Rich with many financial obligations or broke with no debt? | INFJ Forum

Rich with many financial obligations or broke with no debt?


Sep 5, 2009
Rich with many financial and social obligations or broke with no debt? Which would you choose? Why? Which option gives you more freedom?
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On the one hand, the answer to this question may lie in why I were rich or broke.
On the other hand, "many social obligations" makes me cringe and lean toward choosing to be broke.
More realistically, given the state of my life, I would probably choose broke with no debt because I am single, without dependants, and given my educational background and the economic climate it would probably be less of a hassle for me to earn enough money to move out of being broke (while remaining debt free) than it would to get rid of my financial and social obligations whilst remaining relatively wealthy.
If this were to not be the case, I would choose rich. Money is essential to my well-being. I don't dabble in greed, but I'd like to be free to live my life as I wish to live it without having to worry about being able to afford my values, interests, and needs.
Either way, I'd choose whatever better and sooner enabled me to be free to live my life.
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Although I'd want to be the saint who says, I'd rather be broke and be happy with what I have, I'd opt for rich and obligation, because with that obligation comes privilege, resources, or opportunities to help people in different ways. Yeah, all the obligation would be a headache and would probably lessen my sense of freedom since obligation can become a prison. However, at least I'd be able to help someone besides myself better their circumstances.
Broke with no debt. You can always make more money... if you know how.
Rich. I can make more money with money. Being broke I have to get an "honest" job.
My happiest times were when I struggled the most. Now I'm sort of comfortable. I wouldn't give what I have away, but I do miss times when I had only a few concerns. I seem to have a lot on my mind and hate being owned. But I take responsibility seriously and just do what I have to do.
I think broke with no debt. I love the idea of being able to help/take care of people with my money, but the level of obligation that comes with being rich weighs me down. And I still manage to help/take care of people now without riches, so I think I could still be useful.

Right now I'm sort of broke with lots of school loan debt that feels like it will never go away. So I could be entirely biased because of that. :eek:)
Broke with no debt. As long as you owe people or companies money, you are never as rich as your income would suggest. A great deal of that is always going to be going in someone else's hands. If you are broke or low income and you don't owe anyone then you have opportunities to build your wealth anyway.
I could move that money offshore and buy a new life. Woo hoo!
The no debt thing seals the deal for me.
Rich first to pay off all of my debts until I am broke and not owing anyone a single thing.

There will always be social obligations, unless I choose to become a hermit...which, knowing me, is very likely. lol
Well if you have "lots" of financial obligations if you are rich... and seeing as the OP pitted the two against each other, suggesting the two are basically equal... then in this case rich and poor mean the same thing. You have to work hard to get by in both situations.

I'd say it really wouldn't matter to me either way. I like being social, but that little "obligation" word is a boner kill for me, so I might choose being poor. This might end up being a self-fulfilling prophecy lol.
I could move that money offshore and buy a new life. Woo hoo!

Fuck, you stole my idea.

But yeah, third option: take my money, move it all into an account in the Caymans, move there under a new name, enjoy peace and prosperity/philanthropy/stock brokerage.
Just financial obligations? Like, money goes out of my account but I still have enough left to be 'rich'?

Because I have no aspiration to the 'cultural' aspects of being rich. Going to exclusive places and thinking I'm a somebody but you do need money for everything these days. Well, a lot of things. I don't want things as much as I want experiences and experiences cost money too. It's the freedom to experience things that money brings that I want, I couldn't care less about status. Money would free me from that.

If I have to be a part of the rich culture, and not even really have much money...and have obligations; I'd rather be poor. It's not that bad, I'm pretty broke now.

But it isn't much fun either. I'd say having money with no freedom is pointless though. Some people want all that but I'd like nothing less than to find myself almost rich and social climbing...*shudder*
I would choose somewhere in between. But if i had to choose, definitely poor with no debt. Because it gives me freedom :)

I'm not cut out for being rich and with a lot of money obligations. I just don't like money :) Or maybe i don't like what it does to people.
Rich with many financial and social obligations or broke with no debt? Which would you choose? Why? Which option gives you more freedom?

studying the wording of this question, i'd opt for broke and debt free cause being broke doesn't mean being poor

financial and social obligation?
i'm not feelin' it lol
Well I've been broke and debt free most my life so I think I'd choose rich with many financial and social obligations...wouldn't take me long to remove debt from the equation.
Rich with many financial and social obligations or broke with no debt? Which would you choose? Why? Which option gives you more freedom?
Ive been broke with no debt, I'd take the rich option. The social obligations aspect could be remedied with a few expensive creature comforts :3