Seeing Other Folks' Auras?


Peace Through Action
Does anyone here have this ability?

Which aura attracts you?

Which one causes you to walk quietly in the other direction?
Does anyone here have this ability?

Which aura attracts you?

Which one causes you to walk quietly in the other direction?

Do you have this ability? That is so amazing, I've always been interested in it.

Which aura attracts you and which causes you to turn away?
I've never had it, but I'd love to hear the stories of those that do :B
According to tests, I'm supposed to have a violet or indigo aura...
I have a variant form...I don't see the colorful ones most people describe...I see waving pulsing gas like clouds around people. The more disturbed they are the more I stay away...the calmer they are the easier it is for me to handle.
I'm not sure if I do?

I pay a lot of attention to color, soo. how can I describe this. A person's presentation of him/herself reminds me of a color. So maybe it is what I'm seeing, but I am still somwhat programmed to live in a solely physical concrete world. So not sure.

I'm usually attracted to people I see as Blue-ish. I tend to stay away from Red.

I just read this: "Blue: Balanced existence, sustaining life, eased nerve system, transmitting forces and energy. People with blue strong point in their Aura are relaxed, balanced and feel ready to live in a cave and survive. They are born survivors. Blue thought is a thought about relaxing the nerve system to achieve the balance of the mind or a thought about surviving. "

and Red: "Red: materialistic thoughts, thoughts about the physical body. Predominantly red Aura indicates materialistically oriented person."

sounds about right for me.....
I have a variant form...I don't see the colorful ones most people describe...I see waving pulsing gas like clouds around people. The more disturbed they are the more I stay away...the calmer they are the easier it is for me to handle.

Wow. I'm gonna start looking for that....
I can't see auras, but I believe that I can sense them, and that I use them as an indirect tool. I am quite adept at reading people.
I can't see auras, but I believe that I can sense them, and that I use them as an indirect tool. I am quite adept at reading people.

I would say that, if anything, this would be me too. I can feel people around me, which is annoying a lot of the time.
I can't see auras, but I believe that I can sense them, and that I use them as an indirect tool.

I feel the same way.. like I can sense them about an individual..
I can't see auras, but I believe that I can sense them, and that I use them as an indirect tool. I am quite adept at reading people.

I know what you're saying! I've been crying all morning reading these forums!!!

I don't feel f*ckin WEIRD for once in my life!!!! scuse my language!
I would say that, if anything, this would be me too. I can feel people around me, which is annoying a lot of the time.

Yeah!! When I'm supposed to be out enjoying myself, dancing and being a little buzzed, instead I have all this sensory overload. I've learned to incorporate it somehow into the fun.

It still gets annoying. I would like to not see all this stuff for once and be happily and blissfully ignorant while the carjacker is standing by sipping his draft and smiling, all while evaluating who will he follow to that 3 minute red-light....
Yeah!! When I'm supposed to be out enjoying myself, dancing and being a little buzzed, instead I have all this sensory overload. I've learned to incorporate it somehow into the fun.

It still gets annoying. I would like to not see all this stuff for once and be happily and blissfully ignorant while the carjacker is standing by sipping his draft and smiling, all while evaluating who will he follow to that 3 minute red-light....

Or the teenage kid waiting around the corner ready to mug the next person that walks around the corner...Seriously hate that...Blissfully ignorant would be nice sometimes...
I can't say i have this ability, but i think i can sense people's energy - i'm very aware of their perceptions and attitudes, although i'm not sure i'm always right in my estimations or interpretations of their behavior.
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The Aura theory sounds like created by INFJ, but not every INFJ would embrace the same theory. More likely, each INFJ would have their own version of some theory with functionality similar to the Aura theory.

I believe to some extent I'm able to sense how people were treated by their family or guardians. Not very clearly, don't expect me to be able to explain, and nevertheless some general feeling about it. The people that were hurt have more power to hurt me, because I empathize with them.
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The Aura theory sounds like created by INFJ, but not every INFJ would embrace the same theory. More likely, each INFJ would have their own version of some theory with functionality similar to the Aura theory.

I believe to some extent I'm able to sense how people were treated by their family or guardians. Not very clearly, don't expect me to be able to explain, and nevertheless some general feeling about it. The people that were hurt have more power to hurt me, because I empathize with them.

hmmm....I would never hurt you or anyone else...and i was definitely hurt as a child...I empathize with you, though i would not blame you for hurting me just because I understand and feel what you feel...
Does anyone here have this ability?

Which aura attracts you?

Which one causes you to walk quietly in the other direction?

Er, no. I can't say I see auras. I do believe that people do give off certain "energies" that are actually microexpressions and that some people (I'm assuming that a strong Ni would be the MBTI equivalent) are subconsciously more sensitive to these physiological patterns. And this is the explanation I stand by when I say that some people really do give me the heebeejeebies while others give me warm fuzzies without me being able to tell just why.

But auras in the traditional, New Age sense? Hmm.

I suppose my skepticism on all this business hinges on the fact that there is so much of this New Age literature floating out there, communicating what you're supposed to see and we end up having the Forer Effect to thank for most encounters with this subject validation of this described phenomena. Would you be able to see coloured auras if nobody told you that auras are supposed to be a certain colour? Would you be able to see them if there wasn't literature confirming that certain MBTI types are prone to ESP-esque phenomena?

I'll be the first to say that my intuition is many things, but it isn't free from cognitive biases.

But each to their own, I guess. Wasn't my intention to rain on anyone's parade... :)

*bows out gracefully*