
Altruistic Muse

Community Member
This is going to seem a bit bizarre and morose but as long as I can remember I have never liked summertime. There is too much time on my hands to think about things, too much stillness, and a weird feeling that because everyone else is happy cos the sun's out, I should as well.

It kind of mirrors the uncomfortable feeling I get when everyone else is happy and I have to balance the mood, or the way that I sabotage things that are going too well in my life. But I would say that autumn is definitely my favourite month. There is a kind of understated warmth about it, and I feel much more comfortable when the evenings are longer and as everyone else gets down because of winter actually I find it cosy. I think every time I have been depressed has been in the summer, and every time I have split up with a boyfriend has been then as well. I find it strange the way since I was a kid i have got into this loop of changing atmospheres and moods with the seasons.
I also experience that the seasons and the weather seem to influence my mood, but it's the other way around with me. Summer is about the only time of the year I'm actually happy. I can get really depressed during winters. But I understand what you said about having too much time on your hands and thinking too much during summer. This can be so exhausting..
Nicola, can you make thread where I don't completely agree with everything you say? It's getting quite annoying :tongue1:

I don't like the summer mainly because it's too hot. Sweating all the time is minging. My favourite season is spring, it's just the perfect balance between winter and summer and there's this sense that it's the beginning of a new year, like starting fresh over again.
Nicola, can you make thread where I don't completely agree with everything you say? It's getting quite annoying :tongue1:

I don't like the summer mainly because it's too hot. Sweating all the time is minging. My favourite season is spring, it's just the perfect balance between winter and summer and there's this sense that it's the beginning of a new year, like starting fresh over again.

Haha! I do apologise Yield :tongue1:. Yep I know, and I have very fair skin so I get burnt, and I get headaches all the time etc. That gets annoying! Spring is my joint second with winter. I like both of them, but autumn is definitely my favourite!
I find spring and autumn are my best seasons feeling-wise. But they're also the most stressful because my exams are in late winter - spring and late summer - autumn.
I find that I have more energy around those times which is useful ^^" Winter makes me depresse and summer's just too hot.
I know what you mean. And besides that, it's too hot. You step outside and can barely breath. Give me Fall or Winter anyday and I'm happy.
I don't like summer for the reasons everyone has already said.

Another factor is I LOVE winter. I live for snow and cold weather. If I could move to a place where it is 20 degrees year round, I would be very happy!
I don't like summer for the reasons everyone has already said.

Another factor is I LOVE winter. I live for snow and cold weather. If I could move to a place where it is 20 degrees year round, I would be very happy!

me too! i LOVE winter...i'm so fond of Canada's weather
I hate summer. It's too dang hot! And it's just miserable because I don't feel like doing anything and my thinking feels "stunted." I love autumn, though. Can't get enough of it because it actually feels like a season change. The weather finally cools off and it feels like a fog's lifting from your brain.

I like Spring ok, but Spring sometimes gets too hot for me.
Yep, same here. I hate summer mostly because of the heat. I become more tired and I start to sweat like a friggin pig all the time. I find myself staying more indoors in summer than when it is winter. Temperature here right now is 93F and it is not even 8am yet!
Is there any chance that you all are my long ago lost sisters and brothers:)!!!
I am totally automn person, than I get energy and optimism. Summer - too long, too warm, too boring, just too everything:) I don't even lik ice-cream that much...
Ah autumn. When the pavements and streets are filled with wilting leaves and there is a tint of sepia to everything....

This thread reminds of one of my favourites korean films "Spring, summer, autumn, winter...and spring"
Spring and autumn are my favorite seasons.

I hate summer its too hot, I am very fair skinned so I cant go outside with out spf 3000 on or I turn into a bright red swirling ball of pain. I hate the feeling of sunscreen. I love to swim, but again see previous sentence.

I love spring because it is rebirth, the world wakes up from a frozen slumber, it sheds away its dead skin and blooms beautiful new green and lush trees, Lilacs bloom in the spring, my favorite flower. The world is waking up, it makes me feel that there is hope again.

I love fall because the colors are so amazing. The tones of the dying leaves, The air is clear and fresh. Its just beautiful. And of course it houses my favorite holiday (halloween, all hallows eve, Samhain).

Winter is like death to me...Everything is dead under the frozen earth. And Im clutzy...
Summer is my least favorite season :(.
It's sweaty and hot. I feel sluggish. There is nothing meaningful to do...I wish I could really wind down once in a while and actually enjoy having *nothing* to do.
I must say, this is refreshing to read. It seems like everyone I know (IRL and online) loves summer and everything about it, and they all stare at me when I tell them I hate summer.
This thread reminds of one of my favourites korean films "Spring, summer, autumn, winter...and spring"

I must say, this is refreshing to read. It seems like everyone I know (IRL and online) loves summer and everything about it, and they all stare at me when I tell them I hate summer.

I guess it also depends on where you live. My summer lasts (if I count the days that the sun is actually shining)..1 month maybe. The rest of the year it's cold and rainy. So I would give anything for a couple of days of sun. :)
I don't like it because I am lonely (all my good friends are from school) and I feel like a worthless POS for not having had a job and volunteering. I've also run out of good activities to waste my time with.

Summer ends for me in 3 days though, so it doesn't matter.
Summertime and the livin's easy,
Fish are jumpin', and the cotton is high.
Oh yo' daddy's rich and yo' ma is good lookin',
So hush, little baby, don' yo' cry.

One of these mornin's you goin' to rise un singin',
Then you'll spread yo' wings an' you'll take the sky.
But till that mornin', there's a-nothin' can harm you
With Daddy and Mammy standin' by.
Summertime and the livin's easy,
Fish are jumpin', and the cotton is high.
Oh yo' daddy's rich and yo' ma is good lookin',
So hush, little baby, don' yo' cry.

One of these mornin's you goin' to rise un singin',
Then you'll spread yo' wings an' you'll take the sky.
But till that mornin', there's a-nothin' can harm you
With Daddy and Mammy standin' by.

Ha, that's not an answer at all! But I'm putting that song on now....