Synchronicity stories

Do you mean like this?

A few days ago my family went for a sort-of long drive. They parked the car, my mother went to get groceries, my dad went to visit someone. My sister and I decided to just wait in the car.

I started humming "Jingle Bell Rock" while I was drawing and she said she couldn't get that song out of her head
Then right after I saw a woman cross the road, and then behind her, a supermarket and thinking why would they put that there when there is another supermarket on this side of the road. And then my sister said what I was thinking.

^ Yeah! I love instances like those :D

For example, yesterday I randomly began reading a web page about telekinesis and using one's mind to bend spoons. I honestly don't even remember how I got to it, I was mostly aimlessly wandering around the internet I guess. This isn't a subject I normally read about. Today, someone opened a thread to ask about what might be the theory behind being able to bend a spoon with one's mind.

Another example is that sometimes I'll think of a thread topic I am interested in, only to come online and find someone has created a thread with that very topic the same day or within 1-2 days.

Or when I couldn't find a link to something and was planning to ask a user here once I signed on, and when I signed on I saw he had posted a thread with the very link before I even had a chance to ask.

These all relate to the forum, but synchronicities are unlimited as far as topics go.
I had an experience that might be considered a synchronicity the other week.

I'd just finished reading the thread on this very forum about voodoo dolls and ouija boards and, after thinking about it a little while, I came up with a conclusion that ouija boards are a way to access the unconscious part of our minds. A couple of days later I was watching a new episode of the tv quiz show "QI" and the topic of ouija boards came up, and one of the things they mentioned was how the boards have often been used as a way to access the unconscious part of our minds!
That's interesting, DC.. Will definitely have to look it up. I've always had children (age 7 etc) that I spoke with through the glass, so I'm curious now..

I think another term for this is also Law of Attraction :panda:
With Soulful, seems to be your thoughts are manifesting much more rapidly...
Do you mean like this?

A few days ago my family went for a sort-of long drive. They parked the car, my mother went to get groceries, my dad went to visit someone. My sister and I decided to just wait in the car.

I started humming "Jingle Bell Rock" while I was drawing and she said she couldn't get that song out of her head
Then right after I saw a woman cross the road, and then behind her, a supermarket and thinking why would they put that there when there is another supermarket on this side of the road. And then my sister said what I was thinking.


That's pretty cool Maetel :)
I had an experience that might be considered a synchronicity the other week.

I'd just finished reading the thread on this very forum about voodoo dolls and ouija boards and, after thinking about it a little while, I came up with a conclusion that ouija boards are a way to access the unconscious part of our minds. A couple of days later I was watching a new episode of the tv quiz show "QI" and the topic of ouija boards came up, and one of the things they mentioned was how the boards have often been used as a way to access the unconscious part of our minds!

Lol yep. That's what I mean (not that I have some sort of say or authority to define what is considered synchronous). I just think those kinds of experiences are really cool! :D
It's true that I tend to think of synchronicities in a law of attraction sense, and I tend to view them through that lens so I use the word "synchronicity", but I don't want that to deter anyone from the thread. Some people also think of them as coincidences. Either way, I think they're just really cool events that happen, regardless how we define them :)

I remembered a neat one that happened to me a while ago. At the time, I was living in a small, almost rural town, south of a major city. I only had one somewhat new friend in town and felt quite lonely, but there was a major festival happening in the city so I decided to go up for the weekend. I was especially lonely around that time and I didn't want to go to the festival by myself but it's something I wanted to experience at least once, so I went. Before I went, I don't know if I was praying or talking to god/the spirit world/etc. but I had voiced how I felt (not even intent, I think) and it came out along the lines of "I really wish I could bump into a friend at the festival. I don't want to be there by myself". But I didn't have friends where I was living and I didn't know anyone in the city, so although I wished it would happen I didn't know who I could possibly meet. The festival featured 300,000 flowers planted along one of the major roads. They were all tulips and gorgeous (I love tulips). So there I am, walking and taking shots of these flowers, when fairly early into my time there, I almost bump into someone. I apologize and go back to what I'm doing, only to look up and realize the person I bumped into was taking a picture of a friend of mine!! I ended up spending a couple of hours with them that afternoon :D To add to it, my friend lives in the States (I'm in Canada). She just happened to be off from work that weekend, happened to come up to Canada to visit that particular friend of hers in that city, and we both happened to be at the festival during the same day of that weekend (the festival took place over a few weekends that month)and the same time of day! AND at the same point along the 'trail', close enough to bump into each other! The trail wasn't short either. Bumping into each other really was one of those once-in-a-million encounters. The timing of it all was spectacular! It really was amazing. :D
I like to think of synchronicities in similar terms to Jung, in that they are "meaningful coincidences, a-causal in nature" (though I have a soft spot for the "Littlewood's Law" interpretation too).

My personal definition differs slightly from Jung's though in that, while I think they are a-causal in the sense that one part of the synchronicity did not make the other happen, I think they are causal in the sense that they have the same root cause.

According to evolution all life can be traced back to one root cause, one root being, and the various branches of life, the different breeds and species can be traced back to common ancestors they shared in common.

I think a similar phenomenon applies to synchronicities, the different branches of them (you and your friend turning up at the exact same place at the exact same time) can be traced back to the same root cause (the one thing that set in motion the events and decisions that brought you together that way).

