Shallow, uninteresting majority?

Do you think most people are shallow, uninteresting or boring and not worth your time?

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May snark if provoked
This will make me seem like a bitch, but oh well. I'm just wondering if it's an INFJ thing to think of the majority of people as bland, shallow, uninteresting, boring and just simply not worth bothering with. Vote. Discuss.

EDIT: Poll is not anonymous because if I'm gonna look like a bitch so will anyone who votes yes! ... Try to be honest though.
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Are you asking about the people in this forum, or about people in general?
This will make me seem like a bitch, but oh well. I'm just wondering if it's an INFJ thing to think of the majority of people as bland, shallow, uninteresting, boring and just simply not worth bothering with. Vote. Discuss.

Yes and if that makes you a bitch then that goes double for me.

The majority cares about subjects and things that in the end that don't matter. They are intolerant, mean, cruel and uncaring of others that are different. They simply can't leave others to their business. So ya screw the majority. For it dosen't show the true potential of the human race.
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No. I think that people who only perceive themselves as such present themselves that way. Personally, I think everyone has a story to tell; the problem is, not many people are willing to open up because they don't want to be judged or they don't want to stand out from the status quo.

We only see the surface most of the time. Is the mask most people wear shallow, boring and uninteresting? Yes. Are they themselves, as people, shallow,boring and uninteresting? No. Not by a long shot.
I find most people to be shallow, uninteresting, and boring. But I happen to lack social skills, so they probably see me the same way during interaction.
If I gained some social skills and knew how to talk to people and engage them and mastermind the conversation to get the info I'm looking for--I might feel differently.
I actually enjoy most people that I meet
I wish I could..
I'm just crotchety as all hell.
I wish I could..
I'm just crotchety as all hell.
The majority of people that I don't like are usually the ones who just don't know to shut up. Other than that I can handle most people (of course I don't meet a whole lot of new people every day).
I've tried a couple of times really getting through to the core of people I would otherwise deem uninteresting and unworthy of my time. Either I failed miserably or they were just as bland inside as they appeared to be outside.
I like everyone, except if I get a bad vibe, then I avoid them.
I've tried a couple of times really getting through to the core of people I would otherwise deem uninteresting and unworthy of my time. Either I failed miserably or they were just as bland inside as they appeared to be outside.

In my experience, most people live up to whatever your expectations are

Or perhaps I've just been extremely fortunate.

I doubt that.
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I don't think I can judge people as shallow. Simply because they all have their own burden to bear. They are all suffering, and I know that. Some of them suffer more than others, some less.

However, they are uninteresting and boring when it comes to their personal lives. I am rarely surprised by their intellect or abilities, even though everyone seems to think they are somehow special. What does surprise me, is how they can turn from farmers to revolutionaries, from kings to slaves and from peaceful creatures to warmongers. In other words, I am interested to see them change and evolve, and I am eager to see what they will become in the end. That's what I'm interested in. So in a sense, I am interested in them. I want to see people grow.

Edit: So I can't answer with a yes or a no.
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I see people as complex, interesting and with a million stories to tell, I wish I could relate to people better to interact more and uncover who they are but then I don't mind a bit of mystery either.
Yes, I do feel this way.
I sure do. Most people are interchangeable, although I guess everyone has their individual quirks. Some are dumber and more obnoxious than others.