Study Reveals a New Criterion for Compatibility


Captain Obvious
Retired Staff
Type me.
I had long assumed that if I ever managed to stumble across my ideal mate, we would connect with shared intellectual or artistic interests, like politics, science and similar tastes in movies. But now a simultaneously idiotic and ingenious study (the kind that makes you exclaim "Why didn't I think of that?!" one minute, and "Pffft, what a dumb concept" the next) has come along and opened my eyes to a far simpler method of ensuring eternal interpersonal bliss: SANDWICHES.

That's right, ladies and gentlemen: the classic culinary standby correlates with personality traits, and can function kind of like a zodiac sign (except that a study indicates that it actually works). So pick your favorite sandwich, and then read the accompanying description and be thus enlightened.

Oh, and ladies: I like ham and cheese. :eyebrows:
And now we can take this a little further and start matching different mbti types with different kinds of sandwiches. I think infjs lean toward: straight peanut butter :D

Peanut butter (with honey or jam) is probably my favorite, too, but such universally popular sandwiches were not included. Grilled cheese was excluded as well, for example. The scientists figured that those were outliers and would appeal to too many people who might otherwise have nothing in common, so we're stuck with choosing from the less common types.
I like to eat BLT's, Turkey, and Club sandwichs.....

But the quiz says I'm a chicken salad sandwich.....

Although I do know some killer chicken salad and ham salad recipes....
Peanut butter (with honey or jam) is probably my favorite, too, but such universally popular sandwiches were not included. Grilled cheese was excluded as well, for example. The scientists figured that those were outliers and would appeal to too many people who might otherwise have nothing in common, so we're stuck with choosing from the less common types.

Yeah I know, sorry I didn't explain myself properly (happens all the time :rolleyes:). I said it because of the remark from the author of the first article: “Straight peanut-butter, no-jelly types communicate poorly, probably because there's peanut butter stuck to the roofs of their mouths.”

EDIT: according to the test I'm part ham & cheese and part bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich. Hm lettuce is just about the only thing I never eat :)
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I hate peanut butter :m167:
Hmmm ... I took the quiz, and it said I'm a chicken salad guy. Okay, I like chicken salad too, but not as much as ham and cheese. So which do I trust: my personality result to determine my sandwich preference, or my sandwich preference to determine my personality? :noidea:

Yeah I know, sorry I didn't explain myself properly (happens all the time :rolleyes:). I said it because of the remark from the author of the first article:
That's pretty funny... out of the choices, I prefer Ham and Cheese too, but the test said I was part BLT (2nd pick) and Egg Salad...those two together can not taste good.

I think the Ham Cheese and BLT descriptions fit me best though.

I like the taste of peanut butter, but I HATE the texture.
That's pretty funny... out of the choices, I prefer Ham and Cheese too, but the test said I was part BLT (2nd pick) and Egg Salad...those two together can not taste good.

I think the Ham Cheese and BLT descriptions fit me best though.

Hmmm ... I took the quiz, and it said I'm a chicken salad guy. Okay, I like chicken salad too, but not as much as ham and cheese. So which do I trust: my personality result to determine my sandwich preference, or my sandwich preference to determine my personality? :noidea:

Seems like this sandwich test has the potency to cause some major identity crisises :D. But as nobody here seems happy with their results maybe that test just isn't all that reliable :)

Here's an idea: who prefers crunchy peanut butter?

I do actually. It makes it a little less boring to eat
I got chicken salad sandwich...which I guess works, but I always prefer mine up with cranberries, raisins, walnuts and grapes. I wonder what that says?

And I love me some crunchy peanut butter. I like peanut butter and honey sandwiches, too.
I like:
Chicken and Avocado
Camembert, Semi Dried Tomatoes and Honey Ham on Panini
Why do ham and cheese function best without serious romantic entanglements? I love ham and cheese and I don't agree with that at all!

I don't really like sandwiches often, only the occasional cheese and crisp or cheese and jalapeno one.
I mainly eat dry rolls/baguettes/bread. How fun am I? :D