Sexual Love Personality Test

Your result for Sexual Love Personality Test ...
Everyday Lover

~ When work, commitment, and pleasure all become one and you reach that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible. ~ Unknown


You are the average everyday person. You are more than likely married or have been married and went for the white picket fence, car, and 2.4 kids and a dog. This does not make you boring, far from it. You have a wide range of ideas and activities that keep you gong.

You look to improve relationships and constantly are doing things for other people. You have a lot of responsibility and may sometimes let things go you wish you hadn't.

The biggest challenge for you is to keep things level and not let everything get mundane. If this happens you may be tempted to stray in your relationship. You have to remember to keep things new and fresh to keep that from happening. Make time to make things happen.

More than likely you have a set way of doing things and don't often stray from the norm; however, when you do and it works you think you should do it more often.

You abide mostly by societies views, ideas, and moral structures.

You scored 30% on Paranoid, higher than 69% of your peers.
You scored 23% on Extroverted, higher than 24% of your peers.
You scored 40% on Introverted, higher than 93% of your peers.
You scored 50% on Average, higher than 68% of your peers.
You scored 20% on Kinky, higher than 34% of your peers.
You scored 13% on Perverted, higher than 53% of your peers.
You scored 10% on Deviant, higher than 35% of your peers.
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i think this link is wrong...because the test it comes up with is sexual preference...:m173:
i think this link is wrong...because the test it comes up with is sexual preference...:m173:

It was trying to get me to register before giving my result! :m206:
Sorry! I fixed the link.
Your background is probably one that has been started with violence or fear based. It has made it difficult for you to open up sexually. More than likely you were traumatized by something that you have not forgotten. You could be a victim of a crime or the child of an overprotective parent.

It may not be that you don't enjoy sexual activity, but you are not really open to trying new things. You feel more secure in routine and things that you can control.

In love you may have had several bad relationships, or have been in a relationship where you were abused or cheated upon. You would have to feel very secure with someone in order for them to be able to lure you out of your zone.

Saying this, you are not likely to do one night stands or pick up a stranger in a bar. You prefer doing things the old fashioned way. If you are single, you more than likely don't appreciate well meaning friends that try and set you up on blind dates.

You may feel a bit insecure in a marriage where your spouse spends a lot of time away from home as you fear that he/she may not be faithful. It's not something you probably voice, but keep inside. This can cause some anxiety.

Inaccuracy at it's finest.
Colorful Lover

~ It is the passion that is in a kiss that gives to it its sweetness; it is the affection in a kiss that sanctifies it. ~ Christian Nevell Bovee
You not only like sex, but you've come to terms with it in your everyday life. You don't mind speaking about it, perhaps even in an offhand manner. This doesn't meant that you accept the rather bizarre forms of sex, but for you it's a more "to each his own" philosophy. You know what you like and they are welcome to like what they like. You may discuss it, but it doesn't mean that you're going to try it.
You don't mind using some sex toys in your relationship, but you may not want to buy things that you know you'll never use, not even for experimentation. Although, you may have no qualms in teasing someone about using them.
You try to keep things fresh and exciting. You like things such as lingerie, silk sheets, and visuals like candlelight. In some ways you are a romantic.
Where you don't mind letting people know you have sex and you like it, you don't always go talking about it. But if someone has a question you are there for suggestions.
You tend to keep your relationships and experimentations private.

Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • You scored 10% on Paranoid, higher than 2% of your peers.

  • You scored 37% on Extroverted, higher than 87% of your peers.

  • You scored 17% on Introverted, higher than 9% of your peers.

  • You scored 33% on Average, higher than 11% of your peers.

  • You scored 40% on Kinky, higher than 97% of your peers.

  • You scored 33% on Perverted, higher than 99% of your peers.

  • You scored 23% on Deviant, higher than 92% of your peers.
Remind me to stop taking these tests

Oh look, another depressing reminder of how boring I really am

Everyday Lover Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

You are the AVERAGE EVERYDAY person. You are more than likely married or have been married and went for the white picket fence, car, and 2.4 kids and a dog. This does not make you boring, far from it. You have a wide range of ideas and activities that keep you gong.

You look to improve relationships and constantly are doing things for other people. You have a lot of responsibility and may sometimes let things go you wish you hadn't.

The biggest challenge for you is to keep things level and not let everything get mundane. If this happens you may be TEMPTED to stray in your relationship. You have to remember to keep things new and fresh to keep that from happening. Make time to make things happen.

More than likely you have a set way of doing things and don't often stray from the norm; however, when you do and it works you think you should do it more often.

You abide MOSTLY by societies views, ideas, and moral structures.
You scored 23% on Paranoid, higher than 42% of your peers
You scored 30% on Extroverted, higher than 55% of your peers.
You scored 27% on Introverted, higher than 53% of your peers
Average Distribution
You scored 43% on Average, higher than 40% of your peers.
Kinky Distribution
You scored 27% on Kinky, higher than 71% of your peers.
Perverted Distribution
You scored 20% on Perverted, higher than 84% of your peers.
Deviant Distribution
You scored 10% on Deviant, higher than 35% of your peers.
Oh look, another depressing reminder of how boring I really am

Everyday Lover Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

You are the AVERAGE EVERYDAY person. You are more than likely married or have been married and went for the white picket fence, car, and 2.4 kids and a dog. This does not make you boring, far from it. You have a wide range of ideas and activities that keep you gong.

You look to improve relationships and constantly are doing things for other people. You have a lot of responsibility and may sometimes let things go you wish you hadn't.

The biggest challenge for you is to keep things level and not let everything get mundane. If this happens you may be TEMPTED to stray in your relationship. You have to remember to keep things new and fresh to keep that from happening. Make time to make things happen.

