Shai Gar
This is about finding out who has got a University Debt, and how likely it is they'll ever pay it off.
Whooo, that's me!
What did I win?
My government doesn't make us pay back our HECS/HELP debt until we're earning more than 45 thousand dollars a year, and that income bracket rises every tax year. There's no interest attached onto our loan.
A shiny chrome biscuit.
Pics or they're not real.
XD If we never reach the income bracket, we never have to pay it back.
new thread idea... i wonder what it takes to get your country called First World nowadays...
I'd suspect a high standard of living, combined with a government that supports its citizenry.
My government doesn't make us pay back our HECS/HELP debt until we're earning more than 45 thousand dollars a year, and that income bracket rises every tax year. There's no interest attached onto our loan.