Risk Takers?


Time Lord
I very rarely take risks, I'm always measuring the possible outcomes an event might have and while doing so I constantly try to figure out the risk to reward ratio.

The problem is that it is absurdly rare for the reward to match up with the risk, little less overcome it.

I believe it has made me obverse to change in most aspects as I rarely see how the reward is worth the risk of changing the already laid system, especially if the system in place already works.

With that being said, if I can identify the reward and the risk and determine that the reward is indeed great enough then I'll give it 111% percent of my energy.

How about you guys, are you risk takers, or are you like me?
I never jump into risky situation unless there is something to gain from it. It's senseless to me to have to deal with risks when they don't bring you anything beneficial in return. However, I do not avoid risky situations just because the are risky, nor do I jump in for the thrill.

If they are necessary, then I'll go right in with a solid plan. I think ahead of my actions and every single consequence accordingly. I also lay out every possible outcome I can think of and prepare a back up plan.

So in essence, I end up with this entangled and connected web of thoughts, actions and responses.

I don't mind taking risks, but I take them with a well thought-out plan ready in hand. Of-course, sometimes things happen that you don't expect and that's when "you have to roll a hard six". ;)
I'm actually worse than you. Any risk at all scares me. I deliberately structure my life in such a way as to avoid risks. I always have, and I probably always will.
I'm not generally a risk taker, but when I'm in a situation where I'm really in the moment, I'll take a "risk." When I was a kid and people did dares, if it looked fun, I'd do it (and usually end up getting hurt). I also found at a young age that it's a lot easier to say sorry and ask for forgiveness without asking permission, then asking permission and doing it anyway.

I've done some pretty stupid things when it came to taking risks, and I paid the price at times. As long as no one is unwillingly being involved/hurt, I think about taking the risk.
I tend to take calculated risks. There have been times in my life where I took risks that could have left me dead or very likely paralyzed in retrospect. This was primarily in Mississippi, where there were many really deep drainage type ravines and deadfall trees everywhere from Katrina. I could choose the safe and slow route, or the fast and extremely dangerous route. I'm an acrophobic, so anytime I was crossing a dropoff of 20+ft over a dead tree...the risk was foremost in my mind and I was fighting very hard with my fear to keep from falling. I learned to move fast and don't think about things too much, sometimes it works...sometimes it doesn't. It was really rough when I would run a transect up an incline and encounter a wall of dead trees, sometimes I'd climb up between them, sometimes over them...knowing that my 230+lb frame may or may not shift the pile, but not wanting to waste time and not wanting to ruin my bearing(I can't stand my bearing being off). I had some close calls, had some moments where the pile fell after I was out of danger and having a cigarette...then I'd look down and think about what I might look like in that twisted pile of mess.

So yeah risk, I like the board game...I've taken em before, most of the time though I prefer them to be properly calculated. Sometimes though yah just gotta shoot from the hip.
I usually take risks in fun, meaningless ways. I have a group of friends that are really hardcore risk takers who do dangerous things for fun, like jumping off bridges and such. I don't do most of the things they do, but if I feel the risk is not likely to cause harm or permanent damage, I'll try it. I've never run into any problems in that vein of risk taking, since I only do things that are a bit risky, but never over the top.
On the other hand, when I'm hiking or travelling somewhere, I like to explore and stray from the tried and true, like going down a dirt road that looks abandoned, or taking a new trail. I just have to be constantly in tune with my intuition, and I'll turn around if things get too dangerous.
With money, relationships, or work I'll almost never take risks. I don't like compromising the things I care most about.

So I guess you could say I'll take semi-risks. I like to push the boundary of the predictable and be a bit spontaneous, but in a very measured way. I've found that life can be more exciting and teach you a lot if you take at least a few risks, just as long as you don't risk so much that the result could impact your life beyond what you can handle.
I am a recreational risk - taker. By that, I mean, that if it is highly likely a risky (acceptable) activity will be fun, I'll take the risk.... but only when I feel like recreating.

Otherwise, if the benefit is financial/social/etc. I'm not much of a risk-taker.
I've been an adrenaline junky all my life. I've started three companies, been in two major law suits financed by second mortgages on houses, and, when I ski, I take chances I shouldn't take. Risk makes me feel alive. Sometimes I have ideas that I have to see to completion, and this takes risk because it usually means putting yourself on the line while you're spending other people's (investors') money.

However, the most important risk you take in life is being honest and expressing your feelings when you truly love someone. When unrequited this can be terribly painful but you get over it. But when the feeling is mutual, what joy!
I see risks as the admission fee to a show I want to see. This of course implies that I did my homework/due diligence.
Yes...thats me. I find that I am truly alive when I do things that challenge myself. It is not so much about the adrenaline rush...it is more about ...growth and living life. Life is so short.
I ski, race dirt bikes, enjoy scubadiving...want to go skydiving this fall :D ... at the end of each accomplishment I feel stronger.
Rogue, I think I'm in love with you just from reading that! When I was in my 20s I was an adrenaline junkie. I've ridden motorcycles at 120mph (It's like riding on a BB at that speed), hitchhiking for fun, and taking large doses of recreational drugs. A dear friend and I used to shoplift when we were teenagers just to see if we could get away with it. We always did. Sometimes I think I used all my adrenaline up and that's why I'm so staid now. One time another friend and I decided to go canoeing after a 3 day rain where the water was so fast that when the canoe capsized, I managed to grab a tree that had fallen into the water near the bank, and the current pulled my pants off! I guess I got all that stuff outta my system. I'm now satisified watching others do that stuff on TV.
Rogue, I think I'm in love with you just from reading that! When I was in my 20s I was an adrenaline junkie. I've ridden motorcycles at 120mph (It's like riding on a BB at that speed), hitchhiking for fun, and taking large doses of recreational drugs. A dear friend and I used to shoplift when we were teenagers just to see if we could get away with it. We always did. Sometimes I think I used all my adrenaline up and that's why I'm so staid now. One time another friend and I decided to go canoeing after a 3 day rain where the water was so fast that when the canoe capsized, I managed to grab a tree that had fallen into the water near the bank, and the current pulled my pants off! I guess I got all that stuff outta my system. I'm now satisified watching others do that stuff on TV.

Wow... that is crazy :) I never did drugs...I just figured if I was doing something dangerous...expanding myself/not too stupid that I should have all of my senses intact ;)

That's because you are.
You are so right.
I like risks.
I am NOT a risk taker at all. I am highly risk adverse and avoid them like the plauge. I will take risks when I can perceive that the chance of things going bad are very low, and I am right with it very often.

I really detest any kind of risk at all, and if someone puts me in a risky situation I get very very stressed out and will ditch everything and everyone to get out of it.