More than likely you have a set way of doing things and don't often stray from the norm; however, when you do and it works you think you should do it more often.

You abide MOSTLY by societies views, ideas, and moral structures.
You scored 23% on Paranoid, higher than 42% of your peers
You scored 30% on Extroverted, higher than 55% of your peers.
You scored 27% on Introverted, higher than 53% of your peers
Average Distribution
You scored 43% on Average, higher than 40% of your peers.
Kinky Distribution
You scored 27% on Kinky, higher than 71% of your peers.
Perverted Distribution
You scored 20% on Perverted, higher than 84% of your peers.
Deviant Distribution
You scored 10% on Deviant, higher than 35% of your peers.

We cant all be colorful :m173: there would be sex on every street corner...We would get no work markets would crumble crumble...society would fall fall...
I took the quiz but the results are quite depressing. Hmm.
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Hah yeah I got something called 'Hidden Lover' which was partly true and partly stupid. Meh, half of the ink blots didn't have my choices available anyway, so I don't think I'm buying their viewpoint.

Same here, only 1 or two actually seemed to fit ANY of the options available.
Same here, only 1 or two actually seemed to fit ANY of the options available.

They all looked like some sexual organ or another to me...none of them had what I saw that just proves wethink way outside the box
Posted via Mobile Device
Your result for Sexual Love Personality Test ...
Everyday Lover

~ When work, commitment, and pleasure all become one and you reach that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible. ~ Unknown
You are the average everyday person. You are more than likely married or have been married and went for the white picket fence, car, and 2.4 kids and a dog. This does not make you boring, far from it. You have a wide range of ideas and activities that keep you gong.
You look to improve relationships and constantly are doing things for other people. You have a lot of responsibility and may sometimes let things go you wish you hadn't.
The biggest challenge for you is to keep things level and not let everything get mundane. If this happens you may be tempted to stray in your relationship. You have to remember to keep things new and fresh to keep that from happening. Make time to make things happen.
More than likely you have a set way of doing things and don't often stray from the norm; however, when you do and it works you think you should do it more often.
You abide mostly by societies views, ideas, and moral structures.
Colorful Lover


~ It is the passion that is in a kiss that gives to it its sweetness; it is the affection in a kiss that sanctifies it. ~ Christian Nevell Bovee

You not only like sex, but you've come to terms with it in your everyday life. You don't mind speaking about it, perhaps even in an offhand manner. This doesn't meant that you accept the rather bizarre forms of sex, but for you it's a more "to each his own" philosophy. You know what you like and they are welcome to like what they like. You may discuss it, but it doesn't mean that you're going to try it.

You don't mind using some sex toys in your relationship, but you may not want to buy things that you know you'll never use, not even for experimentation. Although, you may have no qualms in teasing someone about using them.

You try to keep things fresh and exciting. You like things such as lingerie, silk sheets, and visuals like candlelight. In some ways you are a romantic.

Where you don't mind letting people know you have sex and you like it, you don't always go talking about it. But if someone has a question you are there for suggestions.

You tend to keep your relationships and experimentations private.

You scored 20% on Paranoid, higher than 25% of your peers.

You scored 37% on Extroverted, higher than 87% of your peers.

You scored 27% on Introverted, higher than 53% of your peers.

You scored 37% on Average, higher than 23% of your peers.

You scored 27% on Kinky, higher than 71% of your peers.

You scored 13% on Perverted, higher than 53% of your peers.

You scored 10% on Deviant, higher than 35% of your peers.
Reluctant Lover

~ Love without passion is dreary; passion without love is horrific. ~ Lord Byron
People that fall into this category generally have a background with a religious upbringing. They don't talk about sex or put their sexuality out there. They believe that sex is private and should be shared between two people that are married or committed to one another.
These people fall into the group of being quite traditional. They are not into trying new sexual techniques or using toys for sexual stimulation. Sex is not something that you discuss outside of the confines of your bedroom.
Some people in this category stick to the concept that sex is used for procreation and not recreation. You may find that people in this category do not necessarily like sex. Oral sex may even be a distasteful concept and hard for them to even consider trying.
It is safe to say that people in this category do not believe in anything other than monogamy. They are not ever likely to be caught sleeping nude.
This is not because they are prudes, but it is because they live by a set of principles they feel are important.

This is not true for me
We cant all be colorful :m173: there would be sex on every street corner...We would get no work markets would crumble crumble...society would fall fall...

you mean the world needs ditch diggers too?
Cautious Lover
Your background is probably one that has been started with violence or fear based. It has made it difficult for you to open up sexually. More than likely you were traumatized by something that you have not forgotten. You could be a victim of a crime or the child of an overprotective parent.
It may not be that you don't enjoy sexual activity, but you are not really open to trying new things. You feel more secure in routine and things that you can control.
In love you may have had several bad relationships, or have been in a relationship where you were abused or cheated upon. You would have to feel very secure with someone in order for them to be able to lure you out of your zone.
Saying this, you are not likely to do one night stands or pick up a stranger in a bar. You prefer doing things the old fashioned way. If you are single, you more than likely don't appreciate well meaning friends that try and set you up on blind dates.
You may feel a bit insecure in a marriage where your spouse spends a lot of time away from home as you fear that he/she may not be faithful. It's not something you probably voice, but keep inside. This can cause some anxiety.
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The Hidden Lover

~The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions.~ Alfred Lord Tennyson

I always think ink blots look like vaginas, meh anyways here's what I got.

I think many presumptions are made here and am slightly insulted that being sexually open gets equated to being a "cheater". Some of the questions I found very hard to answer because there really was no right answer for me. Or the lumped two semi-related things together for example linking domination with bondage, etc. I think the test was decent overall but it seemed to try and kind of "push" you one way or another.