Whether there's anything particularly profound that can be learnt from figuring out what those root causes are I don't know, but like you said these things are really cool events anyway, however they're defined. :D
Had a couple of synchronicity-like experiences recently I thought I'd share.

A few days ago I'd just finished reading a book and was looking for something new to start. Looking over the as-yet-unread books on my shelf I decided to give Mary Shelley's Frankenstein a go. The next day I logged onto a literature discussion forum I go to sometimes and a thread originally discussing which James Joyce book was the best one to start with had segued overnight into a brief discussion about Mary Shelley.

A couple of days after that someone phoned my house asking for my folks, but because they were out the person said they'd call back later that day. When my parents eventually got back I'd just finished telling them about it when the phone rang, unsurprisingly enough (considering this thread is about synchronicties) it was the person who had phoned earlier.
I'm curious what you say about this one

a couple of months ago I got a mail from a friend of mine, telling me that she had a really scary dream about me. In the dream suddenly I fell down in her arms and I was death. My mother was very upset in the dream and blamed my friend for my death.
Then a few days later I went to hospital to get a cortisone injection. Which was pretty painful. When I went back to my car, I felt a bit dizzy so I decided to go to the hospitals cafeteria to get a coke. I just ordered my coke when it became all black in front of my eyes and I lost conscious. In the way down I hit a table with the back of my head. Next thing I know is that I was lying on the ground with people talking to me.

I immediately thought about my friends dream where I also felt to the ground!
My bff and I do this all the time...the most famous is this:

I had a song stuck in my head and it had it stuck for DAYS I was so annoyed with it I started singing it with the wrong my head...As I walked bye her she started singing the words I had made up to the song. out loud...:m146::m172:

yea...we rule! :m114:
:) i love these stories..!

they usually happen when i get an urge to do something... maybe something that tells me i should call up my friend... actually these happen the most often.

i call my friend: "hey you have good timing, i just got out of the shower"
" i was just thinking about you"

the best was when i accidentally dialed the incorrect number and ended up calling a friend who was talking about me. hahah
I get my kicks with those 30 minute shows, where, in the opening credits, they show clips from different episodes. I will wait for the right clip to 'grab' me... inevitably it belongs to the episode being aired. I have kept track of this scoring 8/10 and 9/10 My husband and bf think it is creepy ;-) :m114:

Years ago I had a job driving a Taxi in Boulder Colorado. Late one night my last fare took me to Longmont, a town about ten or twenty miles outside of Boulder. It was past midnight in the spring and after dropping my passenger I got onto the highway to return home. There I saw a young man hitch hiking. It was my habit as a cabbie to pick up hitch hikers and give them free rides in circumstances like this as I had done a lot of hitch hiking myself. The guy got into the cab, a Checker vehicle, and told me that he was on a journey to discover the places that his birth parents had lived in when he was conceived. He was taking a break from or had just graduated from college and was going to Boulder on the chance that he would meet up with his college pal. He and his story struck me as being true and touching so I offered him a place to crash for a couple of days at the duplex I rented with some fellows in town. I took him to my place, set him up in the living room and went back to drop off the cab.
The next day I sent him off to the University to try to find his friend who he believed was enrolled as a student there. At 2 pm I reported for duty at the Cab company, and set off to collect my first fare. A college aged guy and two college aged women hopped in downtown for a ride across town. As we started off the guy mentioned to the gals something about an old friend of his and said his name, I can't recall the context the name was mentioned in but it was the name of the guy I had picked up the night before. Astonished I repeated the name back to the passenger and told him he was at my house right now. I drove them to my place and sure enough my current passenger was the fellow my hitch hiker was looking for.
Years ago I had a job driving a Taxi in Boulder Colorado. Late one night my last fare took me to Longmont, a town about ten or twenty miles outside of Boulder. It was past midnight in the spring and after dropping my passenger I got onto the highway to return home. There I saw a young man hitch hiking. It was my habit as a cabbie to pick up hitch hikers and give them free rides in circumstances like this as I had done a lot of hitch hiking myself. The guy got into the cab, a Checker vehicle, and told me that he was on a journey to discover the places that his birth parents had lived in when he was conceived. He was taking a break from or had just graduated from college and was going to Boulder on the chance that he would meet up with his college pal. He and his story struck me as being true and touching so I offered him a place to crash for a couple of days at the duplex I rented with some fellows in town. I took him to my place, set him up in the living room and went back to drop off the cab.
The next day I sent him off to the University to try to find his friend who he believed was enrolled as a student there. At 2 pm I reported for duty at the Cab company, and set off to collect my first fare. A college aged guy and two college aged women hopped in downtown for a ride across town. As we started off the guy mentioned to the gals something about an old friend of his and said his name, I can't recall the context the name was mentioned in but it was the name of the guy I had picked up the night before. Astonished I repeated the name back to the passenger and told him he was at my house right now. I drove them to my place and sure enough my current passenger was the fellow my hitch hiker was looking for.

Awesome story is awesome. :m153:
Years ago I had a job driving a Taxi in Boulder Colorado...

INFJs are the answer to personal prayers - quoting my ENTJ sister. :D The universe is just waiting for dominant introverted intuitives to heed its call. And when an INFJ does respond to the subliminal message of the cosmos, magic happens. :m177:
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