

Capitalist pig
Depresses me. I'm actually afraid to join.

Opinions on stormfront, anyone?
Good lord.

Do you really want to go there, I mean really?:m194:

I could write a dissertation on Stormfront for you.

David Duke country and all.
I am not enlightened, are we talking about the racist group or something else?...
I dislike all races equally.

Humankind shall perish.

But no, Arbygil, go on with your points.

No, no, don't mind me. Feel free to join. They hate everyone but themselves and even then... well.

I'd rather have an acupuncture appointment than discuss the weather with them (and that's saying something because I HAAAATE needles).
No, I was going to join to see exactly what they talk about not because I support the cause. I don't support them, no, because they are biased. If they hated all races with the same equality as me I would understand, but their white attitude is ridiculous. If you're going to lynch people, please lynch the entire population of earth, not just a select percent of minorities.
I did a little browsing through it. I think if I took maybe a week I would be able to untangle their logic web quite clearly. The curiosity is luring me... I think they're wrong but I haven't really taken the time to flush out why, so even in my own mind its unclear.
I did a little browsing through it. I think if I took maybe a week I would be able to untangle their logic web quite clearly. The curiosity is luring me... I think they're wrong but I haven't really taken the time to flush out why, so even in my own mind its unclear.

Well perhaps pierce, they're wrong because they support the lynching/burning/ and just general killing of people purely because of religion ( and sometimes it's implied religion, like people who come from a jewish bloodline but are not in fact jewish), skin pigment, and sexual orientation, maybe?
I registered there with the intention of raising a ruckus, only to be greeted with a message saying that as a new member, all my posts would have to be approved by the moderators. So much for that.
Would they allow someone with an Asian name?

I registered there with the intention of raising a ruckus, only to be greeted with a message saying that as a new member, all my posts would have to be approved by the moderators. So much for that.

Wow, that's worse than the Tea Party forum I once joined. I was eventually banned, but only *after* posting the "Conservative Argument for Gay Marriage" link I found here.
I joined under a pseudonym, the bigotry I see is sickening.
blacks would rob, rape, torture and kill you because thats what they do best.
Their forums have a section entitled "The Truth About Martin Luther King Jr."

It looks like a fun place to play the ban game.
Maybe someone should go on and do coded messages:
Look, the thing is that negros are terrible excuses for human life. They come around and think that maybe if
They just waltz around, protected by the communist hypocritical teaching of the ‘slave movement’ well, you
And I should be just fine. What I think about issues, such as Judaism being ‘just a form of religion’; read:
A load of bullshit. They should all be exterminated and sent to hell. We are the only ones deserving of this
World because we are the clean race: we are white, we are pure of dirty jew blood. Nobody can correctly
State our purpose better than us. The government, especially the US government is sick, they claim you
Are the ones they are protecting, but these are false claims. DO NOT be deceived by the USA, they will
Stand against our brothers, they are not afraid. Nothing will stop us from revealing the truth, just to know
That is comforting enough, I think. Before I found this organization I felt alone, like the world was lost. The
Only hope that our society has is this community, and I am glad I have found something to hold on to, truth

In a web made entirely of lies that promise ‘equality’ for filthy scum of the earth, raping and stealing-this
Has gone on far too long. Is it a far cry to say that one day we will have conquered the entire world, or is
It simply destiny? My white sisters will not be infected by the disease of color and the mutiny of disgusting
faggots. It petrifies me to see what my country- our land, has turned into. If we do not show hatred
Towards them the faggots will never leave; if we do not kill them the blacks will never stop rooting for
blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ffjjfjf fjdfjfjfjfjfj fjfj ffdf I Human
moreshitheree eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fjfjfjf fjfjfj ffjfjf fhfhf Life
bullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllshittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ffjfjf jfjfjfjf fjfj fjfjf fjfjfj I
blllalalalalalalalalalallalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalallalalalalalalalalalalalalalala jfjfjf fjfjfj fjfjf fjffjfj jfjf fhfhf Do
alalalalalalalalalalalallalalaalllalalalalalalaalalallaallalalalaalalalalalalalalalalala fhfhfh ffhfhfhf hf Not
lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalallalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalla allalaalalla fhfhf hfhfhf fhfh fhfh ffhff Approve

I was too disgusted to type it all up but im sure it would pass moderation and there could even be entire groups of people who went in there and communicated like that...I dont know, seems like it would be funny to infiltrate like that, a lot of effort but really makes a point I suppose. You could code a message in a way where it took less lines to make a point or something...Dunno.
Well, just be careful, y'all, that's all I say. Their ideas are seriously messed up but there are a few weirdo brainiacs on there. I'd hate anything (IP address, etc) to be traced back here. I like my quiet little INFJ home away from the world. :P

Just sayin'.
Interesting, they call gays "filth".

I rather like being called filth rather than the old cliche "pervert".

It makes me feel like a bad, bad boy. :m114:

Strangely though, some of the racists don't seem to be homophobic. Although they seem to think the gay rights movement is a Jewish conspiracy.
and Im sure they have uhmmm

what is it

the thing that will change your ip address?

cant think of the word but im sure they have those blocked.

I wont register to the website I am deathly afraid.