorful, and bold. There is nothing subtle about your personality.
You are naturally extroverted. You love to talk, and you are a good storyteller.

You are attracted to drama. You love dramatic people, and you tend stir up a bit of trouble yourself.
You are very expressive and opinionated. You react to everything... in fact, some people may accuse you of overreacting! extroverted introvert, that's odd.
You Crave Happiness

You are an idealist, and you spend more time in your dream world more than the real world.
You feel deeply, and it's easy for you to tap into your emotional side. You empathize strongly with people.

You are highly sensitive and a bit withdrawn. It takes you a while to get used to strangers.
You can happily spend hours by yourself. You are your own best friend, and your imagination constantly entertains you.

How lovely.

You Crave Honesty

You are a very real person. You tell it like it is, and you try to see every situation clearly.
Your life may not be perfect, but you try to make it as perfect as you can. And to do that, you need to own up to everything!

People may be overwhelmed by your honesty at first, but they appreciate your candor over time.
You don't hide who you are, and who you are is pretty darn great because of it!
I chose the first, what a pretty cupcake ! I wish I could make cupcakes like that ! Its says I crave luxury, know what I want, and am honest about what I like - so very true! Loved this test, but now I'm craving one of these ! Not as hedonistic and wild as it suggests though.
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You Crave Romance

You love to be in love, and romance tends to take over your life a lot. You tend to get swept off your feet.
You are an idealist, and you believe in having one true soulmate. You never give up on love.

You love deeply, and not just romantically. You care for your friends, and you do your best to show it.
Even if you've been burned before, you try to remain pure in your heart. You think it's the only way to live!

Yeah well...candy hearts taste good. Plus I'll eat any cupcake...Skathac LOVE CUPCAKES!

You Crave Romance

You love to be in love, and romance tends to take over your life a lot. You tend to get swept off your feet.
You are an idealist, and you believe in having one true soulmate. You never give up on love.

You love deeply, and not just romantically. You care for your friends, and you do your best to show it.
Even if you've been burned before, you try to remain pure in your heart. You think it's the only way to live!

Yeah well...candy hearts taste good. Plus I'll eat any cupcake...Skathac LOVE CUPCAKES!
You crave Cupcake romance! //gives you epic cupcakes!
You Crave Friendship

You are a kind hearted and compassionate person. Nothing matters more to you than human connection.
You are as generous as you can be. You enjoy giving to others, and you don't expect anything in return.

You consider yourself lucky to have the friends that you have, and you're always looking to strengthen those bonds.
You stay engaged and interested in other people's lives. You are one of the few out there who truly cares.
You Crave Friendship

You are a kind hearted and compassionate person. Nothing matters more to you than human connection.
You are as generous as you can be. You enjoy giving to others, and you don't expect anything in return.

You consider yourself lucky to have the friends that you have, and you're always looking to strengthen those bonds.
You stay engaged and interested in other people's lives. You are one of the few out there who truly cares.
YES! 3 people (including me) love the gold rosey cuppycake!
You Crave Excitement

You are vivacious, colorful, and bold. There is nothing subtle about your personality.
You are naturally extroverted. You love to talk, and you are a good storyteller.

You are attracted to drama. You love dramatic people, and you tend stir up a bit of trouble yourself.
You are very expressive and opinionated. You react to everything... in fact, some people may accuse you of overreacting!