TDHT has another typing question/poll...Gah!

TDHT Type?

  • INFJ (Stop messing with the system!)

    Votes: 12 60.0%
  • ENFP

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • INTP

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • I have noooo idea.

    Votes: 2 10.0%

  • Total voters


Do I strike any of you as an ENFP or an INTP?

I don't think I have much of a Fi bone in my body, but I'm wondering...

Just to answer my own curiosity.
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sometimes I think of you as INTP...
Did your friend say why?
Any reason?
UHM...the uber geekdom ;)
Sometimes its just the way you lay out information...very clear consise and logical...But I can also see you as an INTJ...because you seem to have that J..ya know...
I find you extroverted and funny. But it could be Se too, instead of Ne.

If it must be Ne, i'd vote for ENTP then. Nah, i don't think you are Ne..

The short nasty comments remind me very much of one ESTP girl, which would work too if you are INFJ at the core.

p.s. INTJ with ESFP works too for you, indeed (: u r perky like intj
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You have a very similar vibe as one of my best friends, who I am quite certain is an INTP. Can't say with any certainty, and you are your own best judge of course, but that is just what I have to say about that lol.
Did your friend say why?

We were discussing Ni versus Ne. And I said something to the extent that I really rely on my Ni and she said that it seems like I use Ne rather than Ni and that the two are easily confused.

She says she sees traits of both in me. She was leaning more towards INTP, though; INTP females are difficult to pin down because they're usually a lot warmer than their male counterparts.
From online, you seem like a pretty cool INFJ. (Notice the emphasis on the pretty cool :P)

All I know is that you shouldn't change, you're awesome the way you are. Did that answer your question?

Hope so.
Meh, I've got your type down no problem. No sense to keep looking.

Your personality type is: badassly-awesome
From online, you seem like a pretty cool INFJ. (Notice the emphasis on the pretty cool :P)

All I know is that you shouldn't change, you're awesome the way you are. Did that answer your question?

Hope so.

Aw, thanks LD.

And I don't plan on having my type change me in any way. I'm just curious how people see me. :D
I thought you were a T more than an F. I think that I thought this because you seem more decisive . You also study law. I thought that it would be difficult to be an F and be a lawyer. I thought that lawyers would have to have a stronger T than F. If this makes sense.
We were discussing Ni versus Ne. And I said something to the extent that I really rely on my Ni and she said that it seems like I use Ne rather than Ni and that the two are easily confused.

She says she sees traits of both in me. She was leaning more towards INTP, though; INTP females are difficult to pin down because they're usually a lot warmer than their male counterparts.

Oh, ok. Well, i get a TJ vibe from you. Hmm.
I thought you were a T more than an F. I think that I thought this because you seem more decisive . You also study law. I thought that it would be difficult to be an F and be a lawyer. I thought that lawyers would have to have a stronger T than F. If this makes sense.

Not necessarily. You can be an F type but still have a good handle on your Ti or Te as either an auxiliary or tertiary function.

But thanks for your insight :)
You don't seem to us Ne or Se nearly enough to even begin to remotely resemble a P type. Your J is pretty solid to me. At times I wonder if you are ENTJ, but you're too "soft" to be an ENTJ, and too wanting of pleasing other people over all to be an INTJ. You're an INFJ to me, always have been.
You don't seem to us Ne or Se nearly enough to even begin to remotely resemble a P type. Your J is pretty solid to me. At times I wonder if you are ENTJ, but you're too "soft" to be an ENTJ, and too wanting of pleasing other people over all to be an INTJ. You're an INFJ to me, always have been.

yes I agree with this just have some secondary functions that show through is all...
You're INFJ currently working undercover for the dark side, but later you will prove invaluable for the good cause, once you turn back to it. :P
INFJ, I always seen you as someone with a strong J, and even though you take a logical approach yo apply feeling into it and it's caring of how it might affect others. INFJ's are often misread as T types due to Ni and some of us have developed our tertiary function Ti or have been forced to develop Te du to expectatons.
For what my opinion is worth, I think you are the uncommon INFJ that finds themself earlier in life and has well developed Ne and Fi. You slip into ENFJ and INFP easily and yes--you are most awsome!!
