IQ (Intelligence Quotient) simply measures a person's ability to manipulate abstract concepts. It does not measure a person's emotional intelligence or social intelligence. We all know those people who are academic prodigies but struggle when it comes to dealing with their own feelings or their fellow human beings.
Emotional Intelligence can be understood in terms of self awareness and emotional facility. It's the ability to sense and recognize one's own inner state and an adeptness at maintaining a balanced state that allows optimal functioning in day to day life. People who are chronically overstressed, apathetic, etc. may be lacking in emotional intelligence.
Social Intelligence is social awareness and social facility. It is the ability to sense other people's inner states, such as thoughts and feelings, and adeptness at utilizing that knowledge to create smooth and effective interactions. Just like IQ can be broken down into skill sets, social intelligence can also be broken down 8 basic categories.
Empathy: the ability to feel with others, usually by sensing nonverbal emotional signals.
Attunement (Active Listening): Listening to others with full attention.
Empathetic accuracy (Intuition): the ability to understand another person's thoughts, feelings, and intentions.
Social cognition: knowledge of the social world, such as manners, connotation, customs, etc.
Synchrony: the ability to interact smoothly even at the non verbal level, such as using corresponding body language and facial expression.
Self Presentation: knowledge of how to effectively use one's appearance, such as clothing, hygiene, etc.
Influence: the ability to shape the outcomes of social interactions
Concern: genuinely caring about others' needs and acting accordingly.
Do you think INFJs generally have high social intelligence? How would you rank yourself? Do you struggle with any of the eight categories above?
Notes taken from Social Intelligence by Daniel Goleman.
Emotional Intelligence can be understood in terms of self awareness and emotional facility. It's the ability to sense and recognize one's own inner state and an adeptness at maintaining a balanced state that allows optimal functioning in day to day life. People who are chronically overstressed, apathetic, etc. may be lacking in emotional intelligence.
Social Intelligence is social awareness and social facility. It is the ability to sense other people's inner states, such as thoughts and feelings, and adeptness at utilizing that knowledge to create smooth and effective interactions. Just like IQ can be broken down into skill sets, social intelligence can also be broken down 8 basic categories.
Empathy: the ability to feel with others, usually by sensing nonverbal emotional signals.
Attunement (Active Listening): Listening to others with full attention.
Empathetic accuracy (Intuition): the ability to understand another person's thoughts, feelings, and intentions.
Social cognition: knowledge of the social world, such as manners, connotation, customs, etc.
Synchrony: the ability to interact smoothly even at the non verbal level, such as using corresponding body language and facial expression.
Self Presentation: knowledge of how to effectively use one's appearance, such as clothing, hygiene, etc.
Influence: the ability to shape the outcomes of social interactions
Concern: genuinely caring about others' needs and acting accordingly.
Do you think INFJs generally have high social intelligence? How would you rank yourself? Do you struggle with any of the eight categories above?
Notes taken from Social Intelligence by Daniel Goleman.