Romantic Drive

What is your romantic drive?

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Capitalist pig
Note: Not to be confused with SEXUAL drive; this thread is talking about your romantic drive.

Romance would be...the craving for emotional intimacy, closeness, etc.

We're not talking about wining and dining and roses and pedals persay. Romantic drive is all about emotional needs in a relationship. How high is your romantic drive?

Is emotional intimacy and the very top of your head, all of the time? Or is it sometimes thought about, occasionally?

Is emotionally intimacy something you NEVER experience?

I voted high because I'm not sure what the average romantic drive is.
Since I haven't been in a romantic relationship for quite sometime, I go through periods of either or. Some days are better than others, but when need for intimacy comes up it can be very overwhelming. I voted extremely high because when this need crops up it pushes every other thought out of my head, can be very depressing when you are all alone.
I really don't know, so I said average.

Ever so often, I'll go through a phase where I'll crave intimacy and closeness; it'll bleed into the things I write and I'll think about it a lot. Most of the time, however, romance only occasionally crosses my mind. I'll flirt and joke around, of course, but intimacy with another person isn't really a priority, I would say. I'm in a place in my life right now where I'm more focused on myself.
Since I haven't been in a romantic relationship for quite sometime, I go through periods of either or. Some days are better than others, but when need for intimacy comes up it can be very overwhelming. I voted extremely high because when this need crops up it pushes every other thought out of my head, can be very depressing when you are all alone.


Although to be honest, I wouldn't call mine a "romantic drive" - but I'm not sure what to call it. I want to be with someone for reasons beyond emotional or physical intimacy. I guess maybe I could call it a "soul drive" or a "soul bond."
I'm fairly low on the scale. Don't really want a partner, sometimes wonder what it would be like, but ever since I was a kid I always imagined growing up and being in my thirties in a penthouse apartment in some city like newyork that has white walls, white carpet and black mod furniture without any spouse, kids, or pets. Just me, all alone, with no friends, and a very productive business life. Yuppp.
I like to be romantic and I like romance in general.
Since I haven't been in a romantic relationship for quite sometime, I go through periods of either or. Some days are better than others, but when need for intimacy comes up it can be very overwhelming. I voted extremely high because when this need crops up it pushes every other thought out of my head, can be very depressing when you are all alone.

Same here. That's why I said high. Its just high enough to be really annoying but not high enough to make me do something foolish because of it.
I'm pretty much a complete sucker for anything romantic, including emotional intimacy and closeness. I'm a romantic slogging along in a world that demands praticality. Poor me. LOL!
Mine is extremely high, and I've accepted that need won't always be met in a relationship. I try be realistic about what my partner can provide, otherwise I could push him away by being too needy or clingy.
Now, are you talking about this in general or within a relationship? Cuz i don't think the craving for emotional intimacy in a relationship is the same as having a general want or desire for emotional intimacy.
A general want/desire for romance; this can be within or without a relationship. Those who do not desire romantic intimacy at all will likely not be entering a relationship with anyone.
Although I'm seldom in relationships (maybe it's because I'm not the best at picking partners) I have a high desire for emotional intimacy and relations. Almost all of my prose writing and all of my songwriting is about it...or more likely lack of.
Since I haven't been in a romantic relationship for quite sometime, I go through periods of either or. Some days are better than others, but when need for intimacy comes up it can be very overwhelming. I voted extremely high because when this need crops up it pushes every other thought out of my head, can be very depressing when you are all alone.

Sigh....I know what you're talking about Skathac...It can be very depressing even with you're with someone - but they can't FEEL a thing - about themselves AND discount feelings all together.

That's what I'm still married to at the moment.

Although to be honest, I wouldn't call mine a "romantic drive" - but I'm not sure what to call it. I want to be with someone for reasons beyond emotional or physical intimacy. I guess maybe I could call it a "soul drive" or a "soul bond."

I voted extremely high. I need this - a soul bond.

Did you know that there are magnetic lines connecting the sun to the earth off and on every day. Scientists have measured it.

I envision energy lines streaming from my heart snagging other hearts as I travel along my path in life. This enables me to help them when I can.
But there's one really large energy force from my heart that needs another heart to attach to to help me feel stable and balanced. Like a molecule needing another electron to form a valence? bond.
I voted high. I really prefer being alone most of the time, but sometimes there's a very strong craving for that intimacy and the ability to truly share yourself with someone on that kind of level. I try not to think about it too much, because it's one of those things that you can't just obtain any time you want it. Patience can be difficult in these matters.
Voted high. Not that always-thinking-and-needing-love, nor do I got appealed much to the idea of being saved by love per se. Sometimes I just want pure physical intimacy. But the soul bond idea is very, very, VERY tempting to hear, and very alluring to have.
Again, we're noting that intimacy is not PHYSICAL intimacy; it is emotional.